Spirit Tool!

Before Mingyue could react, the Angel's tears were forced into her mouth by Solomon.

Soon, Mingyue could feel that the Angel's tears were really working. The red lines on her face were no longer hot and dry. Instead, her entire body was now so comfortable that she did not know how to express it.

Solomon approached Mingyue. He wanted to see what effect the so-called Angel's tears had on this illness.

"It's not that effective."

Solomon thought to himself.

It was just that the color was not as dark as before, and then the luster seemed to have dimmed a lot. It was not as bright as before, but it was not at the point of elimination. It could only be said that it had weakened a little. If he had not observed it... he really could not see the difference between before and after.

"Solomon, I can feel the changes in my body. I have never felt so comfortable before!"

Mingyue stood up from the floor and patted her pants lightly.

At this moment, she stretched out her right hand and was ready to touch the red lines on her face. She wanted to know if they were still there.

"How is this possible? The Angel's tears could not cure this disease?"

When Mingyue's hand touched her skin, she felt that the red lines were still there and had not disappeared. There was no difference from before.

This news was like a basin of cold water, directly extinguishing Mingyue's joyful mood.

"Don't think too pessimistically. I think you drank too little. Think about it. You've been infected with this symptom for so long. How can a drop of Angel tears cure it? At least drink a little more before giving up."

Solomon comforted her. If the system had not said that the Angel's tears had a negative effect on evolution, Solomon would not have said this at all.

After hearing Solomon's words, Mingyue also walked out from her sadness.

Solomon's words did not make sense. She had been poisoned for so long. How could she expect a drop of Angel's tears to be able to cure this infectious disease? Instead, she had already suppressed the infection speed of this infectious disease. Mingyue felt that it was pretty good. After all, she would not become a ghost quickly.

She also hated such twisted creatures. It could be said that after becoming a ghost, her body would no longer belong to her. She would be like a walking corpse, only knowing how to kill, reduced to an emotionless killing machine that was bloodthirsty and violent!

"Believe me. There will definitely be a way to cure you."

Solomon comforted her.

He originally wanted to use evolution points to evolve the Angel wings directly, but he decided to forget about it after thinking about it. If he failed again, it would be a waste.

After all, he did not know when he would find a substance that contained energy, and he could not be sure.

Next, Solomon let Mingyue live here. Nicole naturally did not have any objections. Even if she had objections, it was only when Mingyue first came. Right now, it was too late for her to feel sorry for Mingyue.

Mingyue did not think about it and directly agreed. She still needed Solomon's Angel tears to cure her infectious disease. Of course, it was to exchange for the condensed liquid instead of the entire Angel wings.

Even if the Angel tears could not eliminate the infectious disease, it was still no problem suppressing it. This was also one of the important reasons why Mingyue wanted to stay. It was already good enough to suppress it, so Mingyue did not ask for anything else.

Secondly, she felt a special sense of security with Solomon again. Even she did not know how to describe this feeling.

"Wait a moment. I'm going to get something."

Mingyue said and ran out of the door.

She ran back in less than a minute, but there was a black longbow in her hand.

"Solomon, I'll give this longbow to you. This is a spirit tool!"

"An ordinary longbow user with this longbow will have at least a 20% increase in accuracy."

Mingyue said reluctantly.

Her eyes never left this longbow.

This was a spirit tool. It was something that many people dreamed of. But there was no other way. If she wanted to trade with Solomon for the Angel tears, she had to give something of equal value in exchange.

"Why are you giving me this?"

Solomon asked. He did not know how to shoot with a longbow, and from the looks, this item was quite heavy.

The most important thing was that Solomon could see that Mingyue liked this longbow very much.

"Don't think too much. This is a trade with you. First, I'll give you the longbow. Then, after twenty days, give me two drops of Angel's tears. Including the drop I just drank, there's a total of three drops."

Mingyue directly stated her request.

She had just estimated that one drop of Angel's tears could suppress this kind of infection for about sixty days.

Therefore, Mingyue might often come to Solomon to exchange for Angel's tears in the future.

Of course, the premise was that she had to find something valuable. Otherwise, even if Solomon agreed, she would think of all ways to gather this thing. This was Mingyue's principle.

A spirit tool?

Solomon was a little stunned. This was the first time he had heard this word.

There was no need to think about it. Nicole definitely did not know either. Because he saw Nicole's blank expression, it was pointless to ask.

"What is a spirit tool?"

Solomon asked Mingyue.

This time, it was Mingyue's turn to feel strange. You are so powerful, but you actually do not know what a spirit tool is?

However, thinking about it this way, Mingyue began to answer Solomon's question. "A spirit tool is a weapon made from the materials of fierce beasts or spirit beasts. Generally speaking, it will carry some of the abilities of fierce beasts and spirit beasts when they were alive."

"Take my longbow, for example. It is made from the materials of a bird-type fierce beast, but this is only a low-grade spirit tool."

After saying this, Mingyue carefully wiped the entire longbow with the corner of her clothes as if she was looking at her own child.

Solomon thought that the spiritual energy was from the Xianxia World and thought that it was very awesome. It turned out that it was only made from the materials of fierce beasts or spirit beasts. It was not very rare. In this world, one was afraid of not meeting fierce beasts. If they really could not meet them, then it was only a matter of time. If they were late, they would meet them.

"I can't use your longbow. As for why it's because I don't know how to use it."

"However, I will still give you the Angel's tears as usual. You only need to forge a spirit tool for me."

Solomon himself knew what kind of weapon he wanted. This longbow definitely was not meant for him.

Thus, he planned to let Mingyue forge a spirit tool that belonged to him. As for the appearance, Solomon still had not thought about it.