Yukikaze continued to head towards the mountains in the east and soon completely left the Forest of the Labyrinth caves.
After she left the forest she arrived at large open plains with only few trees spread out through out the entire area.
` I should use this time to get myself familiar with my Ability. Let`s look at my new ability again. `
(Shadow- User can teleport to any shadows in view. User can hide in shadows which makes it impossible to sense the user in any kind of way. User can teleport from shadow to shadow while hiding within a shadow.)
` So I should be able to teleport to the shadow of the tree right? `
Yukikaze focused on the shadow of a lone tree and disappeared from the place were she stood before only to reappear next to the tree. Yukikaze teleported from one tree to another to get used to the feeling. After the sixth teleport she stopped.
' Well that should be good enough to escape from threats. It also said I could hide within shadows. Lets try this. '
Yukikaze concentrated and her body slowly disappeared into the shadow. From the outside it looked like a normal tree with a normal shadow. It makes Yukikaze completely unnoticeable.
Yukikaze left the shadow and decided to continue her journey towards the mountains in the distance.
Yukikaze mostly traveled on foot since teleporting from shadow to shadow is to exhausting to sustain it for a longer duration.
Yukikaze didn't find anything or anyone interesting. She used a lot of her food inside her system inventory to keep moving. She didn't want to waste time hunting if she had enough right now. That didn't mean that she didn't kill anything. If something was unfortunate enough to run right in Yukikazes path she wouldn't even hesitate to kill it since it is in the end free food.
Yukikaze traveled for three days and saw nothing other than forests and grassland. Eventually though the wilderness turned into farmland showing clear signs of people being nearby.
Yukikaze soon found a trail and debated if she should follow it.
In the end she decided to follow it. She didn't followed it directly but moved parallel to it.
Yukikaze didn`t came a cross anyone and it was already turning dark.
` All of this is just empty farmland but I haven`t seen a single farmer. Oh well maybe I find something during the next few days. I have followed this path for about half a day so I should find something soon right? Paths always lead to something right? `
Yukikaze could only hope that the path would lead her to something interesting since if the path leads her to nothing at all it would mean that she took a longer route to the mountains for no reason at all.
She jumped on top of a tree and decided to sleep and continue tomorrow.
At the morning of the next day Yukikaze woke up from her dreamless slumber and decided to move on.
Yukikaze still couldn`t find anyone but soon she saw buildings. Instead of being happy that she found something interesting she frowned though. They were build out of wood and exactly those kind of buildings that you would expect in medieval Europe.But that wasn`t what caused her to frown. The small fires on some buildings, the smoke emitted by the buildings as well as the blood on the walls of the buildings, now that was the cause of her frowning.
` But why aren`t there any body`s? `
Even with her (Enhanced sixth sense Lv.3) she wasn`t capable of spotting any body`s.
` Seems like I have to investigate myself. `
Quest: Investigate what had happened in the Village.
Difficulty: ???
Reward: 200 Knowledge Coins, Essence Theft Technic, Orb of Deception Technic, Fox-Fire Technic, Charm Technic
When Yukikaze saw the amounts of Technics in the rewards she was taken by surprise.
` So many Technics... I hope they won`t cost me to many Knowledge Coins to understand them since I am still saving my Knowledge Coins for this (Ancient Technic).
` I only have two thirds of the Knowledge coins needed for that (Ancient Technic). I really hope it is worth it. I wonder what it is.`
Yukikaze looked back towards the buildings and started to move towards them cautiously. She activated (Camouflage Lv.4) and (Invisibility Lv.2) to keep herself as hidden as possible since she doesn`t knows what awaits her. The Difficulty didn`t give any hint to the difficulty of the quest.
Yukikaze slowly entered the village. The smell of blood was entering her nose while she moved from house to house to keep herself hidden as best as possible. Yukikaze didn`t hate the smell of blood but she didn`t like it either.
` I am now in the village center and there are still no dead body`s of anyone.`
And if the small fires and the blood splatters weren`t there Yukikaze would have thought that the inhabitants simply abandoned the village.
Yukikaze found all kinds of buildings. A blacksmith which had a bunch of new swords within it. She found a warehouse which probably held a lot of food. The trail of a deer cup though indicate that a small deer decided to eat everything in sight. Otherwise she only found the house of the village chief. The rest of the houses were normal homes of normal farmers.
Yukikaze entered the house of the village chief to maybe get more clues about the incident that seemed to have taken place here. She looked through the entire house but the only thing that caught here interest was a small book, which she found on a shelf, with the title "The difference between cultivators and normal Humans".
` With this I can find out more about this world. This book surely will provide me with vital information. `
Yukikaze closed the doors of the house of the village chief so she won`t be ambushed by anything. Yukikaze sat herself on the bed which was presumably owned by the village chief and started reading her new source of information.