Without her Knowledge.

"Aiden, why did you take this much time? Come3, let's play." Savannah said, making Aiden nod his head at her. 

"Okay… Me and Delcy will close our eyes and you should all hide. We will come and find you." Savannah said.

"Yayyyy…" Delcy said as she smiled. 

"Okay…" Cassie replied. 

"Alright. We close our eyes now… You all should go and hide.|" Savannah said as she and Delcy closed their eyes and the four walked towards the back of the house and Chris and Cassie slowly hide behind the tree which is aside towards the mansion. 

"Alright… We are coming." They all heard Savannah's faint yelling sound. 

Aurora who just kept walking the house was just lost in her own thoughts. She is not really in the mood of playing and her mind is only filled with right now just thinking about the kiss about Aiden. 

She doesn't have any idea how they kissed each other and how she just opened her mouth to let him slide into her mouth without her knowledge…