Chapter: 10. Your Father is Dead.

"Savannah... Savannah... My love... Wake up..." Aurora tried to wake up but Savannah just turned around on her bed without showing her face to Aurora.

"Savannah... Savannah... Wake up... It's already 8 am." Aurora said as she tried to wake up Savannah.

"No... I don't want to wake up..." Savannah replied with a stern voice making Aurora frowned.

"Baby, what happened?" Aurora tried to ask as she caressed Savannah's hair making Savannah push her hand away from her.

"Savannah..." Aurora called with worriedness.

"I said... No." Savannah shouted as she opens her eyes.

"Savannah... What happened?" Aurora asked.

"Just get out from my room." Savannah shouted again as she got up on her bed making Aurora frown deeply.

"But... Why? What happened?" Aurora asked as tears rolled in her eyes.

She has never seen her daughter talking like this ever to her. Savannah is the one who used to greet her with her beautiful smile but now seeing her shouting at her like this makes her scared... Worried about her. She doesn't understand what happened to Savannah so suddenly that she is this angry on Aurora for the first time.

What happened that Savannah shouted on Aurora for the first time like this?

Aurora has never thought that Savannah would shout on her like this ever before... But she did. She has no idea what happened to her? Aurora has always given her whatever she wants. And she was the happiness child on this earth. She gave her all the love she wanted too... Then why made Savannah anger like this for the first time in the early morning!

"Don't you understand? Get out from my room!" Savannah yelled breaking Aurora's heart.

"Savannah..." Aurora tried to talk as a tear falls down on her cheek but Savannah didn't cared because the rage she has in her heart right now is more than Aurora's tears for her.

"What happened, My love?" Aurora asked.

"Just leave me alone..." Savannah yelled again as she got down from her bed and was about to walk out from her room.

"Why are you angry, Savannah? Do you want something? Then you can ask me anything..." Aurora said.

"Yes... I want a dad." Savannah yelled back making Aurora eyes wide.

"Wh... What?" Aurora asked.

"I want Dad." Savannah answered.

"I want... Dad. I Want Dad." Savannah yelled again making Aurora sigh.

She took a deep breath and walked towards Savannah.

"Savannah... Listen to me..." Aurora said as she walked towards Savannah.

"No... No... No... I don't want to listen to you anymore... I have asked you many times about Daddy, Mommy... But, you have never said anything about him. Do you know how I feel when my friends ask me where is my Dad? And yesterday, in party... That lady asked too... Do you know how I fe when I see others with their father?" Savannah yelled with tears in her eyes making Aurora eyes wide.

"Yes... You are giving me the love as mother and father... But I still miss dad, Mommy..." Savannah cried out making Aurora walk towards her and hug her tightly.

"Where is Dad, Mommy?" Savannah asked with tears in her eyes.

"Baby... Your... Your... Your Dad..." Aurora tried to talk but she couldn't... She just hugged Savannah tightly but she slowly pushed Aurora away.

"Tell me, Where he is?" Savannah shouted.

"He is dead." Aurora shouted back at her making Savannah's eyes wide.

"Wh... What?" Savannah asked with tears in her eyes.

"He is dead. He is no more in our lives. He is dead even before you were born." Aurora answered as tears started falling down from her eyes.

"I don't want to tell you this because I don't want to hurt you." Aurora said and just then Cassie came running into Savannah's room as she heard shouts from her room.

But her eyes widened seeing the mother and daughter crying...

"Wh... What's going on?" Cassie asked as she walked inside the room and Aurora cried out loud.

"My... Father is dead?" Savannah asked making Cassie's eyes wide and she looked at Aurora who is crying her heart out.

"Wha... What?" Cassie asked as she looked at Aurora.

"My father is dead..." Savannah said and Aurora nodded her head as she cried.

"Aurora... What are you talking..." Cassie tried to talk but she was cut off with Aurora's shout again.

"I am saying the truth. My daughter needs to know about her father. She should know that he is no more in this world and she can't expect him to come to us." Aurora yelled at Cassie making her eyes wide again.

"Aurora... Just shut up... You can't just say that..." Cassie yelled back at her making Savannah look at her.

"I can... And I should. She has every right to know about her father. She should know that he can't come back to us and be with us. Because he is dead." Aurora replied as tears poured out from her eyes.

Cassie was dumbstruck as she has no idea what Aurora is talking about some shit. While Savannah just kept staring at Aurora who is crying her heart out. She has never seen Aurora cry out like this ever before... This is the first time ever, she has ever cried like this in front of her.

She has never expected that Aurora would be this heart broken... Her heart cried seeing her mother cry out like this for the first time ever like this.

This hurts seeing her mother cry because of whatever she asked. Savannah clearly knows that she has triggered her mother... But she has never expected that Aurora would be this heartbroken talking about Savannah's dad. But one thing, she has got to know that he is no more in this world and he doesn't come back into their lives. She has found her answer finally that she always wanted to know.

But she knows that, she needs to calm down her mother first before she ask anything about her father to Aurora.