9. Dimas's Hidden Hope

"What's with trash reports like this?! You're playing around with your job, Zidan?!"

Again, there was a booming sound coming from Dimas's workroom. Everyone in the finance team couldn't help but wince, feeling concerned about Zidan, who for the umpteenth time became an outlet for Dimas's anger.

When they saw the door to Dimas's workroom open, those who were initially busy watching again pretended as if they had never stopped their work before to witness the moments when Zidan looked sad. Zidan came out of Dimas's workroom with his head bowed languidly, his hand holding a document that looked crumpled like someone had kneaded it into a ball.

Zidan's gaze, which was originally fixed on the floor, now lifted to observe everyone on the same team as him. "Hue… Sis Wiwit… help me, Sister…"

Zidan sobbed as he approached Wiwit's table. Wiwit was already preparing for Zidan's attack, she put her palm on Zidan's forehead to stop the man from approaching.

"Zidan, what did you do wrong this time?! I've tried to help as much as I can, but in the end you always do it!" Wiwit massaged her throbbing temples. She has helped Zidan in making monthly financial reports. The woman even took the time between the piles of work she was working on to explain the steps for entering the company's financial data, but why did Zidan always make mistakes in the end?!

Zidane wiped the tears that rolled down his cheeks. Putting on a sad face so that Wiwit would be kind enough to help him. "Beautiful Sis Wiwit, I really beg you to help me, okay?"

Zidan put on puppy eyes, making Wiwit feel burdened. Finally, it was with a heavy heart that Wiwit helped Zidan for the umpteenth time. This makes Wiwit's own work neglected.

Natalie, who witnessed the chaos that occurred in the finance team, sighed heavily. Dimas's temper suddenly became bad today so that Zidan became the butt of Dimas's anger. Natalie could already guess what made Dimas like this.

Of course, Dimas is still thinking about the morning incident in the elevator when Natalie kissed him. Dimas's mood seems to be getting worse because he keeps thinking about the incident. Natalie deeply regrets that Dimas's response to her actions turned out to be detrimental to other people. Poor Zidan must be an outlet for Dimas's anger.

Not wanting to keep hearing Zidan's miserable cries, Natalie got up from her desk. Many pairs of eyes staring at her gave a horrified look to see that Natalie would enter while Dimas was still in rage mode.

Wiwit who saw it raised her fist up. "Natalie, good luck!"

Natalie smiled lopsidedly. "I will address the source of the problem that made Mr. Dimas angry. So, you can breathe easy for now."

Everyone was touched by Natalie's words. They regard Natalie as the Goddess of savior. Natalie shook her head helplessly at the grateful gazes of those around her.

"I'll go in first." Natalie disappeared from everyone's sight after entering Dimas's study. Everyone tensed up at what was heard from inside the workroom after Natalie entered.

Inside the workroom, Dimas's eyebrows sharpened sharply when he felt someone's presence in his workroom. Even though he recently kicked out Zidan because his report had an error. Just a moment, did he dare to return to his workroom?!

Dimas raised his head and then sprayed the person who was considered Zidan with harsh words. "Just a few minutes ago I told you to fix the report, now it's daring to come back…"

"Mr. Dimas."

Dimas speech stopped when he heard the strains of a voice that was so familiar to his ears. The tone of voice is neither too slow nor too fast so that it gives its sensation. Dimas couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine when he heard the light voice.

"Natalie? W-what are you here for?!" Dimas's jaw almost dropped when he saw someone who had been messing with his mind since the morning incident.

Dimas's face turned red when he recalled the incident in the elevator. Dimas could not forget the sensation when Natalie's warm lips touched him and Natalie's tongue played in his mouth. Moreover, the kiss mark on his neck was still hot even though it had been several hours.

Natalie smiled faintly when she caught Dimas's adorable expression. Natalie's gaze accidentally met Dimas's and the man immediately averted his gaze rushing.

"I have something to report to you, sir! It has to do with the project you're working on." In one breath, Natalie explained the purpose of her coming.

She doesn't know what Dimas was thinking, but Natalie could feel Dimas's disappointment after hearing Natalie's words. Hm, what did Dimas expect that he was disappointed? Thinking about this made Natalie frown confused.

Dimas turned his back to Natalie. "Oh, that project… I thought you would… ah, I mean, continue the report!"

Dimas's voice sounded doubtful, but quickly brushed it off by telling Natalie to explain about the project. Seeing that Dimas seemed to expect Natalie to bring up the incident in the elevator, Natalie's heart slowly warmed.

"Since there will be a hotel construction project, should I prepare a schedule for your departure to the construction site, sir? Or will you send someone else to see the construction site?"

This is an important step that must be taken immediately. To build a hotel, of course, as the person in charge, Dimas must see the construction site or at least send someone else. Therefore, Natalie brought up the topic of the project when Dimas was in a bad mood so that Dimas could calm down.

After all, if Dimas succeeds in this project, Dimas's reputation will soar according to the board of directors, who underestimate Dimas's abilities. Meanwhile, if Dimas had already established a good reputation and earned the trust of people in higher positions, it would make Natalie easier.

Natalie had to postpone plans to restore Dimas's memories of her because Dimas had to form a name in the Lawrence Family first. Even though Natalie wished that Dimas didn't need to be involved in the Lawrence Family, she felt that it was selfish because Dimas was after all still a part of the Lawrence Family. So, Natalie changes her plans, she will take part in making Dimas a success.

Only after that, Natalie was able to launch her next plan, which was to make Dimas remember one by one the memories he had forgotten after waking up from a coma. Maybe because Dimas is not strong when experiencing memory replay before he fell into a coma, Dimas had to lose most of his memories even worse than before. This is the effect of Dimas's refusal to remember the memories he forgot when he first experienced amnesia due to saving Natalie.

For the second time, Dimas also has amnesia, but the difference is that Dimas's memory only reaches when Dimas was still a genius and Christian had not thrown him out on the street. Dimas also does not experience short-term memory like the first amnesia.

Natalie doesn't know if she should be grateful for the amnesia that Dimas is experiencing now, which brings back Dimas's genius and makes Dimas feel Christian's love again. But, instead, Dimas had to forget his memories with Natalie. It was such a giant trade-off that Natalie felt it was all too worth it, and she couldn't claim that it wasn't fair to her.

Dimas winked at the thought of what steps he should take to handle the project he was responsible for. It would be better if Dimas directly saw the construction site. Thinking about the plan, Dimas remembered that the documents on his desk were almost finished. Maybe after checking and signing the documents, Dimas will have time to travel to the construction site.

"I'll see for myself. Arrange a trip for me when all my work is done!" Dimas has decided while considering several aspects. His eyes couldn't help but glance at Natalie.

Natalie recorded Dimas's decision on a piece of paper and then looked at Dimas's schedule, which wasn't too busy for the next few days. Natalie nodded her head when she had a day when Dimas seemed to be able to travel.

"One week from now, it looks like there will be a day when you don't have an appointment. So, it's possible you could travel on that day. I'll try to arrange that time." Natalie smiled a little, satisfied with her work, which had managed to arrange a schedule for Dimas.

After hearing Natalie's explanation, as if getting enlightened, Dimas suddenly remembered one thing. "U-uhm… Are you going to come with me later?"

Natalie blinked and then smiled lopsidedly. "As your private secretary, of course, I must join you on the trip. Do you mind, sir?"

Dimas reflexively shook his head so hard that Natalie was worried that Dimas's head would hurt. "I don't mind at all! So, prepare well!"

Natalie closed her eyes and lowered her head for a moment. "Understood, sir!"

One thing Natalie can realize after hearing the question that came out of Dimas's mouth earlier. It turned out that Dimas hoped that Natalie would come with him on the trip later. It turned out that Dimas had good luck because Natalie would indeed come with him.

"I can't wait to see the response he will give in the future when it comes to me. He always puts on a face that makes me unable to contain myself. I want to avoid letting myself off the hook because it will mess up Dimas's focus."

Natalie is determined to focus on her work when she travels with Dimas later. But, well, that's also uncertain because Natalie doesn't know what the future holds.

After saying goodbye, Natalie left Dimas's workroom. As expected, Natalie could see that everyone on the finance team was astonished to see Natalie come out unscathed. Moreover, there was no booming sound coming from Dimas's workroom after Natalie had entered earlier.

Seeing this miracle, everyone rejoiced because they felt that Natalie had conquered a monster this time. Zidan, who knew that there was a chance that Dimas would not scold him later, became even more excited.

"Sis Natalie, thank you for clearing the road of twists and turns in my work!" Zidane exclaimed in a tone full of emotion. Zidan's forefinger wiped the corner of his eye, acting as dramatic as possible to express how happy he was because of Natalie.

Natalie rolled her eyes lazily and sat down on the chair. "I have removed Mr. Dimas's anger. So, Dan, don't make Mr. Dimas angry again! Make a report as best you can! Check it first before handing it over to Mr. Dimas! I'm tired of hearing your endless whining to Sis Wiwit today!"

Zidane chuckled, scratching his nape. "Okay, Sister. I'll do my best this time."

"Not just this time! For the future, do your best too!" Wiwit suddenly grabbed and joined the conversation.

Zidan's lips couldn't help but curl down. "Doing your best is hard, Sister."

"It's harder to teach you, even though I still have a lot of work to do!" Wiwit looked away, not wanting to listen to Zidan's bullshit anymore.

Natalie just shook her head at the same scene where Zidan again whined at Wiwit. Natalie faced the computer screen that was already on. She also still has to finish some work and can't stay with Zidane for long.

Thinking that Natalie would go on a trip with Dimas, she couldn't wait for it. "I'll be waiting for fun while traveling with you, Dimas."