Innocence of the kids.

"Mommyyyy..." Savannah said as she moved closer to Delcy and hugged her more tightly.

Aurora and Cassie raised their eyebrows at the little girl who just called her mother.

"Get out and laugh... Don't disturb us. We want our beauty sleep." Savannah said and Cassie rolled her eyes.

"Gosh... See. I am saying the truth. She is just like you." Cassie replied as she laughed.

"Aunt Cassie..." Savannah yelled making Cassie blink her eyes.

"Gosh... You little devil... Shut up and wake up now." Cassie said as she tried to wake up Savannah.

"Nooo... Get out of our room now." Savannah yelled and Cassie sighed but immediately an idea popped up in her mind that can wake up the kids and jump around for sure.

Aurora raised her eyebrows as Cassie smirked at her.

Cassie nodded her head at Aurora and slowly walked around towards her.

"What are you gonna do?" Aurora whispered and Cassie smiled.