3. Too Confident

Dimas rubbed his chin while looking at Natalie, who was standing in front of him. Dimas's feet walked around Natalie, who was silent as if she didn't mind what Dimas had done.

Dimas chuckled sarcastically. "Okay if you say work as my secretary because you get paid double. If you are already working under my supervision, then do it seriously!"

Natalie nodded her head without the slightest doubt in her eyes. "Of course!"

Dimas frowned, not liking Natalie's overly calm response. Should he make another threat, so Natalie would at least put on a frightened face?

Dimas smirked, full of cunning. "If your work is not satisfactory, I will not hesitate to fire you without giving a penny!"

Dimas thought that this time Natalie would show fear at his threat. At least, for people who work for money, then they will be afraid if the money they are waiting for is not given as it should be. So, Natalie must have been afraid of Dimas's threats.

Unexpectedly, Natalie just closed her eyes and shook her head. The corners of Natalie's lips even twitched, as if she was holding back laughter because she was amused by Dimas's words. Natalie raised her palm to cover her mouth, Natalie's chin lifted giving an arrogant impression with a look down on Dimas.

"Oh, I just found out that Lawrence Company is so poor it can't even pay its employees for a few days!"

Natalie's words hit Dimas so badly that the man lost badly. Dimas's hands were clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. "You!..."

Dimas could not continue his speech because he ran out of words every time he argued with Natalie. For some reason, Dimas always felt he had to be silent when dealing with Natalie. Natalie's aura was so impressive that Dimas had to bow under her.

Dimas looked away, not wanting to look at Natalie. "Tch, work well from now on! Randi, explain to her the things she needs to do as my secretary!"

Dimas walked over to his desk and again busied himself with the documents that were still piling up. Dimas has decided to choose Natalie as his secretary. Regarding men who are equally competent candidates, Dimas must be willing to let him go. After all, with Natalie as his secretary, Dimas was able to satisfy his curiosity about the girl.

Time passed until it was finally lunchtime. Dimas stretched his stiff body because he had been immersed in the many documents for too long. Dimas's eyes glanced at Natalie, who was sitting at a table which was just outside Dimas's room.

Dimas rests his chin on while looking at Natalie who looks serious looking at the computer. A small smile appeared on Dimas's lips without the man knowing it. When he realized, Dimas immediately thinned his lips, cursing himself for suddenly smiling like a fool.

"Tsk, Dimas, Dimas... What are you actually thinking?!" Dimas patted himself on the head trying to get rid of the image of Natalie's beautiful face who was serious about working as a secretary.

A loud moan caught Dimas's attention. His head suddenly looked up and found Natalie, who was already standing in front of his desk. Dimas jumped from the chair, his eyes glanced at the chair outside the room which was empty while the owner was now right in front of him. Even though Dimas had only seen Natalie being so serious about computers a few moments ago, now Natalie is here.

"Why? Did you have a hard time doing the job?"

Natalie ignored Dimas's mocking question. "I'm just here to remind you that after lunch there will be an important meeting with the directors. Your two older brothers will also be present along with the President Director. So, sir, please have lunch first before attending the meeting."

Dimas grinned meaningfully after hearing Natalie's words. He stood up and walked over to Natalie. Dimas's hands grabbed Natalie's hair, which was up to his shoulders. Natalie's hair is so silky and gives off a sweet fragrance that captivates the heart.

Dimas scraped the distance between them to inhale the fragrance that came from Natalie. "You're worried about me?"

Dimas voice sounded so confident. Natalie rolled her eyes lazily, then took a step to the side to avoid Dimas's reach. "Forgive me if I'm being too presumptuous. But, sir, you are too confident! I warned you to eat lunch during your break because the meeting will take a long time! I want to avoid having to serve your food needs because it's not my job!"

Natalie's hair, which was previously in Dimas's hands, has now flowed freely from the gaps of his fingers. At the same time, Dimas's face was red with embarrassment after hearing Natalie's words. "Tch, I know! No need to explain that!"

Dimas walked out of the office because he was too embarrassed to meet Natalie face to face. Natalie was left alone in Dimas's study. Natalie's head was down, her hair hanging down, covering part of her face. This made people unable to see the smile etched on her face.

Natalie's hand touched the hair that was previously held by Dimas. Bring a number of hair to breathe. "Again, you're acting arbitrarily, Dimas."


Dimas stepped into the elevator and pressed the elevator button to go to the top floor. There are actually two canteens that Dimas knows are located at the Lawrence Company. One is downstairs and the other is upstairs. Dimas usually eats in the canteen upstairs, which is closer to his office.

Dimas's body leaned against the elevator body. The blush never left his face because of Natalie's words. Natalie's previous words gave the impression that Dimas was too confident. This made Dimas feel lost in front of his new secretary.

"Argh!!" Dimas ruffled his hair and then rubbed his face several times to get rid of the heat on his face. What a shameful day! After all, where did Dimas have so much confidence that he said that Natalie was worried about him?! Did he expect that much that Natalie was distressed about him?!

That's not possible! Why would Dimas expect such things from women he doesn't know?! Tch, what a waste of time!

The elevator opens upon arriving at the destination floor. Dimas immediately got out of the elevator and was greeted with a row of chairs filled with employees enjoying their lunch. Not wanting to attract too much attention, Dimas walked sideways, trying to make as few people aware of his existence as possible.

Dimas is still not used to the crowded office atmosphere, especially in the canteen, which easily attracts the attention of many people. Dimas feels that he is new to Christian's company. Christian said that Dimas would get used to the office atmosphere if he had adapted. So, for now, Dimas is trying to memorize every important place in the Lawrence Company.

Just now, Dimas was about to approach one of the storefronts with several food menus on display. His steps suddenly stopped when a group passed in front of Dimas. Dimas's eyes managed to recognize one of the people in the group.

There was William who was discussing something with his temporary secretary, as was Dimas who had Randi as a temporary secretary before getting a personal secretary. Dimas's mouth opened to greet his brother, but William had already noticed Dimas's presence.

"Get out of the way!" William said quietly. His eyes stared intently at Dimas with hatred. The undisguised hatred of Dimas made Dimas gasp.

Dimas finally got out of William's way with a heavy heart. Dimas's hands unconsciously clenched into fists when he realized that William had hated him so much since Dimas was at the Lawrence Company. "Actually, why does Brother Liam hate me?!"

Dimas sighed without getting an answer to his question. His feet resumed the steps that had been delayed. With a bad mood, Dimas ordered food and then sat on a chair at the end, a strategic place to be able to observe all the people in the canteen and eavesdrop on the conversations of the employees.

"Hey, do you want to hear the latest news?!"

"What news? Say it quickly!"

It's true that Dimas suspected, there must be employees gossiping. Dimas quietly put his ears wide open to listen to the latest gossip that will be told by a group of employees who are sitting not far from the table where Dimas is occupying.

"How come I heard a ridiculous rumor that the CEO position held by Mr. William will be replaced by someone else?! Isn't that unusual?!"

"Wow! Seriously!"

"Why will Mr. William be replaced by someone else?!"

"Who will replace Mr. William?!"

Dimas glanced at the group of employees who were getting closer. Dimas also felt curious, he guessed about who would replace the important position held by William.

"Here, yes, I'll tell you! You must have known that three months ago the President Director brought a man to the company. You must have known him! His name..."

"Mr. Dimas!"

Dimas almost vomited the food he had swallowed because someone's voice startled him. Dimas glared at the person who startled him. Dimas gritted his teeth. "Zidan!"

Zidan, one of the employees under the leadership of Dimas who often makes mistakes in his work. Zidan is even the one who bravely greets Dimas by putting on a face full of smiles, even though he is often scolded by Dimas due to his work that is never right.

Zidan with a thick face joined at the same table as Dimas and even pulled his friend to sit with him. "Well, now Mr. Dimas is not alone anymore! Come on, eat everything!"

Zidan busied himself with the food he brought, regardless of Dimas's reaction to his actions. Riko, Zidan's friend can only grimace at Zidan's shameless behavior in front of their superiors. Riko looked down, feeling guilty of Zidan's attitude, which Dimas only waved in return.

"You eat, don't mind me!" Dimas was annoyed because he was previously so serious about listening to gossip, but Zidan was surprised.

When Dimas turned his ear to hear more gossip, the voices from the group of employees made him gasp.

"Yes! Mr. Dimas is the one who will replace Mr. William! You know, Mr. President Director was delighted when Mr. Dimas first worked at the company! He even intended to remove Mr. William from his current position and replace him with a new Mr. Dimas! Poor Mr. William, who has been working so hard all this time, but his younger brother suddenly came to take everything from him! How shameless!"

Dimas froze hearing those words. No wonder William hated him so much. As it turned out, Christian was so enthusiastic about him that he didn't hesitate to remove William from his current position.

Couldn't put this off any longer! Dimas must tell William clearly that all this time he has not been eyeing William's position! Dimas also has to ask Christian to forget Christian's plan to replace William.

Dimas doesn't want to be hated by his brother just for fighting for power. He would rather succumb than gain power over his brother's hatred. After all, Dimas wants to live in peace without any conflict between siblings.

"I have to immediately tell Brother Liam what I want! He might have misunderstood to the point that he hates me so much!"