Chapter 1 : Did I die?

"Of course you died otherwise you wouldn't even be here." spoke the goddess.

"But how did I die?"

"How am I supposed to know? Do you expect me to watch over you mortals. I have far more important things to do."


Yes thats me.

Previously known as Naomi standing in front of a goddess. Why does she not know how I died isn't that her job.

"No it isn't my job to know how you died I just have to tell you how you will move on from here."

This is getting annoying she is even reading my mind.

"Well what am I supposed to do now oh almighty goddess."

"Well normally I would send you to heaven or hell but instead I will just reincarnate you."

Why would she just do that. She has no reason at all to do that. Is she even allowed to just reincarnate me?

"Of course I'm allowed to. I'm a goddess dumb dumb I can do whatever I want. Of course I will remove your memory. But I will grant you one wish."

"Reincarnate me at the age of 17. I don't want to be a small helpless child."

The goddess looked at me as if I was stupid.

"Of course your stupid you could have wished for anything and you wished that. You know what if you can't get yourselves something op than I have to give you something op."

The goddess made some weird movements with her hands and than I felt like I was getting lighter.

I look down and see my not so real anymore body slowly fade away and my vision darken.


"Ow my head. What did this stupid goddess do"

I opened my eyes and looked at bright blue sky and a tree towering over me. The tree locked like a normal tree and not like a 100m tree from a fantasy world. To lessen the pain and assure myself that everything went well and I didn't lose any body parts along the way.


Shouldn't my memory have been deleted? Did the goddess made a mistake?


Why do I have goddamn paws instead of hands. Damn goddess turned me into an animal.

I observed my two black paws and locked around and could see one fluffy black tail behind me.

What animal am I?

I look around and see a rather beautiful scenery. I sit under a tree in the middle of an empty grasfield. The forest is around 30m away giving me the reassurance that nothing dangerous is going to attack me unnoticed.

I sighed.

I can't even talk. Why did that goddess turn me into an animal. She didn't give me anything good at all.

"Of course I did give you something good. You should sadly remember that I gave you something special." an annoying voice sounded in my head.

Why are you talking to me I thought you were to busy to even look at mortals. I screamed in my mind.

"Well thats rude but I will explain why you still have your memory and what that special thing is I gave to you. After that I won't talk to you ever again so treasure these moments."

That goddess is so arrogant.

"I'm not arrogant you silly fox."

So I'm a fox. Not the best but also not the worst. Imagine being a rat that must suck.

"Anyway the reason that you have your memory back is because you haven't been reincarnated as a baby. You see baby's don't have many brain cells so you would have lost your memory that way but none ever wished to not be born as a baby because all wished for great powers instead."

But if I'm an 17 year old fox shouldn't I be dead already?

The goddess locked at me as if I was stupid.

"Well first we are in a fantasy world and second you aren't a normal fox but one of the Beast animals which can live up to hundreds of thousands of years while evolving along the way."

I see so maybe I can get my human body back.

"About a human body you have to find out yourself. Now about that special power I gave you. It's basically a leveling and cultivating system. You can call it by simply saying system."

I look at her annoyed. I can't talk dammit

"Oh right. You can also think the word with the intention of opening the system and the system will appear. Only you can see it though since no one else has something like that. All your questions about the system will be answered by the system itself. Any questions about the world you will have to answer yourselves."

Thank you. I thought sarcastically.

Well alone again. I look around. Why am I so small. I'm definitely not larger than a cat.

Well lets test out this system.

And I started to think.


A blue screen popped up.
