Chapter:3. The Drama Queen, Savannah.

Savannah sighed as she saw her mother behaving rudely with the guy that Savannah wanted him to be her daddy.

Savannah could feel her mother, she didn't want her to become rude towards people! But, she couldn't do anything!

Savannah had no idea why her mother behaved like that with that stranger and felt uncomfortable in front of him.

She turned around to look at Aiden and saw him talking to a woman, who was continuously trying to get close to him. She saw the woman wearing a black mid thigh dress that exposed a lot of her skin and she was full of makeup.

Savannah got irritated seeing the woman getting close with the guy! Whom, she decided to make her dad! She wanted to teach that woman a lesson for trying to get close to Aiden.

She was watching him and the woman's actions carefully. And, saw that Aiden was getting bothered, and was trying to go away from her! But, the woman don't have any plans to leave Aiden alone!

But it seemed funny for Savannah as she saw how Aiden really wanted to escape away from that woman! Who was clinging on to him.

But she frowned at him! Why couldn't he just tell her that he was not interested in her! But he didn't do anything, and just tried to show on his facial expressions that he was not at all interested in the woman. But, the woman didn't leave him alone….!

Aiden sighed as his eyes fell on Savannah.

Savannah smiled at Aiden, making him smile at her.

The woman turned around to see Savannah smiling at Aiden. She boiled in anger seeing Aiden concentrating on a little girl, while he should be the one who should concentrate on her, on her beauty! She wanted to look like the most beautiful woman of that party!

Earlier, the woman tried to walk towards Aiden! But, before she could approach him, he went to Aurora Brown.

She couldn't help, but stay there until Aurora walked away from him.

That woman already noticed how Aiden eyes were on Aurora, for all the time when she entered into the hall. She was burning in jealousy, seeing his eyes on Aurora but she couldn't help it…!

Savannah slowly looked up at her mom and saw her busy talking with some business partners.

She slowly tried to release her hand from Aurora and walked towards Aiden.

"Hey, You should have told your mother before you come to me?" Aiden asked, showing his concern, as he took Savannah in his arms.

"Ahh... My Mommy is busy with her business partners." Savannah answered, making Aiden chuckle and the woman that is beside Aiden sighed.

"Sweetheart, Where is your Dad?" The woman asked, making Savannah and Aiden turn around, towards her.

"Your mom has achieved the biggest award of this time…! He should be here to celebrate this party with her, right?" That woman intently spoke out, making Savannah angry!

"Who are you to ask me about my Dad?" Savannah countered back, making the woman chuckle.

"You have the same tongue as your mother. So sharp and full of attitude. Guess, Your mother hasn't taught you any manners.'' The woman alleged, raising her eyebrows with a wicked smile on her face.

"How dare you?" Savannah asked as she got down on her feet, freeing her arms from Aiden and making him widen his eyes.

"You…! How dare you talk about my Mommy…!" Savannah said angrily at the woman.

"Jezz... This girl is crazy, just like her mother too!" The woman replied.

"Shut up!" A voice came from the behind, making all of the three turn back towards the voice and grabbing the attention around it.

They saw Aurora walking towards them.

"I am sorry…! Please continue enjoying your party!" Aurora said with a brief smile and others nodded their heads with a smile.

Aurora grabbed the woman's wrist tightly, making her look at Aurora, with her wide eyes.

"I don't care who you are, Ms. Miller! But… don't you dare try to create any drama here, like your father tries to do everywhere. You are only here on his place for this day, as he couldn't come here for this party! If you want to show off your attitude or your dad's position then show off in front of others…! But, not in front of my kid and not in my party. Look after your manners before talking about manners. She is just a kid. She has no idea what she is talking about sometimes. It's you, who should tell her what's good to say and what's bad as an adult, no matter whoever the kid is!" Aurora spoke out furiously, which made Ms. Miller gulp down her saliva.

Savannah smiled seeing the woman gulp down her saliva.

"I... I am Sorry..." Ms. Miller stuttered as the wine glass fell down from her hands and was about to spoil Aurora's dress, but Aiden pulled her away, before the wine could fall on her dress.

"Goshh…!" Savannah uttered as the glass fell down on the floor with a sound that grabbed everyone's attention around them.

"Are you alright?" Aiden asked Aurora, but the woman gritted her teeth.

"I am really sorry..." Ms. Miller said making Aurora sigh.

"Thanks and sorry for the disturbance

everyone." Aurora said to Aiden and others. She sighed and walked away from there, taking Savannah's from there.

Savannah gritted her teeth in anger as she saw Ms. Miller smirking at her and realised that she desperately tried to spill the wine on her mother's dress.

Savannah nodded her head as she turned her head and looked at Aurora.

"Mommy... Can I go get my ice cream please?" Savannah asked with her puppy eyes making Aurora sigh.

"Don't trouble anyone on your way!" Aurora said and Savannah nodded her head with a smile.

Savannah walked towards the food area and saw Aiden on her way.

She winked at him making him raise his eyebrows at her.

Savannah got her ice cream and looked at the woman talking with someone. She smiled and then looked at Aiden with an evil smile. He realised what she was about to do and shook his head at her but Savannah didn't care about him.

She walked towards Ms. Miller, without letting her know about her mischievous intentions. But, as soon as she got nearer to her, she acted as if she stumbled on her dress and threw the ice cream on Ms. Miller's dress, making her eyes wide.

"What the freaking hell? That little girl ruined my expensive dress?" Ms. Miller yelled making Aiden smile sheepishly, but what happened next stopped him from smiling.

"Mommy..." Savannah shrieked, grabbing the attention around her as she acted as if she fell down, but Ms. Miller took the advantage of it and stepped on the little girl's hand as if she did it accidentally but her little hand started bleeding.

Everyone was shocked at the moment!

"Ahhhhh…!" Savannah yelled with pain, making Aurora run towards her as she yelled!