Reckless Driver

"Hey, Kailey what did I told you about dealing collateral damage?" Ah yes this girl nagging behind me is Elle who's my Officer that keeps me out of situations. "Yeah, yeah I get it already hey that collateral damage is unavoidable, or else I would be severely hurt or even worst." Yep, this is a normal day in our office here. "Anyways have you recovered a Core?" Said, Elle. "Yes, it's a Rank 3 Core not gonna lie there he gave a good fight despite being a Rank 3 Pawn from that fight I really thought that it was a high-ranking Pawn like Rank 5 or 6... But that was a 3 can you investigate that structure? I wanna know how they became like this." As I said that I took a time off on a chair.

"I'm on it. Also, how's Exos doing for you is the sword playing nice with you or not?" Said Elle, "I feel reckless when I use it and it feels nice being pushed to its limits. The lighter it gets as I become more reckless with it not gonna lie I always ask myself why would dad give me Exos." I do think that Exos is a bit too much for me even today I usually thought I would get Chronos but I know my sister is better with it than me. Always had been, I do wanna know where is she right now?

"Hey Kailey, Kailey! Oi Kailey to earth are you there?" as I return from staring into nothing Elle shouted at me saying that I have a Job downtown with taking down some Rank 4 Pawns. "Kailey, you have to focus on this mission, or is this you worrying about your sister in your head again?" Said Elle, "It's nothing really. Just tell me the location and I'll go there also where's our Blazers?" I mean I was just thinking about how's my sister's situation right now. "Our Blazers won't go home yet since they're not finished doing the North Skyline Mission but they'll be home by next week." Said Elle, "Guess so, anyways just call me if you have more information about those bastards."

2 hours later...

Okay, I'm at the location, now where are those bastards... "Oi Pawns where you at?" I guess I'll start by taunting them. That's step one, now it's 3, 2, 1 there's the fire ready to use. "If none of ya'll Pawns not showing up I guess you are low rankers." there's the second taunt and a few did appear. Let's see, around 3 of them. I was told there were at least 12 of them I guess It'll do. "Only 3? Where's your friends? No? I see let's do this then." As the flames started lit up with the weapon. "Come get some!" Sadly, Elle, recklessness is what Exos is asking for. And this is how I work now, come on APEX, boost me on this one. "PULSE!" As I rush in blade head-on to the first Pawn I sliced it in half.

"Alright then Light armor huh?" I pull out Judge my shotgun to put a giant hole into the second Pawn then quickly grab my Driver to put the Pawn in the air for me to combo it. I used the flying Pawn as a distraction and rushes to the third pawn with my Jury my revolver and started blasting rounds onto its thin light armor then slices it using Exos. "Next time bring more friends alright?"

Come to think of it where are the others. Do I really have to search all 9 of them? I grabbed the cores from their destroyed bodies as per usual. Scouting the now-abandoned town of Old Fontana. It has been in Ruins for more than 200 years now. Now, where are those other Pawns? "Come out now you guys. I know you're there." I'll continue taunting them since I need to do more recklessness to power up Exos. Come out you bastards, damn I forgot to reload my Jury. Hmm... So that's where you are huh.

"Found ya'll anyways let's get back to our official business." seems like all of them are lit up okay then all 9 right? "BURNOUT!" It's been a while since I last saw this sword in fire. Taunt them again then, slice and dice baby. "AIRBORNE!" Woah there did not expect you to go there you're now flying I guess. Time for shooting I guess, Jury let's go! "Shooting makes it fun right?" I see they're frustrated, taunt them more then.

"Why are the rest of you standing down? Are ya'll afraid? Ya'll abandon one of your friends just because I'm here and annihilated him?" They finally moved. Burnout is still affecting me, okay then let's end this. "Pseudo-Denial Finale!" As everything freezes with an invisible blade at hand. This was a technique my sister taught me before she disappeared. It's only a Pseudo since I don't have Chronos. But she told me my Burnout is similar to her Timeout and can be used to do this technique against multiple enemies. "This is the end." A click of the scabbard brings back into reality. As 6 of the 9 Pawns got sliced up with 3 having medium armor. Surviving that blow since I wasn't channeling it long enough.

"3 left huh? Probably you guys have better armor than others." These deformed creatures that only know destruction is what brought this long history of the world that only knows peace through the chaos. "In times like this you 3 should be glad but the thing is I need you all to be gone." I pull off Judge to kill one of them which the 2 remaining Pawns stand back a bit and might be planning something. "You know you guys might be monsters but you have brains and I gotta respect that." But something's off with these 2... There's some kind of connection is going on. "Oh what the heck are you two doing." First time seeing two Pawns combining each other to become a Rank 6? Wow, points for that but that won't stop me from kicking their asses.

"If you're doing that, then so be it. I'll go full-on to make things even." As 2 of the torches on the blade lit up I prepare myself to meet a Marauder.