Vampire Pregnancy (1)

With the King lost in his reminiscent thoughts about how he had come to meet the man who later became his Chamberlain, that same person was also lost in some deep thoughts.

Reina had no clue that King Zander was visiting a distant past where her predecessor had saved him and requested to follow him.

In fact, she still had no memories regarding that time as they had not yet been triggered in her mind.

The fatal flaw in her current situation was that she would not be able to get a good grasp of Rein's memories that were stored in her mind unless they were triggered one way or the other.

Just like the ones which had been triggered during her lengthy conversation with the old physician who had come over to check on Rein and also to hand over the medicines he had prepared for the chamberlain.

After Reina had managed to trick him into revealing a huge chunk of information under the guise of a laid-back conversation, the old man had helped her a great deal unknowingly.

Thanks to their conversation, many of the memories residing in her mind which belonged to her predecessor had been successfully triggered.

With these memories now making sense to the young vampire, she was able to grasp what she had heard from him earlier.

One of the first topics he had touched upon was Rein's unique physique.

A vampire who had lived so far without consuming blood was a strange anomaly that could not be found easily.

Though there were other people who also lived like Rein, due to whatever their reasons might be, there had never been one who possessed blood as pure as Rein's.

'She must've had a lot of self-restraint.' Reina commended her predecessor for having such control over her body's innate urge to consume blood for such a long time.

She had taken over this body for just one whole day yet she had felt that urge from last night to be unbearable.

Even after eating to fill her stomach, she was still hungry but she had not realized what it meant last night.

Only after her conversation with the old physician had she understood the cause of the strange pangs she had felt in her stomach even after eating.

However, just like her predecessor, she too had no intention of consuming blood as the very thought of it was making her nauseous.

Therefore, the deal she had made between the old physician and her was one which she was looking forward to.

'He even spoke so much about many different aspects of a vampire's life.' The human who now possessed the body of a young vampire was thankful for his chatty nature.

Through his detailed explanations, Reina had grasped quite a few important aspects that, though Doctor Bundt had not known, were in connection to her predecessor.

One of the topics that had triggered her memory while she was learning about the pure blood that Rein possessed was regarding Vampire pregnancies.

Back then, the memory concerning this matter had been triggered and now she was free to focus on what she had learned, allowing her to mull over it.

'Just like other races, Vampires consider bloodline to be precious; however, they could not procreate at the same pace as the rest.' She recalled what she had heard from the physician which matched the information she found in her memories.

Compared to the werewolf clans which had the highest rate of reproducing and bringing about newer generations into this world, Vampires were on the opposite end of the spectrum.

To conceive a child was a task accomplished after a lot of struggles for vampires.

Hence utmost care was to be taken to ensure that the female vampire was comfortable and gave birth to a healthy child at the end of her pregnancy term.

Reina had already heard about what took place in cases where the mother is unable to feed its fetus the amount of life essence that it requires.

Therefore, she shook her head and decided to focus on other matters which she had only heard briefly from the old man.

'Rein was quite knowledgeable.' She praised her predecessor for knowing a lot about what she and the old physician had spoken about earlier.

According to the memories which had been triggered during that conversation and were now clear in her mind, Reina knew of the reason why it was so difficult for a female vampire to conceive and give birth.

Vampires grew at a different pace when compared to the rest of the races.

They also stopped aging after reaching a certain age.

'But they aren't immortals.' She noted the misconception which she had thanks to the information she had possessed from her previous world.

Vampire babies were just like the rest however, they had rapid growth until their adolescence.

Though once they go through puberty, their aging slows down.

Even a vampire who was well into their thirties would look like someone who was barely eighteen.

'So it's delayed aging?' She inferred while rubbing her chin.

Slowly turning over to the mirror mounted on the wall, the young vampire wondered how old Rein's age was as she still had no clue about it.

Judging from the face she saw in the mirror, her guess would be somewhere around her early to mid-twenties.

However, it could be tricky to figure out the exact age and hence did not waste too much time while playing the guessing game.

Hoping to gain that memory soon enough, Reina hopped to the next memory that had been triggered earlier.

Thanks to Doctor Bundt's assistance, she had figured out why there were fewer vampires in comparison to the other races.

Even in Valanthur, though Vampires formed the upper echelon of the kingdom, their population was low.

The sole reason for this was not only the difficulty to complete the full term of pregnancy but the actual process of getting pregnant.

Due to the delayed aging and the other bodily characteristics of vampires, there were certain limitations to this process.

After a female vampire goes through puberty and her reproductive system matures within her body, she possesses the ability to conceive and give birth to her child.

However, this could only take place under predetermined circumstances which had been tried and tested from the very beginning of the creation of this world.

'In my world, getting drunk and sleeping with someone is the easiest way to get pregnant.' Rein groaned while her mind began to wrap itself around the information why getting a female vampire pregnant was such a herculean task in this world.