10. Debate

Dimas lay down on the bed in his room. Dimas had come home from work, so he was relaxing, stretching his muscles which felt stiff from sitting for too long with a laptop that he kept watching non-stop.

Dimas tilted his body in full thought. Even though he tried to forget what happened this morning, his mind was always fixed on the incident. Dimas fingers touched the wound on his lips. He winced as he felt the pain in the wound.

"Ah, it's messed up already…" Dimas ruffled his hair with a red face.

As Dimas recalled, he had never kissed anyone. However, Natalie bravely grabbed Dimas's lips and even left a mark on his neck. Even though that wasn't the case, Dimas and Natalie had actually kissed before, but Dimas had forgotten the memory.

In the past, when Dimas and Natalie were still in high school, Natalie also did the same thing. The woman who always starts anything when it comes to Dimas. Dimas's character actually hasn't changed much, even though he has amnesia.

In the first amnesia, Dimas's character becomes childish and stupid because it is easy to forget memories within 24 hours. This makes Dimas not remember anything that happens to him or the people he is involved with daily, so he must need an intermediary to remember certain people who impress him.

Dimas's nature like that makes Natalie able to control Dimas under her control. Unfortunately, in the second amnesia, Dimas's character reverts to Dimas before experiencing amnesia. Dimas, who is basically the youngest Lawrence, has high prestige because he has always been given abundant love by Christian.

Dimas who is now not much different from before, making it difficult for Natalie to approach. Therefore, Natalie had to devise a strategy to approach Dimas naturally.

"Why do I always think about it?" Dimas muttered with a distant gaze. Natalie's face flashed in his mind, making Dimas uneasy.

Dimas inched to sit, his hands ruffled his messy hair. "This is so annoying! After all, she's not the type of girl I like! Why think about it just because of a kiss?! I'm a boy! Kissing one or two girls is natural!"

Dimas tried to convince himself with a lie. How could kissing one or two women carelessly be called a natural thing?! Those words were actually to fool himself into quickly getting Natalie out of his mind.

"Young Master, Mr. Christian and the others are waiting for you at the dining table."

There was a knock on the door, along with the voices of the maids working in the Lawrence Family mansion. Hearing this, Dimas immediately got out of bed and got ready to have dinner with his family.

"Wait a minute, I'm getting ready!" Dimas shouted a little so that the waiter outside could hear his voice.

Dimas looked at his reflection in the mirror. In his hands, he held a comb to brush his messy hair. After it was enough, Dimas put the comb back in its place and turned out of the room. Dimas's steps were a little hasty, but still authoritative. Dimas can't make Christian and the others wait long.

"Oh, look who's late! Making everyone wait for him, what an inappropriate attitude!" William, who was already sitting on one of the chairs at the dining table, spoke words that pierced Dimas.

Dimas smiled, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry for making Father, Brother Liam, and Brother Rick wait."

Dedrick waved his hand as if he didn't care about Dimas's delay. "It doesn't matter. Being late one or two times is normal. After all, you were the one who always came early before. This time you must be late because you worked too hard at the office."

Dimas smiled a little. "Thank you, Brother, for understanding…"

"Hah, just handling one project, his attitude is already disorganized! How can someone like him who can't manage his time become CEO and remove me from my current position!" William is very cynical and merciless when dealing with Dimas, especially if Dimas makes the slightest mistake. It was certain that William would not let his go that easily.

Dimas's lips curled downwards, without his had time to control his expression after hearing William's words. Again, discussing the CEO position that Dimas did not want. Even though Dimas had repeatedly told William that he did not want his brother's position.

The sound of the spoon clinking against the plate was deafening. The voice caught the attention of the three people involved in the debate. Christian sips the tea in slow motions, his sense of smell indulged with the fragrant aroma of the tea and the warm steam of the tea. The previous sound was made by the spoon Christian uses to stir the tea to distribute the sugar evenly.

"You also made the same mistakes as Dimas when you first became CEO, Liam. This is just the beginning, Dimas will get used to it later, like you."

Christian's words sounded normal, as if reminding William of his attitude when he first served as CEO and simultaneously defending Dimas. However, there is actually a hidden meaning in Christian's words, William can catch other meanings in those words.

William will never forget the position that he and Dimas hold are completely unique. Dimas holds the position of general manager while William is the CEO. In Christian's words, he equalized Dimas's position with William, which was clearly different.

William's jaw hardened, he did not accept being equated with Dimas. "How can I be compared to an idiot like him?! I'm even better than him at everything, how can Father defend him so much right in front of me?!"

"William! Watch your words!" Christian slams the empty glass on the small plate. The collision of the two objects made of ceramics caused a loud sound and startled the three people in the dining room.

William chuckled sarcastically, his eyes stared at Dimas for a moment, then turned to Christian. "Watching my words for a fool like him? I wouldn't do such useless things!"

"William! After all, he is still your youngest brother! Remember that he is still blood related to you!" Christian screams loudly, his eyes glaring warning at William.

Dimas could only sigh watching William's debate with Christian, which almost every opportunity always occurs. Dimas massaged his throbbing temples and felt a light tap on his shoulder. Dimas's gaze turned to the side to see that Dedrick was cheering him on.

Dimas smiled helplessly. "Brother, when will this end?"

Dedrick shrugs, not sure when Christian and William will stop arguing. Though the food was almost cold, but the two people were involved in a meaningless argument.

Dedrick's stomach was already twisted with hunger, so he tried to mediate between the two of them. "Father, brother, never mind, no more arguing. I'm already hungry…"

"Father!" William cut Dedrick's words, looking still unwilling to budge to end the debate. "After all, you threw him away because you thought he was useless! He's been a fool ever since that day! Remember that at that time you really wanted to get rid of him because you considered him a stain on your reputation!"

William is very clever with words and reverses everything Christian says. Perhaps it was one of William's abilities that allowed him to convince the board of directors. William's proficient speech could melt most people with just the words he spoke.

Christian shivers with anger after hearing William's words about past events. "William! You're bringing up the past on purpose now, huh! What an insolent!"

Christian, a man who has high prestige and upholds his good reputation, will certainly be very offended when his past mistakes are mentioned again to the surface. Even though Christian tried hard to hide everything, but William so easily brought up the incident again.

Christian's anger is evident from his clenched jaw. Christian's head is boiling, and his face is burning with the flames of rage. "William! You…"

"W-what… what do you mean by brother Liam's words?"

As if he had been drenched in a bucket of cold water, Christian shivered with a cold feeling. His head stiffly turned to the trembling voice that sounded. Christian suddenly feels scared when he sees Dimas's shocked face, which has traces of confusion in it.

Dimas stares demanding Christian, Dimas's eyes are red and hot. For some reason, Dimas suddenly felt a heavy burden in his heart. A feeling of tightness filled Dimas's chest until he had difficulty breathing normally. Dimas looks at Christian with bloodshot and teary eyes, without knowing why his body's response is so emotional like this.

"Father, please explain the meaning of brother Liam's words…"