7. Very Funny

Hot breath hit Dimas face. The man blinked in slow motion. Something that was tightly pressed against his lips moved shrewdly. Even now, a hot object was thrusting its way into the gap created by its mouth. Playing in his mouth cavity, mastering the game until the owner is even helpless.

"You don't intend to return my kiss, Dimas?" Natalie's fingers ran down Dimas's red face. Natalie's slender fingers infiltrated Dimas's hair and then pulled a strand of hair. The pull on Dimas's hair is not too hard or slow, but gives a passionate sensation.

Natalie observed Dimas who seemed unwilling to look directly at her. Seeing this action, Natalie chuckles disapprovingly. Natalie's hand gripped Dimas's cheek until Dimas's lips moved a few inches. Natalie immediately bit Dimas's lip until it bled to vent her frustration.

Dimas hissed, feeling the pain in his lower lip. The rancid smell of blood immediately burst into his nose, making Dimas's nose itch. "What are you…"

In the next second, Dimas could not speak when he saw what Natalie was doing. Natalie's actions this time really silenced Dimas. How come?! Natalie is now licking the blood on Dimas's lips. The action was so passionate that it made Dimas's head boil with heat.

Dimas's face was completely red. Dimas's pupils trembled, it wasn't enough for Natalie to kiss him, the girl actually did an even hotter act against him! Shouldn't Dimas fight?!

Dimas could only think of all the actions he should have done in his mind without being able to make them happen. In fact, Dimas couldn't even move his fingers because he was too weak. "N-Natalie…"

"Hm…" Natalie only answered him with an incoherent mumble. Natalie was busy licking Dimas's lower lip and then kissing it repeatedly, without thinking that they were still in the elevator.

The elevator seemed to move slowly supporting Natalie's depraved act to Dimas. The poor man could only resign himself to being harassed by a woman who was his personal secretary. It's ironic that Dimas couldn't even put up a fight.

"You are very obedient today, Dimas." Natalie was done with her activities. Her hands wrapped around Dimas's neck and tilted her head. "Therefore, I will give you a present!"

Dimas almost screamed when he felt the heat on his neck. A kiss mark formed on Dimas's neck, the suit he was wearing couldn't even cover the passionate sign. Dimas immediately grabbed the area touched by Natalie's cheeky lips.

"Natalie! You…" Dimas glared sharply and was at a loss for words after Natalie left a mark on his neck.

Natalie chuckled and then kissed Dimas on the cheek before getting out of the elevator that was already open. Natalie waved at Dimas. "Good kisses, Sweetheart."

"God damn it!" Dimas was finally able to shout the words after the elevator doors closed again and Natalie was out of sight. Dimas body slumped down because his legs were weak.

Dimas gritted his teeth as he rubbed his sore neck. "I'll get back to you, Natalie Johnson!"

When you think about it, Dimas's words are ridiculous. Indeed, what revenge will he take against the girl who has abused him? Kiss her back, okay? Thinking about this made Dimas's face even more red.

"Argh, anyway, I will do anything to avenge his actions today!"


Natalie was in such a good mood that she felt flowers blooming all around her. If she is drawn in a comic, maybe the illustrator will give a lot of love decorations so that the reader feels dazzled.

Natalie sat at her desk right outside Dimas's workroom. Natalie rested her chin while looking around, which was already filled with employees under Dimas's supervision.

"Sis Natalie! She's in a very flowery mood, isn't she?!" Zidan ran from his desk, which was not far from Natalie. Zidan's eyes sparkled when he saw the arrival of Natalie, one of the people he knew at the office.

Natalie chuckled, amused seeing Zidan's overly friendly behavior without knowing the time and place. "Zidan, how come you come earlier than me?"

"The report he was supposed to make yesterday hasn't been finished yet! So, this kid came so early in the morning to finish it! Tch, you lazy young man!"

Wiwit, a 37-year-old woman, put her arm around Zidan's shoulders and cradled Zidan's head in her armpit. The mother of one daughter answered Natalie's question.

Zidan puffed out his cheeks, his index finger and thumb pressing his nose to hold his breath. "Sis Wiwit! Your armpits stink!"

Wiwit laughed out loud, not at all offended by Zidan's insulting remarks. "Here, I give you armpits! Let you all die under the smell of my armpits, whose smell is unbearable!"

"Gyaa! Sis Wiwit is outrageous!" Zidan excitedly tried to get away from Wiwit. However, because Wiwit was holding Zidan's head tightly, the 25-year-old man begged Natalie for help.

"Sis Natalie, help me out of Sis Wiwit …" Zidan's hand held Natalie's hand tightly and then shook it, whining for help.

Natalie just shook her head helplessly, seeing the interaction of a slang woman and a man her age, but strangely she called Natalie 'Sis'. When asked why he called Natalie with these frills, Zidan said that Natalie was a senior, so Zidan had to call her politely.

The reason is even more absurd because Natalie only became Dimas's secretary yesterday and Zidan has been working for Lawrence Company for almost a month. Zidan seems to be generalizing everyone by calling her 'Sis' both young and old.

"Sis Wiwit, don't bully our 'little brother'." Natalie almost burst out laughing when she said Zidan's nickname as 'Little Brother' for calling others 'Sis' despite being the same age.

"Huh, our little brother actually has someone to defend him. I'm so scared…" Wiwit rolled her eyes in a mocking tone. Wiwit had loosened her hand that was holding Zidan, so Zidan ran away from Wiwit and hid behind Natalie.

"Sister, I already told you that Sis Wiwit is scary! When I said her armpits smelled, she laughed. Like a crazy person, right?" Zidan whispered in Natalie's ear without lowering the volume so that Wiwit could hear what the man was saying.

Natalie couldn't hold back her laughter anymore. She laughed out loud while holding her stomach. "Sis Wiwit, you are said to be crazy with Zidan! Hahaha… Isn't that great?!"

Wiwit looked away and sat down in the chair she had pulled from her desk. "You insolent, Dan! You see, I'm the mother of one child! How can you say you're a crazy assholes! I'll beat you with my man! You can't go home because you were intercepted on the street by my husband!"

Zidan shuddered at Wiwit's threat. His body was huddled against Natalie's back, trying to hide from the horrors of a mother like Wiwit. "Ish, don't be like that, Sis! Ms Wiwit's husband is scary! At that time, I was stopped on the street and accused of teasing Sister because at that time Sister grabbed my shoulder and I happened to leave the office with Sister!"

There was a funny incident on Zidan's first day working at Lawrence Company, exactly one month ago, he was accused of being a man who seduced Wiwit by Wiwit's husband. The incident started when Zidan finished work and left the Lawrence Company, coincidentally in the lobby he met Wiwit. Wiwit, the slang women, put their arm around Zidan's shoulders and asked him to leave the office together. Wiwit did not expect her husband to wait outside the company and see her with Zidan.

Wiwit thought her husband would be angry with her for being close to Zidan. It turned out that according to her husband, it was Zidan who approached Wiwit when it was the other way around. Wiwit did not expect that on the same day after taking her home, her husband intercepted Zidan on the street and cursed at Zidan that Zidan was teasing his wife and forcing his will on Wiwit.

The incident made Wiwit know Zidan better than before. Wiwit even felt sorry for Zidan, who the next day had a swollen and battered face because of her husband's actions. When she heard the sad story, Natalie laughed at Zidan.

Wiwit, Zidan, and Natalie's fun had to stop when they saw Dimas walking closer. They returned to their respective tables and in unison stood up to greet Dimas.

"Good morning, Mr. Dimas!"

"Morning." Dimas answered the greeting by thinning his lips. Dimas was seen trying to hide his lips, which had Natalie's bite marks on them. Dimas's hands covered his neck so that other people could not see the kiss mark that Natalie had made.

Dimas did not have time to get something that could cover the kiss mark on his neck. So, with confident steps as if nothing had happened, Dimas was determined to walk into his workroom accompanied by the gazes of the employees under his supervision. Unbeknownst to Dimas, his attitude actually looks suspicious according to others who see it. That's because Dimas has never behaved as strange as he is now.

Wiwit noticed the strangeness of her superiors, so she squeaked, "Sir Dimas's lips are always being sucked, like they've all been kissed."

"It is true." Natalie really wanted to reply to Wiwit's remark, which was precisely what she said. Dimas did kiss her, more precisely, Natalie kissed him because she couldn't help herself every time she was near Dimas. Moreover, a few moments ago, Dimas's appearance was very charismatic, and they were alone in the same elevator. Therefore, Natalie could not resist the urge to give Dimas a fierce kiss.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that Dimas received Natalie's attack and was helpless under her control. Realizing Dimas's weakness towards her, Natalie was satisfied to know this. Maybe if she gave the second and third kisses, Dimas would surrender like before.

"Well, I'll do it again sometime." Natalie grinned inwardly.

Natalie's eyes glanced at Dimas, and it turned out that the man was looking at her. Their gazes met, Natalie could see a tinge of red in Dimas's ears. Dimas quickly entered the room to avoid Natalie's gaze.

Natalie found it funny, so she put her fist to her lips and cleared her throat to stifle her laughter. "So cute. He makes me want to keep teasing him."

Natalie bit her lower lip. Her lips curved into a lopsided smile and Wiwit saw the change in her facial expression. In her heart, she wondered what the hell made Natalie so happy.

Wiwit narrowed her eyes while stroking her chin. "Hmm, suspicious."

"Sister!" Zidan's voice startled Wiwit. The woman turned back to look at Zidane with an annoyed look.

"Why are you calling me? Can't you see I'm serious?"

Zidan tilted his head confused as to what Wiwit was really doing, even though Wiwit seemed to be daydreaming before. "Then help me, Sister? If there's something wrong with my report, help me! Don't accept rejection!"

"Huh? Isn't that wrong? You're the one asking for help, how come you made the requirements?! Tch, the characteristics of people who don't know themselves!" Wiwit cursed Zidan's truly shameless behavior. He who asks for help, he who gives the conditions. No way!

Zidane grimaced as he scratched his nape. "It's okay, Sister. Help me from time to time without conditions. Your help is often conditional. I have to treat Sister all the time even though I haven't received my first salary."

Wiwit turned her chair to face the computer to get to work. "Yes yes yes, just excuse me. Just tell me there is no money for my treat!"

"Huh, why this life so hard. Everyone wants free stuff, including me. But, not much effort goes into getting those free stuff."