Chapter:5. Intelligent Savannah.

Ms. Miller panicked at the thought of the R & C Group's representative. 

"Miss, Let me take the honor of calling him, here!" Aurora chuckled as she said and looked at Ms. Millers.

But her words meant to Cassie who was supporting her

"Then I have to trouble you, Aurora." Cassie replied, making Aurora smirk.

"Adianna, Call the representative of R&C groups." Aurora asked to her assistant Adianna. 

"He is right here, President." Assistant Adianna replied. 

"Sir, could you clarify to us whether Cassie Estella's words are right or not?" Auri asked him. 

"Ms. Estella is right, Ms. Browns. 

Ms. Millers was supposed to handle this project from her company side, to impress her father

But Ms. Millers stole the project of Ms. Estella, hearing that they did pretty well. If Ms. Estella wouldn't have proved her innocence with proof then we would have thought that she is the one who plagiarized the project." He cleared his notes, slapping Ms. Millers hard on her face with his words. 

"Pfft! Hahahaha…!" Savannah laughed out loud in her childish cute voice, grabbing the attention towards her.

"Angel... Why are you laughing?" Aiden asked curiously. He wondered if she could even understand their words. 

"This plastic-faced aunty not only has a fake face but also fake skills. Hahaha…!" Savannah laughed as she amused the people around her. 

"How do you know her face is fake?" He asked with his wide eyes. 

"Handsome uncle, are you stupid or what? Can't you see the full make up on her face? I used to accompany mom to her meetings and gatherings. I learned and noticed a lot. And I noticed most of the pretty women have the same features." She facepalmed as he said.

Savannah indirectly was praising herself as a smart kid. 

"Can you understand those things?" Aiden asked as he is curious to know, not only him but also onlookers. Aurora looked proud at her daughter. As she knew that Savannah had a 150 IQ level and she understood those things very well…!

She was a girl who had a keen interest in business matters rather than wasting her time in playing. She always topped in her class. She studied very well and Aurora promised herself that she would make Savannah proud of herself one day. 

"First I couldn't understand but later I could understand a few things. Like The R&C group's work is to build three auditoriums in this country in the same beautiful style with different themes in different styles showing the culture of the native people" Savannah answered, making everyone's eyes wide. 

"This plastic-faced aunty even tried to steal it. Such a pity. Even I have an idea to make a proposal for it, unlike her." Savannah ended as she shrugged her shoulders. 

'Dammit! This little girl rocked it! She said a complicated project in a single line. She was really intelligent.' Aiden thought to himself. 

"How do you know about this project? And what is your idea?" Aiden asked as he couldn't help, but asked her immediately, there itself. 

"Uncle! Are you some stupid? Don't you know that this project is an open bid? They released the theme on paper. Of course I read it from there!" Savannah Answered making Aiden Chuckle. 

"Yeah... Sorry, My bad..." Aiden replied, making Savannah giggle. 

"And, as for the theme, everyone would try to focus on the culture and their customs. But not food. For festivals we eat only certain foods. With that we can make a proposal easily." 

Savannah said as if she looked at a fool. 

'Damn... This little girl rocked it again!' Aiden said to himself again.

Aurora's and Cassie's eyes opened their eyes widely as they looked at the kid with shock. Not only them but also the people around them. Aurora knew that she had a high IQ level but she had no idea that she was capable of thinking about proposals at this age. 

"From when you are accompanying your mom to the meetings?" Aiden asked her. 

"From the age of 5." Savannah answered.

"Damn…!!" Aiden cursed out loud. 

Murmurs arose among the crowd and the onlookers started mocking MS. Millers. 

She tried to slip away as the crowd diverted their attention towards Savannah but Aurora's assistant caught her. 

"Ms. Millers, Please don't leave!" Adiana said loudly, attracting the attention. 

"Mom... This aunty is a liar. Tell your friends to not do business with a liar." Savannah said as she jumped down from her seat. 

"Whatever my daughter asks will happen and I will make it happen," Aurora replied as she looked around the crowd.

"We will ban Miller's group from our company deals," an R & C representative announced in front of everyone, making everyone gasp. 

All were completely in shock!

"Kelly groups will also ban Miller groups," Aiden added to them, showing his support. 

Miller's group successfully grabbed the hatred of Savannah imports and exports. and Kelly groups, and R&C groups who hated the other smaller companies also made their stand!

Just like that Miller's future was destroyed in the hands of Ms.Millers.

Ms. Millers looked at the giggling Savannah and decided to get revenge for the heavy humiliation, and for destroying their company by this little girl's hands, who just exposed her. She left the venue running away as she had no face to keep her head high in that party.

The representative of R&C walked towards Savannah and introduced himself.

"Little one, why did you choose a food theme?" The representative asked as he couldn't control his curiosity. 

"Because I love food! Hahaha..." Savannah said as she laughed out loud, bringing a smile on the onlookers. 

They realized she was still a kid. And knew that she would definitely make her mother Proud of her one day in this world. But one thing was sure that a cute little devil created a tiny storm in the country tonight.