It's gonna be a beautiful life.

"Aiden... Wake up, Man." Chris said as he tried to wake Aiden up but he rolled on the bed.

"Ugh... No... I want to sleep more. Just get lost from my room." Aiden replied.

"Seriously?" Chris asked as he slided the curtains of the balcony away, so that... The sunlights can fall in the room.

Aiden groaned as the sun light fell on his face and so, he covered his face with the comforter.

"Close the damn curtains and leave my room." Aiden yelled and Chris sighed shaking his head. 

"Aiden... Wake up... Now." Chris said as he grabbed his comforter.

"What the hell do you want?" Aiden asked with his squinted eyes.

"I want you to wake up and get fresh as soon as possible." Chris answered.

"Why in the hell you want me to do that? Can't you just leave me alone. I tired." Aiden said as he closed his eyes and hugged the pillow making Chris roll his eyes.