2. Meet You Again

"Sir! Sir Dimas!"

Dimas woke up from his daydream when a tap landed on his shoulder. The man sitting in a chair at the Lawrence Company looked at his private secretary. Dimas twirled the pen he used to sign several documents.

It's been 3 months since the incident when Dimas woke up from a coma which he thought was unconscious for a few days. The man still didn't believe the words of the people around him, and just thought of it as a thing of the past.

At that time, after Dimas was examined several times by doctors, he was finally allowed to go home. Dimas returns to the Lawrence Family mansion with the remaining memories. Luckily, it turns out that Dimas's memory is not wrong, which makes Dimas even more convinced that he is not in a coma but just fainted.

At that time, Christian was the one who welcomed Dimas home. Christian happened to have a schedule out of town, but after seeing Dimas's arrival with an impressive aura, Christian immediately canceled his schedule that day. Christian knows that there is something wrong with Dimas because he came suddenly to the mansion he hasn't visited in a long time.

His suspicions were right, after Christian asked a few questions about things that Dimas usually didn't understand, Dimas was miraculously able to answer all of them easily. This shows that Dimas has returned to being a genius. Christian did not miss the opportunity and treated Dimas well as if nothing had ever happened between them.

"Ah, what did you just say? Could you please repeat it because I didn't hear it well?" Dimas massaged his throbbing temples because lately, he was thinking about the girl he met in the hospital 3 months ago.

Randi, a 35-year-old man who was Dimas's temporary secretary who was placed by Christian to balance Dimas's work, looked at Dimas with a surprised face. From the start, Randi had felt that there was something strange about the Lawrence Company. There are so many secrets hidden by the company where he works. Moreover, Dimas Lawrence, whose existence was almost forgotten, suddenly Christian recruited a temporary secretary for Dimas.

Even though Randi has worked for many years, he has never seen Dimas's face at Lawrence Company even for a moment. Just thinking about it is strange, especially when Randi has to work with someone he thought existed from the start.

Randi took a deep breath to re-explain some things that Dimas didn't hear well. "Sir President ordered me to recruit a personal secretary to help you in your future work, sir! I already have several qualified candidates. You can see them in person and choose which one to be your personal secretary."

Dimas nodded his head. He already knew that Randi was only working for him temporarily because after all, this wasn't his area of ​​expertise. So, Randi seems to speed up the schedule for recruiting a personal secretary for Dimas. Dimas doesn't mind, he needs a secretary to get to know Lawrence Company. Moreover, Dimas feels foreign to Lawrence Company, as if Dimas is really a 'new' person in the company.

Dimas got up from the chair and walked over to Randi. Dimas's hand patted Randi's shoulder. "Bring them here! I will choose the person who deserves to be my secretary!"

"Good, Sir!" Randi slightly bowed his head and then turned to walk out of Dimas's office to bring along the candidates who had passed the selection through him. Now, only Dimas will make the final decision.

After not seeing Randi's silhouette from view, Dimas sat on the sofa in his office. He, who really couldn't sit still without doing anything, took the documents at the front desk at random. While waiting for Randi to arrive with the candidates, Dimas was immersed in the contents of the document, which discussed plans for cooperation with other companies.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Dimas said to just open it. More than one footstep was heard entering the room. Dimas still did not pay attention to the people who started to stand in line in front of him.

Dimas's eyes were busy reading every sentence in the document he was holding. Seeing that Dimas was again busy with endless work, Randi cleared his throat to tell Dimas to pay attention to the candidates he had brought.

"Sir, I have brought three qualified people. Please choose one of these three." Randi explained patiently.

Dimas glanced at Randi, who was standing beside him. "Then what about the remaining two people?"

Randi looked down to see the file on the three people in front of him that was in his hands. "These three are very competent. I'll probably leave the rest to Mr. William and Mr. Dedrick because they don't have a private secretary either."

Dimas frowned, then removed the document from his face. "Don't my two brothers have secretaries yet? Didn't you say they occupy important positions in the company? Why don't there even be secretaries?!"

Randi grimaced at the tone of anger in Dimas's words. Well, it's only natural that Dimas is angry with his brother because he doesn't have a secretary to help arrange his brother's work schedule.

"Sir, actually many secretaries have been assigned to Mr. William and Mr. Dedrick. However, most of them resigned because they could not stand their attitude." Randi hesitantly glanced at Dimas to see how Dimas's expression was responding to his words.

Seeing that Dimas still seemed to be listening to his further explanation, Randi did not hesitate to tell him everything he knew so far. "Mr. William has changed his personal secretary many times because he is always dissatisfied with his personal secretary's work, so he often gets angry. Then, if Mr. Dedrick does the opposite, Mr. Dedrick delegates all the work to his private secretary, so many people complain. "

Dimas blinked a few times. Is it really like that?! Why are his two brothers so bad at doing office work? Dimas put his fist to his lips and cleared his throat to get rid of the awkward feeling that filled the room.

"I didn't expect Brother Liam to be sensitive. Then, Brother Rick also seems too lazy to take care of the company." Dimas finally understands why Christian is so enthusiastic about him because the work of his two brothers cannot be expected. But, according to Dimas personally, William has done a good job, the only minus is his attitude which is too sensitive to the work of his subordinates.

Dimas leaned back on the sofa. His eyes scanned one by one of the three people standing in front of him. Two women, one man. Dimas's gaze fell on a man who was 5 years older than him. Dimas found out about this fact after reading the first file that was presented by Randi.

The man's appearance qualified him to be his personal secretary, his education was also good, and his work history was also satisfactory. Dimas has his points in this man.

Then, Dimas turned to the first woman. Dimas's eyebrows immediately pointed sharply after seeing the woman's appearance. "What kind of clothes are you wearing?! The top two buttons were unbuttoned, the skirt was deliberately pulled up to make it look shorter, and the heels were above standard! Your prostituted yourself in front of me?!"

Randi glared at Dimas's blunt words that were so piercing. "Sir, you can't say that up front..."

"What?! It's your fault for bringing a girl with this appearance! For sure once I see I will refuse!" Dimas was furious, his eyes stared fiercely at the woman who could only curl up, feeling ashamed and angry at Dimas's rude words.

Dimas threw the woman's file at Randi without interest. He had no intention of looking at the woman's education or work history. Dimas's gaze turned to the remaining women.

"Lastly, Natalie Johnson." Dimas muttered the name. His eyes immediately widened when he felt familiar with the name. Dimas head quickly turned to the last woman.

Dimas's eyes widened when he saw the face that had always been in his memory, was now in front of him. Dimas immediately stood up with an expression of disbelief on his face. His index finger pointed at the woman in front of him, whose face he couldn't forget easily after the last time arguing over a few things.

"You! Why are you here?!"

Natalie just stared coldly at Dimas who looked surprised to see her. The corners of her lips suddenly lifted into a lopsided smile. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Dimas! I am Natalie Johnson, one of the candidates who want to be your secretary."

Natalie's smile gave Dimas a cold feeling. Dimas rubbed his arms several times to get rid of the goosebumps because of Natalie's crooked smile.

"You! Why do you want to be my secretary?!" Dimas still doesn't want to let Natalie suddenly appear as one of the candidates.

Natalie glanced at Dimas. "Is there really a reason I have to miss a job of this magnitude? After all, there's nothing to lose in being your personal secretary, sir! The President will even give me double the salary if I become your secretary! Isn't that a real advantage that cannot be missed?"

Dimas was not satisfied with Natalie's answer, which sounded convoluted. He snorted sarcastically. "So you want to work as my secretary just because the salary is double?"

Natalie answered without hesitation. "Yes!"