11. The lonely woman's.

"Mommy..." Savannah said as she walked closer towards her making Aurora look at her.

"Mommy..." Savannah said again making Aurora get down on her knees to her level.

Savannah wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged her tightly making Aurora cry out loud more.

Aurora couldn't control herself as she never thought that she would say something like this to Savannah ever.

She tried to keep this as a secret... But very well knows that Savannah is trying to keep calm in front of her from so long as she really doesn't want to hurt Aurora.

Aurora knows everything... She knows what her daughter is going through daily without a Father in her life but she can't do anything.

She is the only one who can save Savannah from this world. She is the only one who needs to fight towards the world for Savannah.

Aurora is the only one who can protect Savannah.

It's hard for Aurora to not have any support behind her back. Only she knows how hard it is for her to be a single mother and grow up a daughter.

She has been through a lot as a single mother but she never opened up to anyone about her problem and the situation she is. She has never talked with anyone how hard it is for her to manage to look after her business and her daughter. As a single mother, she has been got in to many tantrums. Many people has looked after her as a shamless woman. Even though, it's hard for to take all their words, she still didn't lose hope in life and stood up for herself and Savannah.

She made a name for herself in this world and now, she is proud single mother.

There was days, where she had to look after Savannah and forget about important meetings which has made her go through a lot but still, she managed to raise up in this world. The confidence and the bravery she has is one the thing that everyone looks up at her.

Aurora hugged her tightly as she caressed Savannah's hair.

They both hugged each other tightly. Seeing this, Cassie's heart smiled...

After so long, she has seen her cry again... After the incidents that happened to her in her life after Savannah is born.

She has never cried and took the courage to stand on her feet even though how hard it is for her to do it.

But seeing her cry after So long, Made Cassie remember whatever that Aurora has went through in her past.

Cassie was the only best friend that Aurora has from her childhood.

They are the two beat friends that were always United with each other. But unfortunately, Cassie is a divorce woman... Her husband used to abused her and her daughter.

She couldn't take this anymore and just divorce her husband and got the Custody of her daughter.

Neither her husband tried to have hia daughter's custody... So, seeing that Cassie doesn't want her daughter grown up in someone's abuser hands.

Then, she has came to Aurora who has 2 years old Savannah in her hands.

She has been with Aurora when Savannah born but as her husband doesn't let her get out of her house. She stopped going to anywhere...

Aurora has invited in her house with her open arms and told her to stay with her.

Cassie knows every little thing that Aurora has went through from her childhood. She knows every dark little secret of Aurora and Aurora knows every dark little secret of Cassie.

They both work d hard together and bought up their daughters well until now.

They shared every little thing with each other but she knows that Aurora is not a woman who opens up about her mental health but Cassie really knows Aurora well... Even though, she tried to talk with Aurora, she always skips her question and only think about Savannah.

Yes, Their daughter's means the world to them but they both really long love in their lives.

They have very bad experience with lives that they never wanted to fall in love again... But someone in their heart, they still crave for Love and Support of someone who can love them and look after them with all their love. But they know that, this wish would never come true as they think that there is no one who would love them more than anything in this world...

They know that there is none in this world who can accept a woman who already has a child?

They are the single mother that were judged by the society... Who would come front and love them more than anything in this world?

There is no guarantee that they would also love their daughters as their own.

They know even though any guy loves them... They never wanted to love their daughters as his own daughter as the guy always wanted to have his own children and love them rather than loving some other's child.

Hence, they never wanted love thinking that love is something too much to ask from a person these days...

Cassie took a deep breath as she saw how Vunerable the mother and daughter duo look right now.

She never expected that Aurora would tell this to Savannah and opens up this... And now, she is sure that Savannah is going to ask Aurora more about her Father...

Cassie has no idea how would Aurora tell everything to Savannah at this young age of hers.

Cassie very well knows that it's really hard for her to open up about her past... But she never thought that she would tell this to Savannah at this young age of hers.

She took a deep breath not knowing what will happen right now and what would Savannah ask to Aurora about her father...

She doesn't have any idea what would Aurora answer Savannah to her questions... But she knows, whatever Aurora is going to answer might can break this little girl's heart...