6. Baseless Accusations

Natalie looked at the watch on her wrist. The clock showed 7.15 a.m, Natalie arrived 15 minutes later than she usually left. Working hours start at 8.00 a.m, but as Dimas's personal secretary, Natalie has to arrive an hour earlier than the company's entry time.

Dimas will arrive at the company 30 minutes before working hours start. Before Dimas arrives, Natalie must have prepared the schedules that will be submitted to Dimas after the man arrives. Even Natalie had to give her boss a morning greeting.

So now Natalie was rushing into the Lawrence Company that she wasn't paying attention to the road. Natalie accidentally bumps into someone, causing her body to fall. Natalie groaned as her buttocks landed hard on the hard floor.

Natalie's head looked up to see the person she had hit. Natalie's mouth opened to say sorry to the person. However, Natalie's voice stuck on the tip of her tongue when she recognized the person in front of her.

"Mr. Dimas?"

Dimas gave Natalie a cold stare, who was still kneeling on the floor. Dimas's eyes narrowed sharply as he observed Natalie's appearance, which looked like she had just come to the office. "What are you doing? You came late?"

Natalie grimaced because she was caught arriving later than her supposed schedule. Natalie's legs in heels began to straighten to stand up. However, because Natalie wasn't used to wearing heels, she slipped and fell backwards. Natalie closed her eyes in resignation as she was about to fall for the second time in a day.

"Ah, my luck seems to have been lost today! How unlucky to fall for the second time."

Surprisingly, Natalie didn't feel the hardness of the floor. Her body just hit something and held back. Natalie's eyes slowly opened to see what was really going on. Natalie's heart was anxious that Dimas would catch her like in dramas.

Unfortunately, the romantic moments in Natalie's mind were gone when her gaze caught William's grim face. Natalie's body is now leaning on William's chest, facing Dimas. Realizing the awkward position, Natalie immediately pulled away from William.

"I'm sorry, sir!" Natalie bowed as a sign of guilt. Natalie stole a glance at William to see the look on the man's face.

William seemed to be frowning as he patted the black coat he was wearing as if Natalie was just dust. Natalie clicked in her heart. "Does he think I'm so filthy that the coat is cleaned with such an unpleasant expression!"

"Careless!" cried William, startling Natalie who was busy cursing in her heart. William gave Natalie a laser-like gaze. The man looked at Natalie fiercely, as if Natalie's presence wanted him to disappear.

Once again, Natalie lowered her head. "I'm sorry, sir! It is not my intention to!"

"Tsk, excuses! Just say you want to find a fuss in front of me!" William is not so easy to let go of trivial matters like this. His bad recent mood will magnify a small problem, especially when it comes to Dimas. William's gaze turned to Dimas who was standing in front of him. "Oh, or is this a form of your boss's dissatisfaction with me because of what I said yesterday?! Huh, the classic way!"

The corner of Dimas's lips twitched at William's baseless accusation. Even though Dimas just happened to be a victim of Natalie's carelessness, but now he has changed his role to become the perpetrator. "What do you mean, Brother?"

William chuckled sarcastically, crossing his arms across his chest. "Don't pretend like you don't know anything, Dimas! You asked your secretary to bother me today because you didn't accept what I said yesterday!"

Dimas was taken aback. How could it be so easy for William to compose a scenario and then pass the blame on Dimas as if it was Dimas who planned everything? Dimas shook his head in disbelief. "Brother, there appears to be a misunderstanding here! I…"

"Never mind, I'm not going to argue about this! Next time you don't like what I'm saying, better respond right away! Using cheap tricks like this only makes me sick of you even more!" William waved before finally walking away to the elevator to his office, which was on the top floor of the company.

Dimas froze in place, leaving the stares of the passing employees and Natalie frozen. Natalie blinked her eyes in slow motion. William, the bastard, easily accused Dimas even though Dimas had nothing to do with Natalie's mistake!

Natalie gritted her teeth and then turned around to shout to explain the real situation. However, because Natalie was late to digest the situation, she had not seen the bridge of William's nose, so she did not have time to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Huh, where's Mr. William?" Natalie looked around but was only presented with the sight of employees passing by. Because she was busy looking for the whereabouts of William, who had been missing for a long time, Natalie did not notice the changes that had occurred to Dimas.

Dimas clenched his fists until his body shook slowly. "Natalie Johnson!"

Natalie got goosebumps hearing Dimas's baritone voice. Dimas suppressed every syllable as he called out Natalie's full name, giving Natalie a feeling of horror. An alarm went off in her mind, making Natalie feel dizzy. With a stiff movement, Natalie's head turned back and saw that the aura around Dimas was very gloomy.

"Are you satisfied that I'm being accused again without doing anything wrong?!" Dimas growled in anger, his teeth chattered, indicating that he was furious for the mistake Natalie had made to cause him to receive accusations from William.

Natalie stepped back as Dimas got closer. Natalie's eyes glanced back to see the elevator still closed. Natalie chuckled awkwardly, feeling a gripping aura emanating from Dimas.

"Mr… Dimas… calm down first… I apologize for making you accuse of no reason." Natalie put her hands together, still with a step back.

When a 'Ting' sound came from the elevator, Natalie turned around at lightning speed and entered the elevator. Natalie's index finger pressed a button towards the floor where she worked. Natalie breathed a sigh of relief as the elevator doors slowly closed and Dimas's face grew out of sight.

Natalie's back leaned against the body of the elevator with joy filling her heart. "Finally, I'm not stuck with Dimas."

It seemed that Natalie's luck had completely eroded today. Because when the elevator leaves only a gap, a hand prevents the elevator from closing completely. Natalie's breath suddenly caught on the sight that Dimas was the owner of the hand.

Natalie was shocked when Dimas climbed into the elevator with her. Natalie even saw that no employee dared to share the elevator with Dimas so that there would only be her and Dimas if Natalie persisted in taking the elevator.

"I-I'll just take the next elevator. Please, Mr. Dimas first…" Before Natalie could finish her sentence, the elevator door was completely closed, so she was trapped with Dimas in the same elevator alone.

It's an emergency! Natalie could only shift to a corner to avoid Dimas. Natalie's head was pressed against the body of the elevator to cool her hot head.

Natalie wasn't joking, it was really a dangerous situation to leave her and Dimas in the elevator with only the two of them.


Natalie shook her head then banged her head in a slow motion. "Hold on, Natalie, hold on!"

Dimas looked surprised at Natalie, who was busy banging her head. Worried that Natalie's head might hurt and cause Dimas to be accused of various things, Dimas slowly approached and called out to Natalie in a slightly loud voice.

"Natalie! What are you doing?!"

Dimas pursed his lips when a palm covered his mouth. Dimas's gaze spread to her arm and then the owner of the hand, which had now stopped banging her head.

Dimas suddenly felt bad when he saw Natalie turned to face him with her head bowed deeply. Dimas's mind suddenly shouted one word.


"You started it, Dimas… Even though I tried to restrain myself from being around you…" Natalie's voice sounded frustrated, and there was a hidden meaning in her words.

Dimas's lips opened to ask Natalie a question. But, realizing that Natalie's palm was still in his mouth, Dimas immediately pushed it away. "What happened to... hmmp!"

Dimas's eyeballs almost popped improper when the tie he was wearing was pulled suddenly by the person in front of him. What surprised him even more was something supple and soft landed on his lips. Dimas froze to get the sudden attack.

As a man, Dimas should dominate. But, today, under Natalie's control, Dimas couldn't put up any resistance. His legs even went limp with just a kiss from Natalie. Realizing that the man under her control was about to lose strength, Natalie pushed Dimas to lean on the elevator and continued the kiss.

Natalie's lips moved skillfully to explore Dimas's slightly parted lips because he was too surprised by what he received from Natalie. A smirk appeared on Natalie's pretty face, which looked prettier than usual in Dimas's eyes. "You made me lose control, Dimas."