Fourth-tier Archer!

Mingyue nodded. She felt that this deal was feasible.

"Alright, it's getting late. You should sleep with Nicole tonight. I'll tell you when I think of the appearance of the spirit tool. You can help me do it."

After saying that, Solomon entered his room and prepared to sleep. He also considered how he should make the appearance of his spirit tool.

Hearing Solomon's words, Nicole naturally did not have any objections. Instead, she directly brought Mingyue back to her room.

In the room.

"Who made these statues?"

Mingyue curiously picked up a small statue on the table and asked Nicole.

She thought that these small statues were stunning. Moreover, Nicole's room could be said to be very simple. Other than some statue decorations, there was only a wardrobe, a table, and a bed. There was nothing else.

"Solomon made these for me. If you want, ask Solomon to make one for you tomorrow."

Nicole replied.

She also felt that these sculptures were very nice. But, of course, these sculptures could not be given to Mingyue. After all, Solomon made them for Nicole. Nicole would definitely keep them well.

After listening to Nicole's words, Mingyue did not expect that Solomon also made these sculptures. How many things did this man know?

Every time he made something, it would shock Mingyue's heart.

The two of them chatted for a while. Then, perhaps it was because they were too tired or something else, they fell asleep just like that.

The next day.

Mingyue glanced at Nicole beside her. Then, seeing that she had not gotten up yet, she quietly prepared to get up.

When she walked out of the room, she heard Solomon's voice.

That's right, Solomon was preparing breakfast for today.

"Don't you want to sleep a little longer?"

Solomon said to Mingyue without turning his head.

His current perception could be said to be very powerful. He could immediately feel the fluctuations behind him. Through the frequency of the fluctuations, he could recognize who was behind him.

"Yeah, it's quite early."

Mingyue said embarrassedly.

She originally thought that she was the first to get up. She did not expect Solomon to be the first to get up. Looking at the table, it seemed that he had been up for quite a while.

Similarly, last night was the most comfortable sleep she had ever had. She had never slept so comfortably before.

The biggest reason was that she did not have many opportunities to sleep after spending a long time outside looking for the Angels wings. She also had to avoid the tracking of the fierce beasts. She was also worried that she would be seen by others and cause unnecessary trouble.

"That's good too. Wash your hands. We can eat in a while."

Solomon picked up an iron pot and placed it on the dining table. Breakfast was ready.

The jerky on the table was naturally taken from the Jack bandits.

At this moment, Nicole also woke up from her sleep.

Solomon was already used to this. Nicole would wake up as soon as breakfast was ready.

"Solomon, sister Mingyue said she wants a statue too."

At the dining table, Nicole said to Solomon.

She did not think it was troublesome. Last night, she and Mingyue had talked a lot, and their relationship had improved.

"Sure, go to my room to get it. There's still a lot on the table."

Hearing Solomon's words, Nicole grabbed Mingyue's hand and rushed into Solomon's room.

Mingyue's first thought when she entered the room was, was this still a man's room?

She saw that everything in the room was neatly arranged without any strange smell.

This made Mingyue feel very surprised. Was there such a perfect man in this world?

Thinking of this, Mingyue's cheeks began to turn red gradually.

"What are you thinking about? Come and pick."

Nicole urged.

Soon, each person took two statues out of Solomon's room and sat back down on the dining table.

"Solomon, why don't you move? You took so many things from the Jack Bandits this time. When the other side reacts, they will definitely find us."

Mingyue said.

She still felt that it was too dangerous. They had taken the items, so there was no reason for them to return them. However, if they moved to another location, the Jack bandits would not track them down. At the very least, it would be safer.

Nicole also nodded her head symbolically. This proved that she had the same thought.

"Why do we have to move? Do you think the Jack bandits will find us?"

Solomon said nonchalantly.

It would be a miracle if the Jack bandits were able to find us. It would be a problem whether or not they could climb up to where he was right now. But, with the addition of the Little Fire Dragon, there was no need to worry at all.

"Oh, right. I heard you mention the Moon Shadow tribe before. How should we go there?"

Solomon vaguely remembered that this so-called Moon Shadow tribe seemed to have something to do with that magical fish.

"You can't go now. If you had gone before, it wouldn't have been a problem. But now that the fish is in your hands, you'll be in danger if you go."

When she heard Solomon's words, Mingyue was also shocked. Could it be that this man still wanted to move the things from the Moon Shadow tribe? He was too bold.

Mingyue's words made Solomon secretly guess. Could it be that this so-called Moon Shadow tribe still had something that could detect that fish? If that was really the case, then the technology was a little advanced... it was a little similar to the radar in Solomon's mind.

"The Moon Shadow tribe has spies in the Jack bandit gang. Otherwise, how do you think the Jack bandit gang leaked the news? So naturally, these spies told the Moon Shadow tribe. The Moon Shadow tribe then sent people to spread the news through the way of bounty hunters."

"I believe that those spies will soon find out that this fish has been stolen. When that time comes, you will be in danger."

"Moreover, there are people in the Moon Shadow tribe who can detect the traces of that fish on your body. That is a terrifying thing."

"So, if you go to the Moon Shadow tribe now, you are simply courting death."

"Let's move first."

Following this, Mingyue reacted. The most important thing to worry about right now was the Jack bandits! Why were they suddenly talking about the Moon Shadow tribe?

"Don't look down on Jack. He might be a Tier 4 Berserker."

She suddenly felt that Solomon was really calm. It was as if everything was under his control.

"Then what stage are you at?"

Hearing Solomon's words, Mingyue revealed a proud expression and said, "I'm a Tier 4 Archer."

"Oh, then you're pretty good."

Mingyue exploded upon hearing this.

What do you mean 'pretty good'?

It's excellent!