You girls can't meet them again.

"Aurora, What was going on here?" Cassie asked as she walked towards Aurora as Aiden walked away leaving them alone there. 

Aurora took a deep breath as a tear fell down from her eyes as she suddenly hugged Cassie. 

"Aurora… Calm down… Okay?" Cassie asked as Aurora cried in her arms. 

"I don't know how to control myself at that time, Cassie… Everything happened too fast… He just… you know… kissed me and I reacted… That's it… But, he kissed me after years…" Aurora answered as Cassie took a deep breath as she caressed her back. 

"Shh… It's fine… You can't just cry for something like this… Be strong…" Cassie replied. 

"How can I, Cassie? When he kissed me which made me remember everything we had in between… This is just too much… I can't handle this… I was scared that he would suddenly get to know everything about us…" Aurora said and Cassie tried to make her calm down.