Chapter-9. We are not stranger's anymore.

"Why do I feel like I know her when this is the first time I meet her?" Aiden asked himself as he looked at Aurora who is talking with the business partners and he saw how Savannah is trying to get away from Aurora but she held her hand tightly as she very well knows how naught her daughter can get if Aurora leaves her.

"There is something familiar about her. It's like she's a girl from my past and now with aurora, I feel like i'm seeing that girl all over again" He said to himself as he watched the girl he never saw before who was named Aurora was talking with the partners and he couldn't help but to notice that she looks just like a girl he know from his past that only remind him of her name...

He's really wondering why this girl who looks like her is an angel here and he's buried in his own memories from the past.

Aiden watched the girl talking to the partners and they were talking for a long time but he took away all the thoughts from his mind and just enjoyed the party… Soon, the party was coming to an end and Aiden thought that he needed to leave the party but that is when Aurora walked towards him with Savannah by her side. Savannah smiled as she looked at Aiden but he frowned seeing Aurora approach him.

"Umm... Thank you for coming to the party…" Aurora said, making Aiden smile.

"Congratulations once again…" Aiden said.

"Thank you." Aurora replied with a smile.

"Well, if you are not here today then, the real face of the millers won't be out…" Aurora said, making Aiden smile.

"True." Aiden replied as he chuckled, making Aurora smile a little.

"Umm… so, thank you for banning millers." Aurora said.

"Of course… How would I keep the millers when I got to know their real intentions? You don't thank me for anything… I really didn't do anything.." Aiden replied, making Aurora smile a little.

"So… I think I will leave now. Thank you for inviting me.'' Aiden said with a smile and Aurora nodded her head in yes while he looked at Savannah. She has a dull face as she doesn't want to let him go away from her.

Aiden smiled at Savannah but she looked at Aurora with her angry face making Aurora frown at her.

"What's wrong, my cutie pie?" Aiden asked.

"When can I meet you again?" Savannah asked.

"Savannah, you can't just ask something like that to a stranger." Aurora said, making Savannah roll her eyes.

"We are not strangers anymore… We are good friends…" Savannah replied as she looked at Aiden, making him nod his head.

Aiden got down to Savannah's level and slowly took her closer to him and hugged her tightly.

Aurora just kept staring at them as they both hugged each other with a bright smile on their faces and suddenly, Aurora had no idea why she felt guilty but she did. She took a deep breath as Aiden cupped Savannah's face in his hands as he looked into her eyes.

"Yes, we are not strangers anymore." Aiden said, making Savannah smile.

"We're good friends from now on, right?" Savannah asked and Aiden nodded his head in yes with a smile making Aurora take a deep breath.

"I don't know why, but I want to spend more time with you…" Savannah said to Aiden, making him look up at Aurora. She looked away from them as she couldn't see his eyes.

'Even me…" Aiden replied, making Aurora look at him.

"But… I need to get home right now… Can we meet some other time and spend time together?" Aiden asked, making Savannah smile.

"Yes… But when do we meet again?" Savannah asked.

"Savannah, he is a businessman. He won't always be free… He has work to do. He won't spend time with you.'' Aurora tried to say but Savannah cared less as she rolled her eyes.

"You are a businesswoman too… But still, you give me time and play with me a lot… Just like that, Aiden will too." Savannah said, making Aiden smile and he nodded his head at her, making her smile.

"Yes." Aiden replied and they both hugged each other again.

"Umm… I guess it's time for us to leave…" Aurora said.

"No, mommy…" Savannah replied.

"What?" Aurora asked.

"Not until Aiden leaves." Savannah said, making Aurora sigh.

"He will leave too, sweetheart. Won't you, Mr. Aiden?" Aurora asked and Aiden sighed as he nodded his head.

"But , mommy.. I want to play with Aiden..." Aurora cut off Savannah in mid sentence.

"Respect… You shouldn't call him by his name, Savannah." Aurora said.

"It's fine… I don't mind." Aiden replied.

"Well… I mind." Aurora said, making Aiden sigh.

"Mommy… Please… Let's not go home now…" Savannah requested.

"No, Savannah… You are hurt. You need rest too... Go home now… Your mom is right. We will meet again. Okay?" Aiden said.

"Don't give her any hopes, Aiden. It will only break her little innocent sensitive heart… I don't want my daughter to go through the same pain.'' Aurora said, making Aiden snap his head at her.

"Mommy..." Savannah tried to talk but one look from Aurora, Savannah had to shut her mouth.

Savannah sighed as he looked at Aiden with her sad face but saw him only looking at Aurora.

"Good bye…'' Aurora said as she grabbed Savannah's hand and started walking away from him.

Aiden got up on his feet and looked at Savannah who had a sad face. He smiled making her more sad but he winked at her and waved his hand with a smile letting her know that he didn't at all mind aurora and will try to meet Savannah soon again.

Savannah smiled and waved her hand at Aiden until she disappeared from his eyes…

Aiden took a deep breath as he has no idea about aurora and just shook his head and walked out of the party too.