41. Aiden is a Stranger.

"My daughter is near him..." Cassie said as her eyes widened and walked towards the door. She opened it and walked out of the room. Aurora sighed as she followed her behind and grabbed her wrist before she walked downstairs.

"Don't do this. They will doubt on us... If you do things that makes them doubt." Aurora said.

"I don't care, Aurora. I don't want my daughter to be near him. How dare he come to my home?" Cassie asked as she released herself from her grip and walked downstairs hurriedly.

As soon as she walked downstairs, she saw Delcy in Chris arms who is hugging her to his chest as if his life depends on her.

Seeing this, Cassie got angry and walked towards her.

"Leave her." Cassie said making Aiden, Chris look up at Cassie.

"Ms. Estella..." Before Chris say anything, Cassie hurriedly took Delcy from his arms and looked at him angrily.

"How dare you touch her?" Cassie asked making them both frown just then, Aurora walked towards them and grabbed Cassie's wrist again.

"Don't do this... Please..." Aurora whispered as she requested Cassie.

"But, Aurora..." Cassie was about to reply when Aurora took Delcy from her arms.

"Go to your room." Aurora said.

"No, Aurora..." Cassie replied making her sigh.

"Please... I request you. Come down with a fresh mind. We will talk later about this!" Aurora said making Cassie sigh.

"Go, Cassie." Aurora said again making her take a deep breath.

Cassie looked at Chris and then at Aiden. She sighed and just walked away from there to upstairs.

"Aunt Aurora... What happened?" Delcy asked making Aurora look at her.

"Nothing, Love... Mom is just stressed." Aurora answered making Delcy nod her head.

Aurora turned her head towards Chris and then at Aiden.

"Umm... I am sorry for bringing him here without your knowing..." Aiden got cut off by Aurora as she raised her hand letting him know to stop.

"Don't you have manners? How can you just bring someone to Someone's else house without their knowledge?" Aurora asked making Aiden and Chris snap their heads at each other.

"He is not someone else... But my brother!" Aiden answered.

"Ohh. Yeah. Brother. So what? I Invited only you... But not your brother. You could have just inform me that you are bringing your brother over here?" Aurora asked as she raised her eyebrows.

"I am really so..." Savannah cut off Aiden in mid sentence.

"Mommy... It's fine... Why are you behaving like this? Aiden just bought his brother. That's nothing wrong!" Savannah said making Aurora look at her.

"Savannah... You are being too much Right now. I only accepted him to make him come here only once just because of you. But not his brother. I don't want any strangers to come to my home like this! Do you understand?" Aurora asked sternly.

"Mommy, I already told you that Aiden is not a stranger. Okay?" Savannah asked making Aurora frown.

"It's doesn't change the fact thar if you say that he is not a stranger for us. He will still be a stranger. Because we know nothing about him." Aurora answered.

"Well... Then, we will get to know them and make them our friends and if you don't want them to come here then it's fine... We will all go out together and get to know each other. Then we won't be strangers. How about that?" Savannah asked with a excited smile making Aurora frown and Aiden, Chris chuckle.

"Yayyy... That is the best idea. We will all go out together and enjoy. Uncle Chris, You should also come with us. You are too cute." Delcy said making Aurora's head snap at her.

"What?" Aurora asked with a dumbstruck face as Aiden smiled sheepishly whole Chris is stunned that Delcy called him cute.


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