14. May I Call You Nata?

Natalie tapped her index finger on the bed. Natalie's body, which was wrapped in a blanket up to her chest, made it impossible for others to see the movement of her fingers, who couldn't calm down beneath the blanket. Natalie had already estimated the amount of time that had passed in her pretending to sleep.

After estimating the time that passed for 15 minutes after Dimas finished cooking, Natalie finally decided to open her eyes as if she had just woken up. Natalie shuffled into a sitting position and stretched. Natalie's eyes blinked a few times, looking around to see that Dimas was sitting on the sofa not far from the bed.

Dimas looks serious, looking at the laptop and documents that are on the table alternately. Dimas's hand holds a pen to mark important points in the document. Dimas is working on documents that Natalie deliberately separated for Dimas to check himself because these documents are closely related to the company. Thus, Natalie could not carelessly complete these important documents.

Natalie bent her knees, supported her chin and looked at Dimas's serious face, which added to his handsomeness. "He's so handsome even when he's serious about his work. But, he's much more handsome with his face red from embarrassment."

Natalie imagined when Dimas's face turned red when she kissed his. It was moments like that that made Natalie fall in love with Dimas even more. Dimas is handsome, Natalie admits this fact. However, Natalie prefers it when Dimas makes cute expressions and acts shy. It was so adorable, just imagining it made Natalie want to kiss Dimas so hard.

Really aggressive. Well, that's Natalie's nature. She is basically a wild girl because she often received violence from her biological mother when she was young. Natalie, who is the illegitimate child of a mafia leader, is freed from her mother's torment and brought to her father's mansion. However, it turns out that her father's actions have a hidden purpose.

Natalie is saved from her mother's torment, only to be subjected to more cruel tortures by her father. Natalie even had to live on the streets because Dave, her stepbrother, kicked Natalie out of the mansion, so that Natalie wouldn't have to experience Doni's harsh training. However, Dave's actions turned out to be a misunderstanding because Natalie thought Dave hated her.

Natalie has to live a miserable life on the streets and hopes that one day Dave or Doni will pick her up. Unfortunately, this hope never materialized, even for one time. In those lowest moments, Natalie met a young master who happened to be in the slum where she lived.

That was Natalie's first meeting with Dimas, the arrogant young master. After the first meeting, Dimas turned out to regularly come to Natalie's place and spend time with Natalie. Teach Natalie various things so that Natalie can become a genius like Dimas.

However, an unexpected incident occurred and Dimas had to be involved in an accident that made the man lose his genius. Natalie was devastated, especially since she learned of the misfortune that had happened to Dimas after years of not seeing Dimas.

"You have got up?"

Dimas just realized that Natalie had woken up and looked lost while looking at him with a distant gaze. Natalie seemed to be recalling old memories. I don't know what memories Natalie replayed in her mind to cause a sad expression after previously a gentle smile was etched on Natalie's face.

Dimas felt strange when he saw Natalie smile, Dimas chest felt tight, especially when he saw Natalie's deep pain. It was as if Dimas knew what Natalie was thinking, even though he didn't know much about Natalie.

Natalie winked, regaining her usual calm expression. Natalie's gaze had refocused on Dimas, the image of the past that had previously been playing in her mind had disappeared after seeing the face of the person who was in her past now clearly exposed in front of her.

Natalie removed the blanket and was about to get out of bed. Before Natalie could do what she wanted, a hand grabbed her arm, preventing Natalie from getting off the bed.

"No need to come down. You'd better stay in bed." A soft voice came from Dimas's mouth, sounding sweet in Natalie's ears, making Natalie's feelings warm.

Natalie turned her head to the side, it made her face with Dimas only a few inches away. Their eyes met for a long time. Dimas was immersed in Natalie's black eyes, which seemed to hold many memories in those jet black pupils. The woman in front of Dimas is still mysterious, actually Dimas has many questions about Natalie.

Especially, why was Natalie in the hospital crying bitterly when Dimas woke up? Then, coincidentally, Natalie was also one of his personal secretary candidates. Everything happened by chance, and of course there was always Natalie. Not to mention that today Natalie is even bothering to take care of Dimas who has a fever. Does Natalie really care about Dimas?

Natalie smiled a little. "Thank you, sir. Sorry for lying on your bed without permission."

Dimas immediately realized, and then tilted his head to the side to break eye contact. Dimas cleared his throat as he distanced himself from Natalie. "No problem. Just take this as a token of my gratitude for taking care of me until my fever goes down."

Natalie smiled lopsidedly without Dimas knowing. She enjoyed the moments where Dimas looked awkward in front of him. It seems that Dimas still can't forget what happened in the elevator. Natalie blinked, she suddenly remembered that Dimas was in a state of amnesia. Dimas must have thought it was his first kiss that Natalie had taken forcibly.

Hm, thinking about it, Natalie can guess that her image in Dimas's eyes seems a little negative. However, Natalie doesn't care about it because the goal is to make Dimas remember his feelings for Natalie and restore Dimas's forgotten memories.

Dimas stood up and turned his back to Natalie. "I already cooked. Eat before you go home. Your stomach growls really loud when you sleep. I want to avoid being accused of being a boss who starves his employees for doing work without rest."

Dimas walked away to the mini kitchen to get the food he had made. Dimas rewarmed the cold food. Natalie watched what Dimas was doing with an intense gaze. Dimas who felt the gaze could only pretend to act as if he didn't realize it. It is very difficult to make Dimas sweat.

"Should I help you, sir? I don't like it when you cook for me. I'm too much trouble for you, sir."

Dimas was disturbed by Natalie's formal words. It was office time, but Natalie was still speaking formally to him even when they were alone. "No need, and don't talk formally anymore. Your words sound strange to me, especially since it's already office hours. You don't need to think of me as your boss."

Natalie raised an eyebrow. From Dimas's words, Natalie could realize that Dimas wanted to take one step closer to her, not as a boss. Seeing this progress made Natalie feel happy.

"Then, should I call you… Dimas?"

Dimas's ears immediately turned red when Natalie said his name without the frills, 'Sir'. For some reason, when Natalie mentioned Dimas's name, it sounded different. When Natalie said his name from the woman's mouth, Dimas felt a thump.

Moreover, Dimas felt that Natalie's voice was a little different when she said his name. Natalie's voice was a little deep and sounded very earnest, saying his name with the deepest and hidden feelings.

Dimas quickly turned off the stove because the heat from the oil used for frying overcame the heat that burned Dimas's flushed face. What the hell was he thinking to mean that Natalie's call had various meanings. Dimas felt he was too confident that he felt ashamed of himself.

"Y-yes, it's like that. Just call me Dimas because we're the same age. I'm 25 years old, we are the same. So, there's no need to talk formally if we're not discussing office matters or during work hours." Dimas serves food on a plate. His hands trembled slightly because he was nervous. It feels like what Dimas is doing now is like making an approach with Natalie.

Natalie covered her mouth to hold back a laugh without Dimas knowing. It's funny to see Dimas being shy about a cat. It turned out that Dimas already had the courage to take the initiative against him. "Okay, you can also call me Natalie."

"Nata…" Dimas turned around while carrying two plates for himself and Natalie. Dimas looked right into Natalie's eyes. "May I call you Nata?"

Natalie was surprised when Dimas called her Nata again after a long time. Natalie's breath hitched, she swallowed hard. Natalie's eyes felt hot when she recalled the warm moments she spent with Dimas before Dimas had amnesia for the second time.

Natalie smiled sadly with teary eyes. "Of course you can. You can call me Nata, Dimas…"

Uncontrollably, Dimas gave a big smile. His mood slowly improved. Dimas's face lit up as he approached Natalie, who was sitting quietly on the bed. Because he was busy with his feelings, Dimas didn't notice Natalie's movements, which seemed to be wiping the corners of her teary eyes.