Hobgoblin Gone

"I have no bad feelings about you, but goblins, and you the ugly guy! We have no choice but to kill you!" I shouted, hoping that my words threatened the army in front of us.

Alice widened her eyes upon hearing my statement. She wanted to retort, but ended up becoming silent. The gothic girl could only clench her fist, unable to do anything about the situation. Since it had turned to this, the two of us had no other way around this. We had to fight against them.

"Is this really the only way to stop these monsters?" Alice asked.

I gave her a nod.

"Humans talk too much! We eat talkative food!" the hobgoblin claimed, and raised his weapon.

Thousands of battle roars echoed throughout the forest. That noise came from the army behind the gigantic monster before us, holding the enchanted spear. Soon, all the beast's charge towards us with intense speed, with their weapons aiming at our heads.

Each of the creatures wanted us dead. And so the inevitable battle began.

It was like what I had mentioned to Alice. We cannot save every monster that we faced, despite Draco's words. All we could do was clash between them and hope that Alice and I would live to see the sun tomorrow.

"Alice, stay behind me. You don't have to fight them if you don't want to," I said, and did what I do best.

I walked towards the front and projected the magic circle that I knew. It was the spell that defeated the dracogre in one shot. This spell was also a pantomime of that bat, since it wished to kill us, too.

Two purple coloured magic circles swirled around my hands, which stored the arcane inside my body. I meant those magic circles to project any magic spells, and these circles were the ones to summon the [obsidian beam].

"[obsidian beam]!" I shouted, and directed my arms towards the horde of monsters approaching us.

And now, I used that spell once again to these fiendish entities. I yearned to kill them all in one swoop. But I knew I could never take down that hobgoblin, given the arcane consumption used for this spell. I would get all the small fries at most, leaving the boss battle for later.

But the hobgoblin did not stand like a statue. That monster was one with the army rushing in our direction, with his spear aiming at our necks.

That monster hurled the spear towards us with ease, attempting to hit us with the exact spell twice! The spear hovered in mid-air and moved like an eagle heading in our way.

However, my spell [obsidian beam] was quicker than that weapon drifting with the wind. It moved like an aeroplane, ready to soar in the sky.

That spear alone was not enough to stop the ominous energy as it ripped through the spear, as if cutting it like paper. The pitch-black tunnel of light devoured everything in its way, including the goblins, wolves, and other mythical creatures in front of me. They turned into dust as the green creatures and their pets howled in pain.

I could only carve out a snicker after witnessing such an overpowering display of my power on this battlefield.

Those unfortunate beasts turned into dust as soon as they came into contact with the dark spell. Since this ability used my emotions, my [obsidian beam] was more powerful than any other magic thrown at me. With the addition of my passive spell granted by my system, this ray of darkness was twice as powerful as the dracogre conjured when we first fought.

And right now, I tested that ability as if it would work against this monster. That spell gave me the results that I wanted to see.

But the ability alone was not enough to stop every monster on the battlefield. Goblins had a low intelligence quotient, but they were not fools. After witnessing their comrades' death beside them, these goblins went to the sides and spread out. They manoeuvred themselves to avoid getting hit by my spell, which only went on a straight trail.

"Tsk. I thought I got them." I clicked my tongue, or more like my pin made of metal, after seeing such clever positioning from these creatures. "I thought goblins don't have a brain. Well, this just goes to show that I need to learn more about them. This place is a different world, after all."

I deleted half of the army and would kill the rest of the goblins afterwards. But right now, my [obsidian beam] was not enough for them in one swoop, which drove me nuts.

"Let me help you."

Alice, who had been idle for a minute now, walked beside me and spoke. I turned to my flank and witnessed her conjuring wind and fire element surrounding her hands. Those magical circles had red and green colours in them. Those colours gave away the spells that Alice was about to use to the army of monsters.

"Are you sure you're going to use the fire element on the hobgoblin?" I asked. Since my system told me that the hobgoblin would take zero damage from fire attacks, using only the wind element would be an intelligent choice.

However, Alice had an original plan in mind. "I think I'm on to something. Watch this, Match! Things are about to get spicey!"

Alice claimed and shouted! It was a fierce voice that I had heard from the girl for the first time.

Alice raised her hand and conjured a fiery blaze as a tornado. That gothic girl used her wind element to direct the flames to the goblins running in various directions. Those were the pesky creatures that I could not hit using my spell.

She combined both of her magic into one, which made all the difference on the battlefield. Alice did this spell to capture all the goblins first and leave the hobgoblin for last. That girl knew it would be too much for us to handle all monsters at once. Given the quantity we were up against, we would not stand a chance against these numbers.

"I just used my fire spell to finish the goblins who escaped your spell. But I don't know how long my hands could hold on any longer…" Alice grimaced in pain as her body winced to the ground.

However, her hands remained directed at the goblins, continuing to spill her magic at our fore. Alice did not want to give up at this crucial moment. She knew that if we died, our journey would turn into nought.

Alice still had a purpose in this world. She was a princess of Wonderland, and that girl schemed to unite the two nations to peace! It was a pipe dream, but it was still a dream that we could achieve.

Defeating this herd of goblins and the hobgoblin was our first stepping stone for achieving that victory.

"I think I'm done for…" As soon as Alice told me those lines, she fell to the ground and stopped casting her spells. I was fortunate enough to stand by her side and catch her body before it could even kiss the ground.

"You did well, Alice. It's my turn to end this now." I said, and lay the unconscious girl on the soil. I placed the remaining leaves beside her and made it as a blanket for her to embrace.

Alice was like an angel in disguise while wrapping her hands around the leaves. She looked so innocent in my eyes. That girl was a naive human that wanted peace in this world.

"Now, where were we? Oh, I remember."

I faced off once again against the hobgoblin. Much to my surprise, that monster was the only one left among his hundreds… no, a thousand army of goblins! It was all coming together.

"You no human! You different! Why protect human, when you no human!" the hobgoblin declared.

"Because I was once a human, and will remain as a human. Right now, that girl needs me. I'm sorry, buddy. No hard feelings."

I lifted my arms and conjured my magic circles once again, but I made them more like a mammoth than before. My rotating circles almost reached for the sky, telling me it had charged up its power.

The world turned grim, as if the clouds blocked the sun. Darkness only prevailed in this field, with the two of us staring at each other to death!

"No hard feelings. And this might hurt a lot that it might actually kill you," I warned the hobgoblin, but it was too late for the monster.

After saying my statements, the hobgoblin charged towards me. The hobgoblin clipped the weapon in its hands and raced in my direction, hoping to slash me with its spear.

However, I already knew how this event would go. I activated my spell and unleashed the dark aura I had been storing inside of me. It was the killing intent that fed the ability [obsidian beam]. It made my spell powerful enough to defeat anything in its way.

With the tunnel of pitch-black energy emerging from my hands, the hobgoblin was no more living in this world.