Chapter 32


I held my breath and came out. I could smell their stench on the left. I saw from my corner of eye that Lily's younger sister was complaining to her mother and to the surprise I saw Lily too. This is going to be fun! I just kept a normal pace and walked and did not bother to stop.

Lily's mother called out to me. And feet stopped on its' now. F*** my feet. Why the hell did you stop? I turned facing her with a poker face. "You ruined my one of my daughter's life and now you are ruining my other daughter's one to." She was screaming and getting all the attention of the people on the street. Nothing is running through my mind right now so I said in return was "Do you think screaming at me will make me scared." And I kept that repeating like a parrot while she was screaming on top her lungs and fighting with a girl that is just her daughter's age on the middle of the street making noise pollution. Lily stepped in and said "You know why I do not come to school?" I asked, "Why?" She replied "Because of you. You ruined me. You are jealous of me and you made black magic on me." On what century is this wild cat living on? I do recall this rumor, you know how this story was told. So I was following her everywhere she goes and once when she went to the playground, I followed her and took the mud that she just stepped on and took to the witch to craft a black magic on this marvelous lady over here. I stepped forward making Lily's mother step back and repeated again like a parrot, "Screaming at me will not make me scared of you. Keep that in your mind and I did not do anything to your daughter." Someone pulled me from both of my arms. It was Jessica and her friend. Jessica whispered, "Everyone is watching and you are in school uniform. Let us go!" When they were escorting me from the danger zone, Lily's mother pulled my bag. I dragged back with no balance and just then Lily's brother stepped in and said "Stop it mom." And screamed at Lily to stop it. I did not know he existed until now. I looked at him and wanted to give him a thank you but gave him a look saying I will tear you into pieces if place my hands on you. WHY COULD I NOT CONTROL MYSLEF! I WAS ACTIG LIKE A PROGRAMMED ROBOT! I SHOULD HAVE MADE IT MORE SAVAGE!

I left with my classmates. And stopped near the bus stop that was in plain sight from where she was standing. An old senior prefect asked me what was happening. I explained and a teacher from behind called my name. Many know my name. I turned back and saw her and at that time, Lily and her brother was approaching us. She inquired me what was happening and they already came at us and Lily started complaining to the teacher and saying that I had been ruining her life and told that everyone in school knows. I went to talk back and madam said "Anna, you are I school uniform." I turned back and faced the crowd and shed tears because I was steaming with anger. They were all watching the heated show. It was interesting to be honest. The Lily's brother interrupted and supported her sister. Then I told him, "Uncle… S*** sorry Brother you should not interfere not knowing what was happened." Again he supported her sister and I told "Uncle…S*** sorry, Brother you do not know what happened." I do not I was keeping telling him uncle. Finally teacher told Lily to go and complain to the principal and stop fighting on the street. After they left, she told me "You also go and talk with Principal Madam." I was already getting late to physics class, "No madam, I am going to class I am already late and I do not care what they are going to tell." I told her and turned to see Lily's mother, sister and herself going in to complain. I smiled because I know they are going to get themselves fried for sure. Lily's mother does not know what she is playing with. Before I left for class I said good bye to Jessica and her friend and they told me "How can someone be this uncivilized?" and she turned to her friend and told her, "Did you hear what her brother said? 'I will get some boys for her and she will see what she is playing with'. How can he tell that? He has two sisters and a mother. And moreover, he almost became a priest." And she made a face full of disgust". And she continued, "Do not let this slid." Many do not come to the physics class no more even Daniel.

After the class was over my mother came to pick me up as usual. On the way home I told about the today's incident she was mad at them. I told her that she did warn me to stay away from them but because my class teacher asked me I helped her out. My mother nodded and when we got home my mother called my dad right away.

Later my mother called the principal and she said that the school will not interfere and it is private matter. My mother demanded an action because I was just out of the gate, in front of the school premise and was clearly in school uniform. Seemingly when Lily's family had gone to the principal during the afternoon complaint that they were going to give. They had been loud in the principal office and were acting as if they were there to sell fish. No, worse than that. And also my class teacher had talked to the principal when she saw that they came in to the office and told the principal that I was innocent. However, my mother managed to talk in to the school to take action from the school regarding this matter.


Once I stepped in to school. I saw some of the teachers rushing towards me. They asked me what was going on and asked what had happened. The teacher who was asking about it knew me well and is a transmitter in our school not only among teachers but also students. After I had finished with my narration she said, "I am getting chills. How did you manage?" And she turned to the teacher who was next to her listening to the whole conversation, "Once Lily's mother also fought with me." I knew what it was for. It was for spreading Lily's mother's bad history and ongoing history. And she hugged me and told it will be okay and asked if I had talked with the principal. Principal had told to meet me her in the early morning before I go to class.

I went to the auditorium where she was and excused her. She knows my face and spoke with me. "Tell me what happened?" I repeated again the story. After listening she said, "Lily's brother threatened you right? You should go to the police and give a complaint. He abused you verbally. And do not worry we will take the necessary actions from the school." And she left. And I went to class.

I came to the class. There were some of my old friends waiting to hear my story. We sat in a circle. Jessica and her friends were present too. Behind us Lily's friends were sitting and eavesdropping. While I was narrating the story, one of Lily's friend stopped me and told me, "I think you should not tell this. You are making Lily a badperson." Like literally does she not feel bad for me? Wow! Lily had told s*** about me so well. I was so mad that I wanted to tell her 'Is it okay of I get r****?' instead I calmed down and said, "I am not telling any lies. I am just saying what happened to me. Okay?" and I turned. I wanted to grab her by hair and slam her face on to the desk.

The circle that I was talking to started whispering, "I think you should have slapped her. She deserved it actually." Jessica said out loud, "And how disgusting is her brother saying that he will finish up Anna with some boys. How can he tell that?"

MY parents came to school with a letter to asking the school to take action against Lily for accusing of bully, spreading of false rumors, threating and ganging up on a child. My parents were also asked to file a complaint to the police and my parents refused and did not want to take this any further because I was a girl and my dad does not want me to walk in to inquiry and stuff. Lily and her sister got kicked out of school. Because almost all in my class had supported me including Masha and Kate. I do not know if I should be thankful for them or not. I could not thank them for what they made me go through just to get power and save their a**es.

And that was the end of Lily.