11. Theatrical

The cold wind that blew into the Lawrence Family mansion beat the chill that was now freezing Christian's body. The father of three sons clenched his fists under the table because he felt his muscles suddenly twitch from shock.

Christian clears his throat, trying to calm himself with a restrained expression on his face as if he's never been surprised before. Christian pours tea in an empty glass. Acting as if William's words meant nothing.

Christian raises an eyebrow to start the play. "Explain? What explanation do you want, Dimas? After all, why do you care about the words that are said when you are under the control of anger? Everyone knows that people who are controlled by anger cannot think rationally, so they say words that don't make sense. You don't be maybe, didn't heed what William said earlier?"

Unfortunately, Christian does not consider whether William will cooperate in his play. "Huh, rational thinking? I've been very rational, Mr. Christian Lawrence! Don't make me look like someone who is easily controlled by anger!"

Dimas, who initially wanted to consider Christian's words, had to be confused again by William's contradictory words. Dimas hissed when he felt a painful throbbing in his head. The stinging pain made Dimas squeeze his head tightly.

"Ugh… It hurts…" Dimas couldn't hold back the moans of pain that escaped his mouth.

Dedrick, who was sitting beside Dimas, certainly heard the moans. His gaze dropped to look at Dimas who was being tormented with pain. Dedrick shook Dimas shoulder with a slow motion. "Dimas, what happened to you?"

Dedrick's question certainly made William and Christian turn their attention to Dimas. Dimas was seen squeezing his head tightly, his elbows on the table, Dimas's head bowed and gasping for breath.

"It-it hurts, ... Brother…" Dimas tried to express the pain in his head to Dedrick. Dimas's head now looks like it's about to explode because suddenly, his head is full of voices in a fast tempo.

The voices that filled Dimas's head were dominated by female voices that sounded familiar. But, amid the pain, Dimas couldn't remember who the owner of that familiar voice was.

The state of Dimas who looks in pain makes Christian panic. The middle-aged man is worried that bad things will happen to Dimas again, even though Dimas has just regained his genius. Christian realized that the Lawrence Company within three months of Dimas's arrival had gotten better. Christian even feels that luck is so abundant and his business is running smoothly.

Christian has always thought that Dimas is his lucky gem. When he finds out that the gem has lost his luck, at that very second, Christian tries to get rid of the item that he thinks is no longer useful. After a long time, the gem has returned to its auspicious radiance, it is certain that Christian will defend it more carefully from now on.

Christian used to be careless because he allowed Dimas to roam freely, visiting various places. This makes Dimas know the person who destroys everything and makes Dimas lose his light. This time, Christian will not let it happen a second time.

Christian got up from the chair and approached Dimas anxiously. "Dimas, what happened to you?!"

Dimas keeps wincing in pain and muttering the word pain over and over again, making Christian even more anxious and so does Dedrick. "Call the doctor here! Tell him it's an emergency!"

Christian shouts for the mansion's maids to hear, who immediately carry out Christian's orders. Seeing that the maid had called the doctor to come to the mansion, Christian grew impatient.

Christian's head quickly turned to William, who looked confused what to do when he saw Dimas who was so tortured. Christian glares at William fiercely. Christian's index finger goes up, pointing at William warning. "If anything happens to Dimas, I will kill you, William! How dare you make such a mess!"

William swallowed hard, William's Adam's apple looked up and down, adding to his distinct impression as a man. William's feelings were not good when he saw Dimas who looked in pain without being made up. Moreover, Dimas's painful moans gave William goosebumps.

Dimas is really in pain without making it up. This made William couldn't help but feel anxious. His rival showed weakness in front of William, of course William did not feel that he should be grateful. This will only make William feel burdened, and he is confused about what to do.

"Father, I'll take him to his room!" Dedrick took the initiative to bring Dimas to the room. Dedrick stood up and put Dimas's arm around his neck. The two of them stepped into Dimas's room which was on the first floor, not far from the dining room.

Dimas stepped with his body weight placed entirely on Dedrick. Dedrick didn't seem troubled, Dimas's weight was so light that he felt that he wasn't the one he was carrying but a light object.

They finally arrived at Dimas's room, then Dedrick laid Dimas on the bed while waiting for the doctor to arrive. While in the dining room, Christian and William look sharp eyes. The aura of hostility was felt in the room that came from the two people.

Christian laughs sarcastically with his eyes glaring at William. "Look what you have done, William! I don't know what happened to Dimas, you must be the cause! After all, why are you bringing up the past in front of Dimas recklessly like that?! You want Dimas to hate me?! The result is even worse than what you expected!"

William opened and closed his mouth several times without saying a word. Finally, after sorting out a few words, William said a few things. "There's nothing wrong with what I said! Father really wasted his time! Why blame me for Dimas's condition now instead of blaming Father himself?! If only Father didn't throw Dimas away, he wouldn't be too shocked if he was reminded of what happened in the past! "

William snorted, not accepting the blame. In fact, if analyzed, Christian mistakes more than himself. William turned and walked in the opposite direction to Dimas's room. "So Father, don't blame me for your mistakes!"

William walks away from the dining room, leaving Christian alone in the room. Christian growls angrily that William's words hit him so hard. Christian sighs in disgust, then turns to go to Dimas's room.

"I don't care whose fault it is, the most important thing now is to get the child out of harm's way!"

Those thoughts are now filling Christian's head. To be honest, he didn't really care what caused Dimas to experience pain. Christian is more worried that something will happen to the genius of Dimas that will bring him good luck. No matter what, Christian will do everything he can so that Dimas doesn't become useless again.

The doctor happened to have arrived when Christian arrived at Dimas's room. Christian was impatient, so he ordered the doctor to quickly check the condition of Dimas who was now unconscious from pain.

After finishing examining Dimas, the doctor said several things that surprised Christian. Christian finally finds out that Dimas has amnesia and only remembers his childhood memories before Christian dumped Dimas.

Hearing this, the corners of Christian's lips twitch and produce a smirk. Christian must investigate the exact extent of Dimas's memory. It would be good if Dimas didn't have to remember the times when he lived on the streets because of Christian. That's because Christian wants to instill himself as a good father figure for Dimas.

"It's good news if Dimas forgets that embarrassing memory. I just have to act like there was never an expulsion."

After all, Christian used to play a good father when Dimas was still a genius. So, he doesn't mind if he has to return to the role of a good father for the second time. So far, acting has become Christian's daily activity at Lawrence Company. He had to put on a smile even though his hand was holding a knife and prepared to stab the enemy.

Christian has to pretend to feel sad when others are suffering when he is the one who created the disaster. The business world is so dirty and full of deceit. Just a little careless, then the effort that was built with difficulty will be destroyed in the blink of an eye, not worth the time to develop the business.

Therefore, Christian points the knife before it is pointed at, destroying the efforts of others before his own is destroyed. Christian's tactics are cunning, but it is this cunning that has allowed the Lawrence Company to survive until now.

"Doctor, please keep Dimas's condition a secret from other people. Don't let Dimas's condition leak to the public and cause a meaningless commotion. I want you to keep your mouth shut!" Christian smiles until his eyes narrow.

The doctor, who has worked under Christian for a long time, can certainly be compromised by Christian by accepting some bribes to keep his mouth shut. Christian can breathe a sigh of relief after successfully handling a bad situation that might arise in the future if he doesn't take immediate precautions.

Without Christian knowing, someone was eavesdropping on his conversation with the doctor. The person was so surprised to know that Dimas had amnesia and only remembered his childhood memories. It's possible that his genius could return because of that.

"Father, what did the doctor say? Is Dimas in bad condition?" Dedrick came from inside the room and approached Christian to ask about Dimas's condition.

Christian clears his throat to get rid of the happy expression that was plastered on his face. The sigh that came from Christian made Dedrick feel anxious if Dimas was in bad condition.

"His condition isn't too bad, I just didn't expect him to take his job so seriously that he's stressed that makes his head hurt. He's probably going to have a fever in the middle of the night." Christian's lies so smoothly make Dedrick silence.

Dedrick seemed to have a blank expression for a moment before finally nodding his head in understanding. "Thank God, he's not in bad shape. I wish him the best."

Dedrick turned to look back at Dimas who was still lying down with a slightly pale face. Christian followed behind Dedrick, both wanting to see Dimas. Watching Dimas calm in his sleep, Christian feels relieved.

Dedrick is such a sensitive person that he immediately notices something odd about Christian. However, considering that Dimas's condition still requires rest, Dedrick does not want to cause meaningless debate while Dimas is resting.

"I'll ask Father later."

Dedrick nodded his head in agreement with his thoughts. For now, the most important thing is Dimas's condition. As a good older brother, Dedrick volunteered to look after Dimas who was likely to have a high fever in the middle of the night. So, Dedrick will take care of Dimas until tomorrow.

Dedrick doesn't mind staying up all night compressing Dimas's forehead to reduce the fever. It doesn't matter if Dedrick is late for the office later because Winky has handled everything. So, it didn't matter even if Dedrick didn't come in for a whole day.

"Father, get some rest. It's getting late, I'll take care of Dimas." Dedrick smiles, trying to convince Christian that he will take good care of Dimas.

Christian feels doubt in his heart and thinks that Dedrick can do various things to Dimas because Christian let him be so close to Dimas. But, thinking again that Dedrick seems to have a good relationship with Dimas, Christian finally nods his head in approval.

"Okay, I'll rest. Take good care of Dimas, Rick!" Christian orders in a firm voice that Dedrick takes his words seriously.

Dedrick nodded his head. "Sure, Father!"