42. You will never understand me, Mommy.

"Yes, Mommy... Let's do this. Aiden, Let's go out together... Oh wait... Aunt Cassie told us that she will take us to shopping tomorrow. Come with us." Savannah said.

"Yes... We will have a lot of fun together!" Delcy said making Aurora still frown at the plans that kids are making.

"Excuse me... You don't at all ask if anyone of us are free or not? You just are making plans immediately?" Aurora asked.

"Aunt Aurora, Momma said right... She will take us shopping tomorrow then yes, you and she will be free and Aiden and Chris will also be free... Right?" Delcy asked as she raised her little eyebrows.

Aiden and Chris looked at each other as they don't at all have any idea to say yes or not.

They don't want Aurora or Cassie to think wrongly about them by saying yes while they don't want to say no and hurt the kids little hearts.

"Say... Are you both free right?" Savannah asked as she looked at Aiden and Chris.

Aurora shook her head in no at Aiden and Chris but Savannah looked at her and caught her while shaking her head at Aiden and Chris.

"Mom." Savannah yelled in Aiden's arms making Aurora flinch with her voice.

"I am watching you." Savannah said.

"So what? I am scared of you!" Aurora replied.

"Mommy... Why are you doing this with us?" Savannah yelled as she got down from Aiden's arms and walked towards Aurora.

"What do you mean by what I am doing?" Aurora asked.

"You are doing wrong! Why are you scaring them by shaking your head at them? Why don't you like them coming with us to shopping?" Savannah yelled making Aurora sigh.

"First of all, Lower your voice. You have no right to talk to me like that. Do you understand? I am your mother. I know what to do and what not to! You can't just tell anyone to do this and do that! I only called him today because I hurt you which is not my intention. But, you are crossing your limits, Savannah." Aurora said.

"I don't care, Mommy... I don't at all care if I am crossing my limits or whatever! But, I want Aiden and Chris to come shopping with us tomorrow. And I won't talk to you until you don't agree to this." Savannah replied with anger on her face as she looked at Aurora.

Aurora is confused and stunned with the way that Savannah is behaving so suddenly.

"Yes... Even, I don't talk with anyone until you and Mommy Agrees to us." Delcy said as she got down on her feet from Aurora's arms and grabbed Savannah's hand.

"Shut the hell up you both! How dare you threat us like this?" Aurora yelled with anger making Savannah and Delcy take a back.

"I don't care whatever you do! Even if you don't talk, it's fine... Don't you dare talk to us rudely. Do you understand?" Aurora asked with anger making Savannah and Delcy wide her eyes.

"I hate you, Mommy... I really hate you. You don't at all try to understand me... You will never understand me." Savannah yelled with tears falling down from her eyes as she ran away from there to out of the mansion.

"Savannah..." Aiden called but Savannah didn't stop for anyone...

"I hate you too, Aunt Aurora. I hate Mommy too. As Savannah said, you both never try to understand us." Delcy said as ran behind Savannah to out of the mansion.

"Delcy..." Chris called but she didn't stopped for him either.

Aurora sighed as she saw the both girls ran outside of the house but she knows that they don't go out of the mansion gate. So, she is relief about that.


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