Chapter:4. Mean Plastic face Auntie.

"Savannah…!" Aurora yelled as she saw Savannah fall down on the floor and started crying. 

Aiden quickly bent down and made her stand on her feet. 

"Angel... Are you okay?" Aiden asked as he got down to her level.

"Get away…!" Aurora shouted, getting bothered and Aiden moved away, giving Aurora the way to come closer to Savannah. 

"Savannah…my dear! Are you okay?" Aurora asked as she hugged Savannah as she cried.

"Your hand is bleeding…!!" Aurora shrieked as she looked at Savannah's hand that was bleeding and had a heel mark on her hand. 

"Mommy…!! This plastic face aunty is so mean. She asked me where my daddy is and said you and I are bitches. I don't know what that word 'bitch' means. But she said that with a scary face. I am scared of this woman. Now... She stepped on me!" 

Savannah cried aloud with tears continuously flowing from her eyes and complained to her mom, as she fell down from her eyes, making Aiden wide his eyes in shock at Savannah.

"That handsome uncle scolded her for her strange words, but she scolded me!" Savannah said as she pointed her hand at Aiden. 

"Mommy... I want to hide behind you. My hand is bleeding!" Savannah said with hiccups.

Her words shocked everyone who were present there. They had never thought that Ms. Miller was like this.

"WHAT? Why did she do that? You met her here for the first time. Did you do anything?" Aurora asked, raising her brows as she knew her daughter was a real drama queen. 

"I was just so bored and suddenly saw that this handsome uncle wasn't interested in this plastic faced aunty's conversation. But, this aunty was clinging to him. I just wanted to make it easy for uncle, but this plastic faced aunty is so mean. She insulted me and you. I am saying true. You can ask my handsome uncle." Savannah said as she blinked her big doe shaped watery eyes innocently at Aiden. 

Aiden was speechless at her acting skills and lying skills. He had no idea that this little girl was this cunning. But, he still wanted Ms. Miller to get her lesson for talking rudely with the little girl. 

So, Aiden nodded his head dazedly in yes.

"Yes. She is telling the truth." Aiden replied.

Everyone's eyes were wide open in shock!

"WHAT?" Ms. Miller shouted at Aiden. 

The onlookers started whispering about Ms.Millers and her behaviour.

"This woman has a bad influence on the child. Calling her with an abusive word BITCH." Someone among the guests added, who wanted to curry favor with Aurora. 

Aurora realized the impact of words on her daughter. Her daughter was more understanding and capable than her age. She was not affected didn't mean she didn't get hurt. That woman poked wounds off her daughter's fragile heart. 

"I will make you suffer!" Aurora said in her cold yet dominating voice to Ms. Miller. 

The temperature of the surrounding area had started rising. Others in the party could sense the change in her body language. They realized that Aurora was so angry. They wanted to pity Ms. Millers, but they realized she brought it upon herself. Some people realized she was gonna be doomed. 

"I am Ms.Millers. You can't do anything to me!" Ms. Millers said wickedly. 

"Millers family is not some heavenly family, who can do anything or they are neither invincible. You are affecting a child's mental health. No wonder why you are not liked by Mr. Kelly despite your years of chasing him." A woman snorted, making Ms. Millers angry. 

The woman walked forward towards Savannah. 

"It will hurt a little, okay?" The woman said and Savannah nodded her head slowly.

The woman poured some mild alcohol drink on Savannah's hand making her yell.

"MOMMY…!" Savannah yelled and hugged Aurora's waist. Aurora hugged her tightly while the Woman wrapped the kerchief around her hand. 

"Thank you, Aunt Cassie." Savannah said with tears in her eyes. 

"Let's not bother with the plastic face aunty. Go and have your ice cream with my daughter." Said the Kind Cassie with a smile on her face and Savannah nodded her head.

Savannah walked with Cassie's daughter but she had her ears on the conversation that was going on in the hall. 

"Birds of the same feathers flock together. She is abandoned by her husband while you are divorced by your husband. No wonder you're standing for that bastard and bitch!" Ms. Millers shouted with an angry face.

"So what? We can live in this world without the support of a man. We have beautiful angels in our lives! Instead of mocking our lives, win the R&C groups project. Don't forget your tender got cancelled for copying our company's idea." Cassie countered back.

"YOU! I never copied!" Ms. Millers replied in a panicked tone. 

"Really? Then let's prove it. The head of R&C groups is here. We can ask him right here and prove your 'innocence'," Cassie said as she stressed at the word innocence making the onlookers laugh at her.

Savannah, who left with her little friend, returned with an ice cream. But Aurora took the ice creams from both cuties and shook her head.

"No ice cream! I forgot earlier to stop you from getting it. And it's night you will catch cold," Aurora said to both the kids, making them sigh. 

"You can eat sweets though," Aurora added after a pause, noticing their disappointment. 

They both smiled and went to grab the desserts. Cassie's daughter Delcy, who saw Savannah's wound, helped her to carry the tray for her and walked towards a nearest table towards their mothers. Savannah munched the desserts as she watched the drama without blinking as she knew that she had created some heavy drama that time…!

But, she giggled as she knew that she would definitely enjoy that drama for sure. Her tricks never failed!