12. Forgive me, Mumma.

"Mommy..." Savannah called as she cupped Aurora's face in her small Little hands making Aurora look into her eyes.

"I am sorry..." Savannah said as she kissed Aurora's forhead making Aurora hug Savannah tightly.

"I am sorry, Mommy..." Savannah again said making Aurora hug her more tightly.

She kissed all over her face and hair and just hugged her closer to her heart.

Aurora knows that Savannah didn't wantedly ask about her father but she was just going crazy to know about her father and her curious is justified.

Every child wanted parent's love. Mother's and father's but Savannah only got mother's love by birth.

She has not remember even being around a man.

"Forgive me, Mommy..." Savannah asked with her cute innocent eyes that made Aurora smile.

Aurora shook her head at her and kissed her cheek making Savannah smile brightly.

"It's fine, Love. You did nothing wrong. I know you wanted to know about your father but it's not really your age to know about what happened to him. I so Wanted to tell you everything but... You are just so small to understand anything. I wanted to wait for a few more years to tell you what happened to your father... But..." Aurora said making Savannah look at her.

"You are so mature than your age, Savannah... And I am really so proud of you! But, You are just seven. I don't want to take risk in telling you about your father right now... Would you please wait for few more years for me to tell you any other things about your father?" Aurora asked making Savannah take a deep breath.

"It's fine, Mumma... I don't have dad anymore..." Savannah said and Aurora's heart breaks as Savannah said that. But she couldn't do anything else. But Aurora knows that Savannah should get father's love in her life. She took a deep breath as she looked into Savannah's sad eyes.

"I didn't see Daddy until now... And... I don't want to see his face either..." Savannah said making Aurora and Cassie frown.

"You... You don't want too?" Aurora asked and Savannah shook her head in no.

"No... I don't want too..." Savannah answered as she shook her head in no.

"Why, Love?" Cassie asked.

"It will only make me more sad by seeing him... Or his pictures... Or knowing about him more will hurt me a lot..." Savannah answer with teary eyes and A tear falls down from Aurora's eyes as she saw how her words hurt her daughter.

She doesn't want to see her daughter like this... She doesn't want too! She wants to tell her everything about her father but she couldn't... She couldn't bare Savannah going away from her... Savannah will only hate her right now if she tells her the truth.

Aurora wiped off the tear away from her eyes and hugged Savannah tightly again making her hug her back.

"I don't want to know about Dad anymore, Mumma..." Savannah said as they both released from the hug.

"I don't want too... Don't tell me about him anymore to me. Please... Not in the future too!" Savannah said making tears fall down from her eyes but still, she nodded her head in yes as she took a deep breath.

"I will not!" Aurora replied but she sure wants to tell Savannah about everything but not right now...

Aurora wants her to grow up for now and then and then, Maybe Aurora might can tell her about her father when Savannah is at proper age.

"I just wanted to know if... If I have a dad or not... Seeing the rumour around, I just couldn't control myself, Mumma..." Savannah said making Aurora take a deep breath.

"You don't at all have to worry about those rumours, Savannah..." Aurora replied..

"You are just so small to listen to all these things around... Just enjoy your life. I will be here to support you in every little thing. I will be Always your support and make you stand on your feet. You are my only princes in this world. For you, I will do anything..." Aurora said as she took Savannah closer to her and kissed her forehead.

Cassie smiled seeing the mother and daughter duo. She has never thought that Savannah would be this understanding girl... She is just 7 but she has a mature mind of a elder.

Just then, There was a knock on the door making the 3 girls turn towards the door to see the Maid standing on the door.

Aurora wiped Savannah's teary eyes and then she wiped off her teary eyes and stood up on her feet.

"Yes?" Aurora asked to the maid.

"Ms. Brown, There is a gift for your daughter Savannah. It's from Mr. Aiden Kelly..." The maid said making everyone frown but Savannah's eyes brightened listening to the name of Aiden.

"Aiden has sent me a gift?" Savannah shouted and the maid nodded her head with a smile.

"Yes, Savannah." The maid replied with a smile as she saw how happy Savannah look happy as she heard the name and the gift.

"Oh my God." Savannah said making Aurora and Cassie look at each other.

"Where is it?" Savannah asked.

"Downstairs... Let me take you!" The maid said and Savannah nodded her head as she ran outside her room. She didn't cared to come along with the maid as she is so excited to see what Aiden has sent for her.

Aurora and Cassie just looked at each other and looked at the maid.

"Are you sure that it's from Aiden?" Aurora asked and the maid nodded her head in yes.

"Yes, Mam." The maid answered.

"Aiden?" Cassie asked and Aurora sighed.

They both walked outside of the room and saw Savannah running down from the stairs.

"Savannah... Slow down." Aurora yelled.

"Yes, Mumma." Savannah yelled back as she ran towards the living room.

Aurora and Cassie looked at each other and started walking down the stairs.

They 2 walked down the stairs quickly to see the shouting Savannah with excitement.