8. Dedrick's Wish

"How is Dimas doing at Lawrence Company? Is he having a hard time?" Dedrick was so engrossed in playing with his cellphone with his feet placed on the worktable. His demeanor does not reflect a CEO who Christian entrusted to take care of the first branch of the Lawrence Company.

Rude and don't know the rules. These two characters reflect a Dedrick Lawrence. Christian has even raised his hand with Dedrick's attitude. Christian has no other choice but to hand over the first branch of the Lawrence Company to Dedrick, so that Dedrick has a standing in the public eye.

If Christian was honest, he would say that Dedrick's existence was even more useless, just like Dimas who had lost his genius. Even so, Christian still maintains Dedrick because Dedrick's reckless nature can cause many problems for him if Christian throws Dedrick carelessly like he did to Dimas before.

Dimas and Dedrick's nature is contradictory, so when Christian dumps Dimas on the street, Dimas doesn't cause any problems for him. Dimas was obedient, even when he became a fool and was dumped by his father, the boy did not make many complaints. Because Dimas knows that he has disappointed Christian.

Winky, one of the candidates for Dimas's personal secretary, has now been assigned to be Dedrick's secretary. Meanwhile, for women who were rejected outright by Dimas in one glance, they did not get lucky. The woman also received rejection from William so that she was not accepted at the Lawrence Company as a secretary.

Winky, who is basically a capable and workaholic man, doesn't mind when Dedrick is lazy and leaves all the work to him. Winky even felt relieved because he had to handle all the work as a whole without having to do it half-heartedly. He's the type of guy who only feels satisfied when he's done the job with his hands.

Winky who was working on the documents on the sofa in Dedrick's workroom, stopped his work for a moment to give a report. "Today I heard that there was a dispute between Mr. Dimas and Mr. William because of the mistake of Mr. Dimas's private secretary. According to Mr. William's character, he blamed Mr. Dimas for the secretary's mistake."

Dedrick's brows furrowed with discontent in his eyes. How could William accuse Dimas arbitrarily when it was clearly not Dimas's fault. "Tsk, Brother Liam is indeed a person who is too serious in his life. Even a small mistake has been exaggerated! He didn't even let Dimas go for the mistake of Dimas's private secretary."

Speaking of secretaries, Dedrick was a little interested in Dimas's private secretary, who the other day rebuked him for his actions. Natalie reprimanded Dedrick's heretical teachings because they thought that Dedrick would damage Dimas's good name and have a bad impact on the company. It was true, but Dedrick was amazed at Natalie saying it so openly in front of him.

An amused smile with a chuckle was plastered on the handsome face of the 30-year-old man. "Hm, Dimas's personal secretary, I wonder why she is always involved in everything related to Dimas?"

"That's because she's Mr. Dimas's private secretary." Winky squeaks, making Dedrick lose his pleasure in thinking about Natalie.

Dedrick chuckled lazily, feeling that Winky was with William, who was too serious about life. "I know, but at least give me an answer that satisfies my pleasure! Argh, you are just as boring as Brother Liam!"

Winky looked at Dedrick flatly, then snorted coldly. "Playing too much isn't good either, sir. You should learn to finish the job you're in charge of."

Dedrick deafened his ears, not wanting to listen to Winky's wise words. Dedrick turned his chair with his back to Winky because he wanted to avoid listening to what his private secretary had to say. "Whatever you say, I'll still do whatever I want! After all, it was Father who made me CEO! I've told you many times that I never wanted to be a CEO!"

Winky again busied himself reading the documents regarding the project details submitted to Dimas. He asked without expecting a satisfactory answer from Dedrick. "Then what job do you want?"

Dedrick's fingers, which had previously been tapping near the chair, suddenly stopped when they heard Winky's question. Dedrick knew that Winky didn't show any interest in everything he did, maybe even including the job Dedrick wanted. However, for some reason Dedrick wanted to reveal his wishes to his private secretary, who had only been working for two days.

"I want to be a bartender."

The pen that Winky was holding fell from his hand. The silence that was created for a long time gave Dedrick an uncomfortable feeling. Dedrick could only carve a wry smile. Both Christian and anyone else who heard his wish, they would have been shocked to the point of being speechless. In their hearts, they would laugh at Dedrick and belittle his wishes. Then they will say…

"You already have a company of this size, but why would you want to be a bartender? Isn't that a trivial job and doesn't fit into your lavish lifestyle?"

Just as Winky said, Christian said the same thing. Even Christian uses a harsher choice of words when listening to Dedrick's wishes, which he finds ridiculous. In fact, it was Dedrick's dream, at least Christian should appreciate it a little. But, well, from the start Dedrick had forgotten that Christian wasn't a father who would smile when his son made a mistake. Christian is a person who will quickly get rid of anything that tarnishes his precious reputation.

Dedrick laughed out loud after hearing Winky's words. There is nothing wrong with Winky's words because it is true that Dedrick lives in luxury. Being a bartender will not meet the needs of his all-expensive life.

"You're right, Ky. I do live in luxury. But still not satisfied with what I have. Come to think of it, how can I be satisfied with something I didn't want from the start, but was forced to manage?"

Winky leaned over to pick up the pen that had rolled off the table because it had slipped from her hand. "Sir, in this world most people do things not because they want it but because they need it. They need money, so they work to make money. Even if getting a job is not what they want, they still have to persevere because they know how hard it is to get what they have complained about so far."

Winky is aware of his superiors who live in wealth and doesn't know that people who are at the bottom always yearn for what Dedrick has. If those at the top are always dissatisfied with what they have because their gaze is always up, then they will forget those below. They forget that there are people at the bottom who want what they've always refused.

Dedrick was silent at Winky's words. Although he did not fully understand the meaning of Winky's words, Dedrick was not a fool who did not know that Winky was making fun of him. The man put his fist to his lips and cleared his throat to dispel the awkward atmosphere that surrounded the room.

Dedrick turned his chair to face Winky who was still busy with endless documents. Dedrick looked for other activities, but he forgot that the documents that had previously piled up on his desk had been taken by Winky and were now on the front desk of the sofa his secretary was sitting on.

"H-Hey! Bring the document regarding the project that Dimas will be working on! I should at least read the document because the project involves the board of directors and even Father is involved in it." Dedrick was embarrassed that he couldn't find a single document idle on his desk, so he asked Winky for it. Dedrick's desk was completely cleared of the pile of documents that had previously formed the mountain. The only thing left was the pen lying idle on the worktable along with the flower vase that had become a decoration on the table.

Dedrick's desk was so empty that Dedrick felt embarrassed when he saw it. Even so, Dedrick who had been a curmudgeon for a long time didn't maintain his shyness for long and asked Winky for documents without hesitation.

Winky just shook his head helplessly, seeing Dedrick's behavior. Indeed, only the thick-faced Dedrick in the Lawrence Family upholds his prestige. Dedrick's attitude didn't even reflect that he was a member of the Lawrence Family.

However, no matter how thick Dedrick's face is, as a secretary, Winky obeys Dedrick's orders by submitting documents containing project details. "The hotel construction project will be handled by Mr. Dimas. This is a copy of the details of the project that was distributed during the meeting. You can read the important points that I have marked so that you can understand the project as a whole without having to read the whole document."

Even though he's only been working as Dedrick's personal secretary for two days, Winky is starting to understand what Dedrick's character is like. He's the least curmudgeon of people and not one to take the time to read pages and pages of documents. It's just the gist of it that Dedrick wants, so Winky has to mark the important points in each document.