Chapter:8. The Girl he Remembers.

"Huh?" Aiden asked as he frowned at Aurora. She chuckled and looked at Savannah as she grabbed her cleaned hand.

Aurora takes band aid from the first aid kit and wraps it perfectly around Savannah's hand.

She winced as Aurora wrapped the band around her hand but Aurora took her closer and kissed her forehead making Savannah smile.

"Thank you, mommy.." Savannah said making aurora shook her head in no.

"Thank you." Aurora said to Aiden who kept looking at her.

Aiden nodded his head and smiled at Savannah, making her smile back at him.

"No worries." Aiden replied to Aurora as he caressed Savannah's hair making her giggle.

"I am glad that Savannah is fine. I couldn't see her in pain." Aiden said, making Aurora take a deep breath and she nodded her head with a forceful small smile.

"Yeah, she is fine." Aurora said as she snuggled closely to Savannah.

"Mommy... Let's go back to the party now." Savannah said, making aurora and Aiden sigh.

"Are you sure?" Aiden and Aurora asked at the same time, making Savannah smile at them.

They both looked at each other then took a deep breath and then looked at Savannah.

"Yes... I am sure. Nothing happened to me. Let me enjoy the party... Please." Savannah requested as she looked at both of them. Aiden turned his head at Aurora, making her sigh.

"Okay... Fine." Aurora replied, making Savannah and Aiden smile.

"Let's go..." Savannah said as she grabbed both of their fingers in one hand making them both blink their eyes as their fingers touch each other, and a shiver ran down their bodies making them look at each other.

"Savannah... It's uncomfortable for us to walk if you hold both of our fingers in your one hand." Aurora said as she thought that Savannah might understand and release their fingers and she did.

"Uncle Aiden, can you take me in your arms please?" Savannah asked, making Aiden smile and Aurora frown.

"Savannah.." Aurora tried to talk but aiden shook his head at aurora making her stop talking and took Savannah in her arms

They both walked inside the party and stood in front of each other.

"Savannah... Get down on your feet and let him enjoy the party." Aurora said making Savannah shook her head in no.

"What?" Aurora asked.

"I won't get down on my feet." Savannah replied, making Aurora sigh at her.

"You should. He will enjoy the party if you get down from his arms." Aurora said.

"But, mommy..." Savannah tried to talk but Aurora cut her off in mid sentence.

"Get down... Now." Aurora said, making Savannah look at Aiden.

Aiden turned his head at Aurora and saw her looking at Savannah.

"It's fine I guess... She can be with me." Aiden said as he looked at Savannah making her smile but Aurora frowned at him.

"I am sorry but I can't let my daughter leave in some strangers arms like this. Neither do I want her to communicate with strangers." Aurora replied, making Aiden and Savannah frown at her.

"Now... Get down." Aurora said, making Aiden take a deep breath and he made Savannah stand on her feet making her give a sad smile to Aiden.

Aurora grabbed Savannah's hand and took her away from him leaving him alone in the party and Aurora has never left her daughter's Savannah's hand even for a second.

Savannah wants to talk to Aiden but her mother became more protective of Savannah right now.

Aiden sees that Savannah is looking at him and feels bad but he doesn't understand what is wrong with Aurora?

Why is she behaving rudely with him? The minute she looks at him as if she found something precious but the other time, she looks at him as if he snatched something from her that is precious to her.

He doesn't really understand Aurora's mindset.

He thought, maybe she is overprotective of her daughter that she is behaving like this but hurting the other person who has no what is she talking about is wrong?

For the first time, he doesn't have any come back to someone's words and that makes him remember and think of a stubborn girl who he lost her ages ago...

He has never forgotten her.

He wish, he could meet her again but it does look like she has vanished from this world as there is no trace of her anywhere on earth.

It was hard for Aiden to take this up but suddenly, he feels the urge to know about Aurora suddenly and wants to know about who she actually is!

Aiden took a deep breath as he took out his phone from his pocket and walked out of the party and dialed his investigator.

"Hello, Aiden... What's up, man?" His investigator asked as the both are really good friends.

"Hey, Seth. I need help." Aiden said.

"Sure. Tell me, what is it?" Seth asked.

"I want to know the details of Aurora Brown." Aiden answered.

"Huh? Aurora Brown. The businesswoman of the year. Right?" Seth asked.

"Yes." Aiden answered.

"Alright. Give me some time. I will call you back as soon as I get to know anything about her. okay?" Seth asked.

"Thanks, Seth.'' Aiden said on the phone.

"No worries. See you." Seth said.

"See you." Aiden replied as he took a deep breath and ended the all.

Aiden very well knows that whatever he did just now is wrong.

Getting information about her without her knowing is wrong and he knows what Aurora might do if she gets to know about his investigation on her but he really wants to know her and he just can't let her go easily… He wants to know what it is that is making him feel rude towards him?

He walked back into the party and saw Savannah worried face but as soon as she saw him, she smiled and he smiled back at her.

He saw some relief in her eyes as soon as she saw him and he felt good as Savannah got worried about him.

He has never seen someone getting more worried about than the only girl but now, he saw the same worriedness in Savannah's eyes after so long.