My Grandson's are lucky.

"So... Are you going to accept our relationships?" Cassie asked and Raymond smiled at her as he nodded his head at them.

"Of course, I will. But..." Raymond cut off in mid sentence suddenly making them both frown at each other.

"Huh?" Aurora asked.

"I want to tell you both something!" Raymond said and they both frowned at each other. 

"What is it?" Cassie asked.

"I kept a will for them both... To marry in this month!" Raymond answered and Cassie and Aurora looked at each other.

"What do you mean?" Aurora asked as if she didn't know anything about the will while Cassie nodded her head at Aurora's question as she acted as if she doesn't have any idea what he is talking about.

"My grandson's loved a girl's in their past." Raymond said as he took a deep breath and then looked up at them both.