Rein's Journey To The Capital

Treegan never would have thought that they would meet once again and in such a short period of time.

However, the rest of the group was ecstatic to see a familiar face in this unknown place.

"Rein!" The chef was the first to call out the name of the boy they had just separated from not too long ago.

The young boy from earlier seemed to have changed into a pale brown robe but the shape and design of his attire were similar to the previous one he had worn when they were in the forest together.

King Zander too noticed that the boy looked fresh as though he had washed up which made him realize that it had been days since he had the luxury of taking a warm bath.

Though he soon snapped out of his desire for regaining that luxury when he noticed that Rein was effortlessly conversing with the children.

Rein spoke the language that the children understood and the boys even replied to his words, making it clear that they comprehended what the other had just said.

"Rein can speak their language?" General Espren muttered in confusion after witnessing this sight.

Only when Rein had completed speaking to the children did he raise his head and look in their direction.

"We meet again." He bowed to the people with whom he had spent a few days together in the forest.

Treegan was curious to know what this man was doing here when they had gone their separate ways earlier.

"I entered the village from the East entrance and it looks like your group did the same but from the West." Rein did not object as he cleared the confusion and doubts apparent on their faces.

He also revealed that he had reached this place about two hours ago and the villagers were hospitable enough to give him a place to stay for the night and also a few other amenities to make his stay an enjoyable one.

This statement worked in pointing out to the King's entourage that while they were struggling to be understood by these natives, Rein was enjoying a warm bath followed by a nap to recuperate his lost energy.

Only when the children had called out to him did he get off the comfortable cot and step outside only to find them here as well.

Though not believing his story entirely, Treegan nodded before inquiring about what the children had said earlier.

The King raised his brow when he observed a reluctant look appear on the young vampire's face.

However, Treegan's eager insistence in knowing the answer forced him to reveal what the children had mentioned after bringing their group here.

"They said that your dance was too embarrassing and when they heard you speak in the same language that I had first used, they brought you here so that you might stop." Rein replied with a red face before coughing and looking away.

Upon hearing the reason why the children had only dragged Treegan all the way here, the rest of the men could not help but let out a chortle.

The gesticulation that he had been using to convey his message to the natives who could not understand their language had been taken as an embarrassing dance by the villagers.

The children had gone so far as to drag him away lest he continued to embarrass himself before the other villagers as well.

Gaining this response from Rein made it impossible for them to remain unaffected as many broke out into peels of laughter.

Only King Zander remained stoic while Treegan scowled at his fellow men who were laughing at his expense.

Finding them unable to stop laughing made him glare at the children who had made fun of him and also at the young man who had revealed this matter to them, making him a laughing stock.

However, Rein shook his head as though none of this was his fault as he was only replying to the question that Treegan had posed and even forced him to answer.

Before Treegan could retort, King Zander cut him off as there were more important matters at hand.

"Can you ask them for directions to the Capital?" He inquired, hoping to find a positive reply from the young man.

"I do not have to." Rein answered almost immediately, eliciting frowns from everyone who understood his words.

"I can show you the way." He explained with a kind smile before they could misunderstand.

However, it looked like they were still hesitant about bringing Rein along with them on their journey.

Noticing this resistance from them, Rein did not wish to force them into doing anything that they were not comfortable with.

Therefore, he promised to draw them a route map that would lead them to the Capital with ease.

"You can stay here for the night and prepare for your journey tomorrow morning." He offered after a moment's thought.

Treegan felt it odd that Rein wasn't even seeking permission from the people of this village before making such a bold suggestion.

"Why would they help us?" King Zander interrogated, wondering if Rein had close ties with the people of this village.

After all, he knew the language they spoke, the routes to the Capital, and even spoke with such authority in this place.

These observations made the King wonder if Rein was someone with high prestige in this village.

However, the young vampire's answer cleared such doubtful speculations from his mind.

"I offered them a few items that I had carried along." He revealed how he had gotten the villagers to be so friendly towards him.

In exchange for a few rare items, they had given him an exclusive hut and were kind to him since he had entered this village.

The credit for this hospitality was the offering he had made to the Elder of this village who had later passed an order that this visitor was a special guest and everyone needed to take care of them while they remained here.

Rein did not hide what had taken place and revealed why he received such good treatment from these people.

King Zander was impressed with his way of dealing with things and agreed with the proposal he had put forward.


Seated inside his personal office attached to his bed chambers in the Valanthur Royal Palace, the King sighed once again while thinking of the past.


The separation which was set to happen the next morning after they reunited in that village never did take place.

As promised, while their entourage went to wash up and change into fresh clothes, Rein had drawn a detailed route map with the help of the locals of that village.

The villagers treated them with care after finding out that they were with Rein.

Treegan and the rest too enjoyed the exotic dinner served and took turns to rest during the night.

When dawn arrived, the King and his entourage were ready to head out but not before accomplishing one more task.

Last night, King Zander had witnessed how essential Rein's presence was when he helped them converse with the natives here.

Without his assistance, they would not have been able to understand the villagers, and neither would they have received the map for their journey ahead.

Therefore, this time it was King Zander's turn to put forth a proposal.

"Would you like to join us?" He inquired before setting out on their journey to the Capital of that Kingdom.

Treegan sulked as Rein agreed without hesitation and accompanied them on their journey.


Thinking back to how they had met and never separated after that incident, King Zander could not help but shake his head.

'He proved himself to be a valuable asset.' He recalled as Rein's presence worked in their favor even in the Royal Palace of that Kingdom.

It was Rein's interpretation skills that had aided in securing the peace treaty between Valanthur and that particular Kingdom.

At the Palace, King Zander had finally revealed his true identity to Rein who was surprised and overjoyed to have journeyed with a King from a great Kingdom.

There Rein revealed that he wished to continue following him and even promised to serve him with all his might if he could stay with him but the King did not respond right away.

On the day they were set to return to Valanthur from that Kingdom, King Zander had made the final decision that changed the course of that youngster's life.

The King had seen potential in the young vampire as they had journeyed together until then.

Hearing that Rein did not wish to return to his hometown but follow the King, serving him, King Zander had one important question to ask of him.

"How old are you?" The answer to that question had been an acceptable one that influenced the reply that the King had given to him.

From that day to the present, Rein had proven that the King had not made the wrong decision in bringing him back to Valanthur.

The youngster had proved his worth and risen through the ranks in such a short period of time.

The evidence of this was the fact that Rein now occupied a post which was on the same level as Treegan who had been by King Zander's side since they were mere children.