22. I don't want you to get hurt again by him.

"Thank you, Mom..." Savannah said as she hugged Aurora.

"You're welcome, Love." Aurora replied as she kissed Savannah's cheek.

"Go... Get fresh... The maid will help you. I will call Aiden and will ask if he could come to our home today... And Spend time with you." Aurora said making Savannah smile brightly and she nodded her head in yes.

"Yes, Mommy..." Savannah replied as she walked inside her room.

Aurora looked at the maid who looked at her and she nodded her head at Aurora and walked inside Savannah's room.

Aurora took a deep breath as she looked at her phone.

"Aurora..." Cassie called making her look at her.

"Are you really going to do this?" Cassie asked as she raised her eyebrows at Aurora.

Aurora gulped down her saliva and and nodded her head at Cassie.

"Come with me." Cassie said as she grabbed Aurora's wrist and took her to Aurora's bed room.

Cassie took Aurora inside her room and closed her room behind her making Aurora sigh.

"Do you even understanding what you are trying to do, Aurora?" Cassie asked making Aurora look away from her eyes.

"I know, Cassie." Aurora answered.

"No, Aurora... You have no idea what you are trying to do again. And this is something that you could never think of doing... But, this is something out of your thinking... And now, you are doing this." Cassie replied.

"What else I can do, Cassie? I can do nothing... To keep my daughter happy, I need to do this... You can understand that right?" Aurora asked.

"I can, Aurora... I can understand that... But, You know about Aiden so well... Don't you? You know very well what will happen if he and... His family members... By chance get to know about you... And Savannah right?" Cassie asked making Aurora take a deep breath as she nodded her head in yes.

"And you are still ready to take this step right now! You have said that, you won't involve with Aiden when we are coming here... Didn't you?" Cassie asked.

"I said, Cassie... But you are seeing how things just messed up... Right?" Aurora asked making Cassie sigh.

"Aurora... Savannah is just a kid... It's our responsibility to make her understand... We can't afford everything that our children ask for..." Aurora cut off Cassie in mid sentence.

"Tell me something, Cassie. Won't you do this for your daughter it you were in my place?" Aurora asked as she raised her eyebrows.

"Aurora... That's not the question here..." Cassie answered.

"It is, Cassie. I know you so well than anyone... For your daughter, you would do anything to keep her happy... You would go to any extent just to make her happy... And just like that, I will go to any extent to keep my daughter happy! There is the answer for your question!" Aurora said making Cassie sigh.

"Aurora... I know, you love Savannah a lot... But... I just don't want you to get hurt again... With the same guy who hurt you so badly and snatched everything away from you." Cassie replied.

"I can understand your concern for me, Cassie. But this time... I will be away from him... It just... For my daughter... I want her to be happy. If she meet with him once, things will be settled. She won't again ask that she wants to meet him." Aurora said.

"Are you sure that she won't ask you again?" Cassie asked making Aurora look at her.

"Are you?" Cassie asked making Aurora take a deep breath.

"I will... Try to Warn Aiden to stay away from Savannah and will make him say that, he is busy and can't meet her if she again wants to meet with him." Aurora answered.

"Are you sure that he will accept to do that for you?" Cassie asked making Aurora sigh.

"I... I don't know..." Aurora answered making Cassie sigh.