4. Two Disaster

Lunchtime had passed, in the end Dimas could not carry out his intention to tell William that he was not after the CEO position that was already occupied by his brother. The elevator opens when it reaches the floor where the meeting is taking place. Unexpectedly, when the elevator door opened, Dimas saw the figure of Natalie, who was standing neatly with her hands carrying files for meeting purposes.

Seeing how diligent Natalie was in coming on time even before him, Dimas felt that he had not chosen the wrong secretary. With a satisfied smile, Dimas stepped closer to Natalie, who noticed his presence.

Natalie raised an eyebrow. Dimas's expression looked happy, as if he had never been offended by Natalie's words before. It seems that Dimas has forgotten what Natalie said, which made him feel embarrassed.

Natalie snorted. What did she really expect from Dimas? It was easy for him to forget something valuable, so he didn't have enough room to remember what Natalie had said that wasn't relevant. Natalie hated to admit it, but Dimas was a great person at forgetting things.

"Sir, the meeting is about to start. Please come in!" Natalie kept pace with Dimas's steps towards a large door where behind the door a meeting would be held.

Dimas glanced at the file in Natalie's hands for a moment. "Are the files for the meeting complete?"

Natalie nodded lightly. "Yes, sir!"

Dimas sighed, knowing this. This is an important meeting he will attend. So, Dimas could not make a single mistake that embarrassed Christian. This meeting will discuss the hotel development plans in several tourist attractions.

As development covers numerous areas, the board of directors and business partners attended the meeting to further discuss the plan. Decisions cannot be made hastily, so the meeting may be held two or three times.

When Dimas entered the meeting room, many pairs of eyes were staring at him with various gazes. Dimas straightened his body, Dimas's gaze was straight ahead without the slightest intention of looking back at the people who cast sharp gazes on him. Dimas walked to the chair where he used to sit in the first meeting.

Dimas's steps stopped when he saw that the chair was already occupied by someone who didn't even glance at Dimas's presence. William, the 32-year-old man, was busy reading the documents, acting as if Dimas was not beside him.

Natalie frowned disapprovingly of William's arbitrariness. Just as she was about to reprimand William, Dimas had already turned around with a wry smile on his face. Dimas walked to the chair at the end, which was still empty.

Natalie followed Dimas in silence, her mind digesting the situation. The atmosphere in the meeting room has been stifling since Dimas's presence. This made Natalie know that Dimas's presence was openly rejected by the people present at the meeting.

"Is this the attitude that the board of directors should have?! Don't they underestimate Dimas too much?! The current Dimas is not the stupid Dimas I knew in high school! He is already worthy to lead a company, but they are so blinded by power that they are afraid of Dimas to take everything!"

Natalie could only curse in her heart. The directors who are older than Christian let Natalie know that Dimas can't do more in front of them. They would surely find fault with Dimas if Dimas said a word without being asked. Isn't it obvious that there is discrimination here?!

"Sir, isn't that chair supposed to be occupied by you? Why not reprimand Mr. William? Doesn't he already have his chair beside Mr. Christian?" Natalie couldn't help but protest at Dimas.

Dimas just smiled responding to a series of questions from Natalie. "Nata, there are times when we better keep quiet even though we know everything."

Natalie didn't like the idea, so she spoke again. "If you know everything, why don't you just say it all? Wouldn't it be easy to avoid mistakes if you knew everything and used it as a solution?"

Dimas blinked, his head turned to the side to see Natalie standing. Just as Dimas was about to answer Natalie's question, the door to the room suddenly opened and revealed the figure of Christian, along with the eldest of the board of directors.

Everyone present at the meeting immediately stood up to honor Christian and those who were with Christian. Christian seemed to help the director to sit down. Christian's private secretary whispers something that makes Christian's face turn sour.

After helping the board of directors, Christian's head turned quickly to William, who was sitting in the chair that should have been occupied by Dimas. Christian grits his teeth when he realizes that William is showing open hostility towards Dimas in his presence.

"William! What are you..."

"Father!" Dimas immediately got up and shook his head, indicating that Christian would not discuss such trivial matters further.

William closed the file he had previously either read or simply opened it. The man just glanced at Dimas who was sitting far from him and also looked at Christian who was beside him.

"Oh, father! It seems you have arrived. I'm sorry I didn't notice your presence." William stood up and bowed slightly to greet Christian, who just looked away in response.

A crooked smile appeared on William's face when he received a rejection response from his father. William's hand, which was at his side, clenched into fists, remembering that in the meeting room not only him but Dimas also attended an important meeting of this kind.

William, as the eldest son in the Lawrence Family, of course, disliked the presence of Dimas. Even though, it was good that Dimas had disappeared from the Lawrence Family. However, the outcast suddenly came as if nothing had happened. Even worse, Dimas returns to being a genius and threatens William's position.

William has worked his way up to where he is now by convincing Christian. Christian, who had always been unable to take his eyes off Dimas, when he learned that the youngest son he had always hoped for his genius to return, was very enthusiastic when he found out that his wish for Dimas had come true.

Dimas gets his intelligence, Christian also gives him abundant affection and more attention. William had no problem with it. However, Christian undoubtedly wants William to hand over his current position to Dimas for no apparent reason. In fact, William has contributed a lot to the progress of the Lawrence Company. After all, in the past because the case regarding Dimas was reopened, Lawrence Company had experienced a decline in shares.

Then, who handles the situation? Of course, it was William who convinced the directors to come along to help him! Dedrick? Don't expect help from that one man because he's very unreliable when it comes to the office! Dedrick didn't want the company in the first place, so he didn't really think much about how the Lawrence Company would look in the future.

"Brother Liam, aren't you being too harsh with our little brother?" Dedrick grinned widely at his older brother, who had been feeling restless since the arrival of their youngest brother.

William looked coldly at Dedrick who seemed to be sitting relaxed in a chair while playing with a pen as if in his office. William snorted. "Just keep quiet as usual, Rick! No need to interfere too much!"

Dedrick shook his head. "You can't! You've gone too far, Brother! After all, Dimas is new to the Lawrence Company, shouldn't you guide him to develop his abilities?"

William put on a face as if to say, 'What nonsense are you saying?! Even without being mentored by me, he has grown on his own!'. Basically, Dedrick's words contained a mockery of William. There's no way Dedrick doesn't know about Dimas's abilities that are getting better every day at the Lawrence Company.

"Guiding him just to knock me out? Tch, you better be! Make yourself useful to father's company!" William doesn't like Dimas because Dimas always gets something without as much effort as he does. Meanwhile, the reason William doesn't like Dedrick is, of course because Dedrick's character is the opposite of him.

Dedrick lived life casually as if he didn't care about anything in his life. Even though William lived a life full of struggles, but seeing Dedrick, who had already got a position at the first branch of the Lawrence Company but was still being careless, William hated his brother to death. This made William realize that his two younger siblings were only a walking disaster for his career.

Dedrick tilted his head with an annoying face. Dedrick rolled his eyes to look at Dimas who was watching his interaction with William. Dedrick put on a friendly smile for Dimas. "You know that I am the most anti-company, Brother! You are the more skilled one. So, it's better if Dimas is guided by you. Father will also agree, right, Father?"

Dedrick immediately shoots a question at Christian, boiling with anger towards William. After being shot a question by Dedrick relating to Dimas, Christian answered without hesitation. "Yes! Your youngest brother should have been guided by you, William! Not to show hostility towards your youngest brother! It's inappropriate for other people to hear if you act childish and think that Dimas will take everything from you!"