Fruit of Destruction

Hmm, the Old Fontana Park... Seems off-putting if you ask me the vibe around this park is way too off. The presence of Pawns is also high gotta be a bit risky and careful at the same time since this is on a small area and I don't want to deal with tight spaces and the Exos is bad at it. For now, I have to intimidate some Pawns for me to charge up.

Let's play around with the Exile now. "Come out now Pawns I know you're in there and you shouldn't be all alone now..." The Exile is glowing? I guess it can also detect Pawns huh. *a roar can be heard in the distance* "Finally you're over there. Come over here!" Ok, first Exile, then Exos, then Jury, then Judge, Pulse, And do a Pseudo-Denial Finale. That took care of 5 of them. But this is just the beginning, I can smell the decomposing material, and it's disgusting.

I need to dig deeper inside the center of the park and for some reason, it shows that it can fall apart at any moment. Anyways seems like there are more of them most of them are now Medium Armor. Come on Exile show these Pawns how we do it now that I have you. "Soul Collect!" Hmmm, that seems to pull every Pawn to me. Let's get shaking then. "Pulse! You guys ain't running away from me this time." That's convenient 3 torches are lit up. Ok, ok I see now with everyone stunned and staggered, lets let this thing rip! "Exos let's go!" It's been a while since I bonded with this Sword let's give it a bit of a run-down now. "Is that what you all have?"

Intimidate, Distract, Execute, and Repeat. That's how I fight these creatures, Exile!, Jury!, Judge! "Exos Finale! This is the end." I slashed and dashed through them as my unstoppable momentum is shredding through hundreds of Pawns. Left then right, man this getting tedious. I hope this gets me something for working my ass off to take this nest down solo.

*Kailey drops down to the underground area of the nest as she gets deeper into it* Hmm, it goes deeper than I would expect huh. Probably there's a Queen in it so I have to be careful. Hmm, I landed in some kind of large area... *Pawns starts to swarm around Kailey* "*sigh* You really think swarming around me will save all of you from me?" Wow, that's an instant 3 torches and it's maxed out too. Let's trigger this thing then, I got time. "Now, now one at the time you'll get your turn fighting me. EXOS BREAKER! Now let's see if that number can beat my odds here." I can feel the Exos lingering and my APEX pumping out the energy that keeps me from dying. the air begins to be dense and heavy as the enemies slow down but start to pile on Kailey but that didn't stop her

"How many was that? 200? 300? Is that all?" Wow, this is the longest time I held this form. Man, I am bleeding now but hey they will not stop reproducing if I stop here. "*sigh* Focus Kailey Focus... Pseudo-Denial Execution. This is where all of you will stop." No Kailey... No, do not. No Kailey, don't do it. "Finale..." I'm sorry I needed that for the time being. "Release. *sigh* I cleared all of them but this will hold only for a few minutes I need to find the queen to end this. Wait? Whats that? Another Driver?" *grabs the Gauntlet from the statue*

Nitro, hmm I see. That's the name of this weapon. *Kailey wears it and the gauntlet immediately comes to life* Woah there you wanted to pull me huh. Remember I own you now, but first, let's get to know what's this puppy can do. "Boosted Buster!" WOAH that's fast. That is seriously fast. So this is a Kinetic Driver huh. Relies on speed to destroy Pawns. Let's meet this Queen Pawn. I can use this Gauntlet as an accelerator for my movement let's go then. *Kailey uses Nitro to speed up her fall towards deeper in the Nest*

*Kailey lands in a weird area of the nest of which looks like a castle.* "Guess I'm here then. Hey Queen where are you? Do you think you just make Pawns in this park? Come out coward I know Queen Pawns are always weak." 3 torches? Damn intimidation does work against her. "Okay, you won't budge to appear in front of me. I'll make you show yourself. Boosted Quake!" *Kailey punches the ground with her new Driver to shake the place up and the Queen appears* "There you are you're as ugly as all Queen Pawns are. EXOS BREAKER! Finally, something to fight, since you've been a Coward all this time. You never cared for your royal subjects huh what a Queen are you anyways. You've always been the same all of you. But hey that's part of your job right. Let me make you resign then, COME GET SOME!"

To be continued