21. I will do anything for my daughter.

"Mom... Are you really serious on calling Aiden and make me spend time with him right?" Savannah yelled making Aurora and Cassie break their hug.

"Yes, Love... Trust me... I will call him as soon as soon as you come out... I will ask him if he can spend time with you..." Aurora said making Savannah smile brightly.

Suddenly, the door was opened and Savannah walked out of the room with a bright smile.

Aurora looked down at her and got down on her knees and hugged her tightly as she kissed her all over her face making Savannah hug her back.

"Why do you want to make mommy worry? You love seeing me in tears?" Aurora asked with tears making Savannah shook her head in no.

"No, Mom... I am sorry... For making you cry and worry..." Savannah said as she held her ears making Aurora tears falls down more.

"This is not right, Savannah... You can't just make her this much worry..." Cassie got off from Aurora.

"It's fine, Cassie... I love to give whatever my daughter wants and wishes for... And it's my responsibility to do it... But this time... She asked me something too much which I got angry on her..." Aurora said as she looked at Cassie and then Savannah.

"But... I hurt her today..." Aurora said as she took a deep breath.

"But... It's still my responsibility to give her what she asked... And I think, nothing is too much for me to give her... When I hurt her like this. I will do anything for my daughter and her happiness." Aurora said as she smiled at Savannah with tears in her eyes.

Savannah took a deep breath as she saw her mother getting hurt with the way she behaved but she can't help it but do this... Because whatever she is doing right now is because of her... Her mother... For her mother's happiness... She needs to do this for her mother... To keep her happy... And see her happy.

This is why, all Savannah does... Yes, she is hurting her mother right now but Savannah knows that her mother will be so happy later...

"Aurora... She is just a child... Will you just so whatever she wants you to do without thinking at all?" Cassie asked.

"Yes." Aurora answered.

"Aurora... This is not right. You need to know, how to make children understand... They ask something silly things... We can't give them everything in their lives. And they need to understand that." Cassie said making Aurora sigh.

"Cassie, We will talk about that later... But right now, I will do what I promised to my daughter. I can't back off... And hurt my daughter more." Aurora replied as she looked at her making Cassie sigh.

Cassie knows how much it hurts Aurora to call Aiden and tell him to spend some time with Savannah... She knows that Aurora doesn't want to do it but just doing it because of Savannah.

Cassie knows that, Aurora loves Savannah the most in this world and she would give even her life if Savannah asks... But she just wants Aurora to live as she wants... But not how her daughter wants her. She wants to make Aurora understand that, they can't give Her daughter everything that she asks for...

Because even though they have built a huge empire for their both daughters... There are still some things in this world that they can't buy with money.

Cassie wants to Make Aurora understand this... But she is so hell adamant on doing whatever she wants... Just because her daughter asked her to do...

Just like Aurora... Savannah is sturbbon too...