5. William's Threat

William shivered with anger. It was not only Dedrick who attacked him, now even Christian is helping Dimas openly in front of the board of directors. This has shown that Christian's support for Dimas is greater than he is.

"Tsk, watch out for you, Dedrick!" William hissed disapprovingly of losing the debate. He slumped down on the chair with his arms folded across his chest. William can't continue the argument with Dedrick because Christian has already interfered in it. If William insists on continuing to express his dislike of Dimas, Christian's words that openly support Dimas will make it difficult for him in the future. The directors could have turned to support Dimas instead of him if they knew that Christian had switched sides to support Dimas instead of William.

Now, the position that William holds is still standing because the directors are still on his side. They don't fully trust Dimas's abilities, and William plans to make Dimas fail in front of the board of directors with a big project that will be discussed in the meeting.

Dedrick was seen smiling with satisfaction, seeing his brother's silence. His pupils rolled to look at Dimas who was at the end and then blinked one eye. "Everything's in order!"

Dimas smiled a little while showing his gratitude towards Dedrick. Only Dedrick sided with Dimas in the Lawrence Family mansion. In fact, only Dedrick doesn't seem hostile to Dimas since Dimas returned to the mansion.

Natalie looked down to see the look on Dimas's face. The man didn't seem fine after being the subject of debate by his two brothers and even involving his father. Natalie sighed. "This family is not easy to deal with. It seems that Dimas has had a difficult day since returning to the Lawrence Family mansion."

However, remembering that Dimas went back there of his own accord made Natalie's sympathy for Dimas lessen a little. Natalie rolled her eyes lazily. "Tch, why would I worry about him?! He doesn't even remember me at all! Stupid Natalie!"

"Are you pitying me in your heart, now? Well, go ahead. Besides, I'm used to being given that kind of stare by people back home." Dimas turned his head back to whisper to Natalie. Hearing these words from Dimas, Natalie who heard it felt displeased because Dimas was too resigned to the situation.

Natalie was silent after hearing Dimas's words. The meeting was full of debates. Natalie carried out her duties as Dimas's personal secretary well. She noted several important things to be conveyed to Dimas.

Unlike previous meetings which ended without getting any decisions, this time the meeting resulted in a decision. Dimas who will monitor the hotel construction process that will take place. So, Natalie recorded as much information about the hotel as possible on the screen during the meeting to make it easier for Dimas later.

Everyone who attended the meeting had already left the room. Now all that's left are Dimas, Natalie, William, and Dedrick. Looks like William will give a stern warning to Dimas. Then, for Dedrick himself, he wanted to avoid missing the opportunity to annoy William in every way.

William got up from the chair and walked over to Dimas. His steps stopped right behind Dimas. William's hand hit the table right in front of Dimas's face. The atmosphere in the room was so tense that Dedrick had no chance to disturb William.

"Dimas, Dimas… You're so happy to mess up all my business. You've just come to join the Lawrence Company, you've been dreaming of mastering everything! Tch, then work on the project that's already in your hands. We'll see if you can handle it all alone or need help!" William chuckled sarcastically in Dimas's ear, who thinned his lips listening to William's cynical remark.

William shrugged nonchalantly while distancing himself from Dimas as if he hadn't done anything before. William put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked away, ignoring Dimas's response.

Dimas's hands that were on the table clenched into fists without him realizing it. Again, William was very cynical of him and raised the flag of hostility towards him. Dimas's body trembled faintly from the anger and sadness that filled him.

"Hey, don't mind his words too much! You just do your job well, and silence everyone with your accomplishments!"

Dimas felt a squeeze on his shoulder accompanied by Dedrick's voice which contained a hint of humor in his voice. However, Dimas certainly knows that this older brother supports all of Dimas's actions.

Dimas smiled lightly. "Thank you for the support, Brother Rick. I will try my best to work on the project that was given to me."

Dedrick narrowed his eyes at the excited Dimas. "Well, it's up to you. I don't mind if you tackle the project at random. Let me tell you a secret."

Dedrick brought his mouth close to Dimas's ear and whispered something. "Even if you mess up the company, Father will definitely take care of everything. So, there's no need to worry about making mistakes while handling the project."

The corner of Natalie's eyes twitched at Dedrick's heresy. She rolled her eyes, even though Natalie already knew that Dedrick was the cause of the company's problems, she still didn't think that Dedrick would mislead Dimas. "Sir, aren't your words very detrimental? Please, don't teach my superiors to do things that can harm himself and the company!"

Dedrick raised his hand as if he had been caught doing something wrong. He grimaced at Natalie's words that were so openly reprimanded him. "Oh, just ignore what I said earlier, Dimas. It seems your secretary doesn't like my teaching, which is considered useless."

Dedrick patted Dimas on the shoulder passionately. "So do your best!"

Dimas smiled and nodded obediently. "Of course!"


"Huh, what the hell?! How can that Dedrick teach such things?! How outrageous!" Natalie cursed Dedrick after she arrived at the rented house. Her body was resting on the sofa after her energy was forced for a company meeting.

Natalie tilted her body with her thoughts on Dimas. "I had planned to be close to Dimas naturally through work. Everything went smoothly, but it turned out that there were many conflicts between Dimas and his family. It seems that Dimas did not have easy days at the mansion."

Natalie pursed her lips. Natalie's hands were pounding on the sofa cushions because she was nervous about the current situation. "Dimas can't put up much resistance, especially since he's still a stranger to everything! After all, he hasn't hung out with his two brothers for years, now he's suddenly back as if nothing happened, of course William won't accept Dimas easily! "

Natalie's legs kicked in the air because she was too excited. Her body rolled and fell off the sofa with her head down and her feet on the sofa. Natalie widened her eyes when she thought of a brilliant idea.

"Ah, I just need to make Dimas superior according to the directors so that Dimas will be respected by them! At least William won't be openly hostile to Dimas anymore because he feels completely threatened by Dimas's abilities!" Natalie was about to get up after having succeeded in drawing up a plan for Dimas. However, her current position made it difficult for Natalie, so she just gave up.

"Natalie, what are you doing? Doesn't your body hurt in that upside-down position?" Dave came from the kitchen. On his thigh, there is a plate filled with side dishes for them to have dinner. Natalie previously bought food outside to eat at home. So, Dave served the meal on a plate.

Natalie looked at Dave, who in her eyes turned upside down. Blinking her eyes a few times from the throbbing dizziness, Natalie quickly got up to sit down. "I was just thinking of some plans to make Dimas's reputation rise. He still doesn't know anything, but he's stubborn that he knows everything! Tch, in the end, I have to help him get out of his unfortunate situation now!"

Dave observed Natalie, who seemed to be cursing Dimas. In contrast to her mouth that was always complaining, Natalie's actions were the opposite of her words. In fact, Natalie did everything she could to get close to Dimas naturally and prepared everything.

Dave smiled faintly, Natalie's character on this one was very similar to him. In the past, Dave tried desperately to protect Natalie from Doni, but he did something evil in front of Natalie to make Doni think Dave was on his side. Even though Dave's real intention was to keep Natalie away from Doni, whose actions would be much more sinister.

This creates a misunderstanding between them, causing Natalie to hate him. Fortunately, after the war was over, the misunderstanding between them could be resolved and live together. They depend on each other because they only have each other.

"Nata, eat first. Thereafter,, think about the next step. Didn't you say your job as a secretary is very difficult? Come on, tell me who knows I have a solution to make your job easier." Dave put the plate on the dining table then turned to Natalie who looked enthusiastic after hearing Dave's words.

Natalie's eyes lit up. "Is it true that you can help me?!"

Dave snorted in amusement. "Of course! I've taken care of company-related matters. So, there's no need to worry too much about it. You can even bring your work home for me to help with."

Natalie immediately got up and ran over to Dave. "You are my savior, Brother! I really want to be close to Dimas, but the work being done is very difficult! I have to pretend that I can do everything in front of Dimas!"

Natalie laid her head on Dave's thigh, who was in a wheelchair. Dave chuckled as he rubbed Natalie's head. "Alright, my young sister has suffered a lot on her first day at work. Come on, eat first to calm your mind."

Natalie nodded her head. "Ready, Brother!"

Natalie immediately got up and sat down in a chair. Her hand grabbed the plate and then served the rice along with the side dishes she bought outside. Natalie served for Dave too. Dave might be seen lounging at home doing nothing and only Natalie working hard. It's not like that, though. Dave is a freelancer who works from home without requiring him to leave or stay at the company.

With Dave's paralyzed legs, of course Dave's movement is limited, so he seeks employment that at least helps the economy and also doesn't bother himself. Luckily, Dave already knows how to do his job now because he has helped Doni several times in managing a company. Especially watching Doni explain about the company when Aditya asked Doni to teach him a few things about the company.

So, with that memory, Dave is doing his job now. He was finally able to help Natalie even a little. Hearing that Natalie was having a hard time getting the job done, Dave finally volunteered. Unexpectedly, Natalie looks happy because someone is helping her difficult work.

"Natalie, eat slowly. Don't worry, I won't take my words back. If you eat rushing, you won't be able to enjoy the taste of the food." Dave's hand patted Natalie's back, which was slightly choking. Dave handed his a glass of water and Natalie immediately drank it.

Natalie chuckled. "I was just worried that Brother would forget what you just said. So, I was rushing."

Dave shook his head in disbelief. There was no way he could forget his own words, which he had only said a few minutes ago. "There's no way I could just forget about it. Don't think about silly things, understand?"

Natalie nodded as Dave ruffled his already messy hair. "Understood, Brother! I will collect your words one day!"

Dave smiled a little. "I will always look forward to it."