Yukikaze closed the doors of the house of the village chief so she won`t be ambushed by anything. Yukikaze sat herself on the bed which was presumably owned by the village chief and started reading her new source of information.
It took her a while until she understood the main parts of the book which basically state that there are two types of Humans. Humans that could use cultivation and humans who couldn`t use cultivation. As you might expect the humans with cultivation are mostly better in pretty much everything compared to the normal humans. But sometimes some normal humans still become strong enough to face or even beat a cultivator.
The writer of the book started then with explaining how cultivators cultivate and how the society of cultivators works. There are again two types of different cultivators. Cultivators within a sect usually also have the support of it. Those sects have a ranking system in the form of a pyramid with the sect leader at the top and the slaves/servants of the sect at the bottom. Every sect handles people and their recruits different with some sects using slaves while others always pay their servants. This differences often lead to conflicts and wars.
The view of humans towards beasts also differ a lot between cultivators and normal humans. Normal humans usually are neutral towards beasts unless they have a personal or buisness reason to dislike them which is why few beasts can be found in city's of the outer most continents. Eventhough normal humans show usually no hostility towords most beast races they still rarely interact with oneanother since the different beast races rather stay and live with others from their own kind.
The view on beasts from cultivators could not be more different. Since the Ideology of different sects often cause different treatment towards beasts with some sects having the goal of killing every last one while the others simply want to use them as mounts or for other services. But they will always use a slave contract since most cultivators view beasts as the enemy which can`t be trusted under any circumstances. It is said that the reason for that is because some beasts are said to have destroyed all possible ways for cultivators to become immortal.
Another possibility for this hostility might be because cultivators tend to become arrogant and see themselves superior to others. The previously mentioned arrogance could cause many cultivators to become jealous of the beasts which not only can easily compete with them through their evolutions but also have the extremly small chance to reach immortality thanks to their natural evolutions.
Cultivators also rank up in cultivation stages thanks to cultivating or using certain items that allow them to rank up.
Then there are the normal humans. Normal humans often become adventurers which get ranked within the following ranks: F; E; D; C; B; A; S; S+; S++; S+++
The ranking stops at S+++ because if an adventurer ranks up again they get the ability to cultivate which raises their status a lot but only a handful make it. It is said that upon reaching the B rank you could have a chance against the weakest cultivators. Those adventurers are mostly part within the adventurers guild doing quests that the common people need to be done. Cultivators could to these quest too but they usually don't since the reward of quests isn't good enough for them.
The book also states that most Cultivators can be found on the central continent which is the largest continent in the known world. It is said to be full of tresures and dangers a like. These treasures are so powerful that even cultivators see them as valubales. There is still the possibility to encounter Cultivators on the other continents for a wide varity of reasons. Maybe they hide from other powerful cultivators, hide something of significant worth or try to build themselves something in secret.
Those were all the important parts within the book.
' So most humans are okay while the cultivators are the assholes of this world... '
Yukikaze closed the book with her paw and left the house of the village chief.
' Lets see I have searched the entire village but couldn't find any clue about the whereabouts of the residents. '
' Seems like I have to postpone the quest for now and continue my journey since I found everything there is and still no clue. '
Yukikaze put the Quest to the back of her mind and left the village continuing her journey towards the mountains.
She walked alongside the dirt road until a certain kind of smell found it's way into Yukikaze's nose. The smell of blood.
Yukikaze raised her guard to the maximum and used (Camouflage Lv.4) and (Invisibility Lv.2) to hide herself better and started following the smell.
The smell of what Yukikaze was able to identify as human blood lead her through a very thick forest. She found the source when she came to a relativly large open field. In the middle of it were a bunch of people tied up in one big group and around the entire field are what Yukikaze would identify as bandits.
One of the Bandits seemed to talk to an old man who was tied up like the rest of the people. Luckily for Yukikaze she could hear them talking thanks to hear sensitive ears.
" Come on old man. You and your people will only go out of this alive when you give me the IE Crystal. " Waiting for an answer of the old man that never came the bandit drew his blade and aimed it at the neck of the old man causing him to talk back to him.
" You can't kill us because if you do all the things in my pocket space will be destroyed including your IE Crystal! " Hearing those words caused the Bandits to laugh until the one Yukikaze thought of as the leader of them answered him with an ice cold voice.
" Silly old man. Your wrong... we only need you to live, and if you don't hand it out willingly we will simply start killing of your people until you give us the IE Crystal. "
Meanwhile Yukikaze was thinking what this IE Crystal could be.
' I need to get a better look. ' thought Yukikaze who silently moved from bush to bush closer to the old man and the bandits until she heared leaves rustle not far from her current position.