Wedding in 10 days.

"Yeah... I hope they tell you the whole story about how we met and fell in love." Cassie said making Aurora smile sheepishly. 

"Of course, they will." Raymond replied as he smiled at her.

"Alright. So, I want to ask one more question to you!" Raymond said and Aurora, Cassie looked at each other.

"Yes?" Aurora asked.

"About Marriage!" Raymond answered and Aurora nodded her head in yes.

"Umm... About it?" Aurora asked.

"Yeah... Are you okay to marry them this month? That is in 10 days?" Raymond asked making their eyes wide.

"What?" They both asked at a time with a shocked face. 

"Yeah. You both have been dating since 2-3 years. So, why not get Married? The kids will be happy too!" Raymond said and they both looked at each other.

"Umm... Marriage in 10 days... Umm..." Aurora stuttered.

"If you are still not sure about it then it's fine..." Raymond said making Aurora take a deep breath.