13. The name they never forget.

"Oh my god... This is beautiful!" Savannah yelled out loud as she saw the beautiful big flower bouquet, Chocolates and a big panda teddy.

Aurora sighed seeing all these as she doesn't have any idea why would Aiden send these al for Savannah.

"Mumma... Look at this. Aiden sent these all for me." Savannah said as she looked at Aurora and She faked a smile at Savannah.

"Yes. These are quite a lot." Aurora replied as she and Cassie walked towards her.

"Oh my god. Who sent this?" Delcy yelled, Cassie's daughter as she Walked down the stairs.

"Delcy... These are all sent by Aiden... You saw him last night. Right?" Savannah asked making Delcy frown as she walked downstairs.

"Ohh... That handsome uncle?" Delcy asked as she walked towards Savannah.

Savanahh giggled and nodded her head at Delcy.

"Yes. It's him who sent all these." Savannah answered.

"This teddy is so beautiful." Delcy said making Savannah smile.

"Yes... Here, have these chocolates." Savannah said making Delcy giggled and they both started unwrapping their chocolates but Aurora suddenly walked towards them and snatched them away from them making them look up at them.

"It's so early to have chocolates. Go get fresh. Have your break fast and then chocolates." Aurora said making Cassie Chuckle while Savannah and Delcy rolled their eyes at her.

"Aunt Aurora, Are you serious?" Delcy asked.

"Of course, I am, sweet heart. Go get fresh." Aurora answered making the two girls sigh.

They both looked at Cassie and she shrugged her shoulders and just then her eyes falls on the note that is in the boquet.

Cassie took the note and looked at Aurora who has her eyes raised at her.

"What is that, Aunt Cassie?" Savannah asked.

"A note, Love." Cassie answered.

"Can you please read it, Mom?" Delcy asked and Cassie nodded her head in yes.

Cassie opened the note and started reading it.

"Hey, My little Angel. Hope you are doing well right now. Just to make your day, I have sent a few things for you and Delcy. Enjoy and eat well and Get well soon, Savannah. Don't trouble your mother much. I will meet you soon! - Aiden." Cassie read the letter making Savannah and Delcy smile brightly.

"Aiden..." Cassie said as she looked at Aurora making her look away from her.

"Aiden... He is so cute." Delcy said making Cassie raise her eyebrows at her.

"What?" Delcy asked.

"Cute. Huh?" Cassie asked.

"Of course, He is, Aunt Cassie." Savannah answered making Cassie roll her eyes and looked at Aurora who is in her deep thoughts.

"Alright... Enough of this discussion.. Go to your rooms and get fresh now. Jennifer, Can you help the kids?" Cassie asked the maid.

"Yes, Mam." Jennifer answered as she nodded her head in yes.

"But..." Delcy was about to speak but Cassie cut her off in mid sentence.

"No if and buts... Go to your room and get fresh soon. Then come downstairs. We will have breakfast together!" Cassie said making the both girls sigh.

"Mumma... Please... One chocolate." Delcy replied making Cassie shake her head in no.

"No. And Luna, Please keep this teddy in Savannah's room." Cassie said to the another maid and she nodded her head at her.

"Yes, Mam." Luna replied and Savannah, Delcy looked at each other and winked at each other.

They both suddenly grabbed the chocolates and ran upstairs even before Cassie could caught them.

"Savannah... Delcy..." Cassie yelled as they both ran upstairs.

"Sorry, Mumma..." Delcy yelled.

"Sorry, Aunt Cassie." Savannah yelled making Cassie sigh.

"Thess kids... God... Give me patience." Cassie said as she shook her head and then looked at Aurora who is still in her deep thoughts.

Cassie frowned seeing her as Aurora is in her thoughts from a while...

Cassie sighed as she remembered the name that she can never forget even in her dreams... Aiden Kelly...

"Aiden Kelly..." Cassie said making Aurora look up at Her.