15. Disappoinment

By nightfall, Natalie was getting ready to go home. Natalie was already very late from her usual office hours. Even though Natalie should have arrived home before the Maghrib call to prayer sounded. Dave must have been distressed because Natalie had come home late without telling him first.

Thinking of this, Natalie immediately grabbed her bag that was on the desk. Natalie's feet rushed to the elevator. Behind Natalie, Dimas just came out of his office. Dimas's eyes looked around which was deserted, it seemed that all the employees of the finance team had gone home, only Natalie and Dimas were left.

After confirming that everyone had gone home, Dimas followed Natalie to the elevator. They boarded the same elevator, a moment of silence enveloped the elevator. Suddenly, Dimas felt Déjà vu because he was trapped in the elevator alone with Natalie.

Dimas gulped, his feet unconsciously took a step away from Natalie and clung to the body of the elevator. Dimas is afraid that Natalie will attack him again. The situation would be even more awkward, especially since they had just called each other's names. Plus, later their relationship is no longer superior and subordinate, but more than that.

Once upon a time, Dimas might think it was an accident, even though it was clear that Natalie did it on purpose. However, Dimas decided the kiss at that time as an accident. If there is a second kiss, Dimas can't pretend that nothing happened.

"Dimas, you…"

"Oh, what?!" Dimas unconsciously screamed while covering his mouth in a hasty manner.

Natalie was surprised to see Dimas's reaction, which was unexpected. Dimas looks at Natalie warily and covers his mouth with his palm. Natalie snorted, amused by Dimas's attitude. The grin on Natalie's face gave off the impression of an evil lady.

Dimas was getting more and more worried, he pressed his body in the corner of the elevator, trying to get as far as possible with Natalie. "W-what are you doing?!"

Dimas widened his eyes when Natalie stepped closer to him with a wide grin. Natalie reduced the distance between them in no time due to the small size of the elevator. "Doing? Doing what you mean, Dimas?"

Natalie's voice was hoarse and wet, every step she took was sensual. Dimas curled up when Natalie's hand suddenly pressed against the body of the elevator, right beside Dimas so that now Dimas was trapped between the body of the elevator and Natalie.

"What's wrong with you, Dimas? Am I that scary?" Natalie whispered right in Dimas's ear. They were the same height, so Natalie could easily whisper in Dimas's ear without difficulty.

Dimas's hairs instantly stood up when he felt Natalie's warm breath around his ear. Dimas shuddered, feeling goosebumps with Natalie's domineering aura. It's a miracle because Natalie as a woman can dominate Dimas. Dimas feels submissive under Natalie's control.

Dimas timidly looked at Natalie. "Do not do it again…"

Natalie locked Dimas's gaze, bringing her forehead together with the man, who now looked increasingly tense. "That? What's that?"

Natalie teased Dimas even more by playing with words. Keep asking questions, pretending as if you don't know what Dimas means when Natalie knows best.

Dimas closed his eyes as Natalie's face drew closer. Dimas thought Natalie would do the same thing, but after a while nothing happened. Dimas hesitantly opened his eyes and saw that Natalie had already walked out of the elevator.

Natalie looked back with an amused smile. "What did you expect, Dimas? Then... did I disappoint you by not doing anything?"

Dimas's face turned red, feeling embarrassed because he had thought about all kinds of things. Moreover, Dimas's previous actions were like he expected something to happen. In addition, there was a sudden feeling of disappointment that approached Dimas, adding to his embarrassment.

"I-I didn't expect anything! Don't talk carelessly, Nata! You're giving me trouble!" Dimas refuses to admit the truth. Different hearts, different words, making Dimas feel like he's lying to himself.

Natalie shook her head at Dimas's behavior. Natalie waved her hand as she walked away. "I feel sad that you didn't expect anything. Though… I'll do it next time. So, be careful, ... Dimas."

"See you later!"

Dimas walked out of the elevator, following Natalie. When he came out of the office, the sky was already dark. Dimas suddenly worried about Natalie, who came home alone at night. Moreover, there are rarely taxis passing by at this hour.

Dimas immediately ran to Natalie, who looked serious at her cellphone on the side of the road. "Nata, is it okay for you to go home alone? I can take you."

Drive home? Natalie smirked again, looking at Dimas teasingly. "You're not worried about something happening in the car later, hm?"

Dimas immediately retreated, taking a safe distance from Natalie. He cleared his throat as he looked the other way. "N-no way, something happened!"

Natalie tilted her head, resting the tip of the phone to her chin. Natalie made an expression as if she doubted Dimas's words. "How do you know for sure?"

Dimas was nervous as he thought of the answer to Natalie's question. "I will prevent it from happening!"

Dimas unconsciously shouted, making Natalie wink in disbelief. Is Dimas that nervous when he is dealing with herself? Natalie suddenly had a new pleasure besides seeing the shy Dimas, which was to tease Dimas until he was speechless.

Natalie shook her head. "No need to drive me off. I've ordered an online motorcycle taxi. It will be here soon."

Natalie actually really wanted to accept the invitation to go home together from Dimas. That will make him spend more time with Dimas. However, thinking that Natalie was late coming home, Dave must have been waiting anxiously for her outside the apartment. If Dave saw Natalie coming home with Dimas, his brother would definitely be angry.

Dave does support Natalie, who will chase Dimas until Dimas brings back his forgotten memories. However, Dave still can't forget what Dimas did when he first woke up. Dimas's rough treatment of Natalie makes Dave still have feelings of dislike for Dimas.

Natalie realized that Dave's feelings were actually a little objectionable about Natalie's relationship with Dimas. Unfortunately, Dave couldn't do anything but agree to what Natalie had decided. Even so, Natalie still couldn't get Dave to meet Dimas in a situation where Dave was distressed about Natalie. Dave might dislike Dimas even more and make Natalie more difficult later.

Dimas looks disappointed for the second time because of Natalie. The man cleverly tried to cover up all the feelings he was feeling and only put on a wry smile. Natalie was indeed being intimate with Dimas, but Dimas realized that there was a distance between them that was not easy to overcome. This made Dimas feel tight in his chest.

In fact, it is natural that there is a distance between Dimas and Natalie because they don't really know each other as superiors and subordinates. That's what Dimas had in mind. Dimas doesn't realize that Natalie is actually the one who knows the most about him.

"Oh, fine. Then I'll wait until the motorcycle taxi you ordered arrives." Dimas breathed languidly. It can't be helped, if Natalie refuses, then Dimas can't force her. Therefore, Dimas can only do what he can do.

Natalie felt a little guilty, but she couldn't do anything about it. This is for the common good because Dave still hasn't come to terms with what happened 3 months ago. "I'm sorry for disappointing you, Dimas."


Natalie arrived at the rented house, and sure enough, Dave was seen waiting outside the apartment. When he heard the sound of the motorbike, Dave immediately moved the wheelchair towards Natalie, who had just gotten off the motorbike.

Natalie grimaced at Dave's gloomy face. "Brother, ... why are you outside?"

Dave stared coldly at Natalie, his mouth opened to say something but closed again. Dave snorted, then moved the wheelchair to turn around and started to enter the apartment. Sensing that the person behind him was not following him, Dave stopped the wheelchair.

"Still not following me?! You want to sleep outside, Natalie?!" Dave's baritone voice gave a strong pressure that made Natalie quickly approach her brother.

"No! I want to avoid sleeping outside, Brother! Fine, I've followed you." Natalie said hastily. Dave was worried and angry at the same time, Natalie didn't dare to make her brother even more angry with her.

Natalie was about to help Dave by pushing the wheelchair, but Dave pushed Natalie's hand away. Dave glared at Natalie. "Stand beside me! Don't even try to dodge!"

Natalie seemed to want to escape Dave's wrath. She was even more confused because Dave knew her plan. "Fine! Fine! I'll be next to Big Brother!"

After confirming that Natalie was beside him, Dave moved the wheelchair again. Their mouths were tightly clenched even after they entered the rented house.

"Sit down, and explain the reason for your lateness today!" Dave folded his arms across his chest, looking like a father interrogating his daughter who didn't come home on time.

Natalie obediently sat on the chair in the living room. Natalie's rented house is quite spacious because it has a complete room. Compared to the convenience, the monthly fee is also expensive.

Natalie swallowed nervously. Stealing glances at Dave to see her brother's expression. Natalie immediately lowered her head when she saw Dave's gloomy expression that looked scary.

Maybe this is the influence of Dave, who is a former mafia leader, the aura that Dave gives off is no joke. Natalie felt like she was suffocating with the eerie atmosphere in the room. It used to seem like Dave had never shown his dark side to Natalie, but now it seemed that Dave couldn't hold himself back and made a dark side of himself visible in front of Natalie.

Natalie stammered. "I-I… have more work, Brother. S-so, I finished it right away and didn't expect to be late for home."

Dave frowned, Dave's facial expression getting worse. "So, Dimas made you work so hard?! He even gave you work when it was time for you to go home?! That man! I didn't like him at the first meeting!"

Natalie widened her eyes. Indeed, she worked more because of Dimas, but Natalie herself took the initiative to do so. Dimas never intended to make Natalie do his part. "It's not like that, Brother! Dimas doesn't delegate work to me! But… isn't it natural that employees like me sometimes come home late because they have extra work or overtime?"

Dave glared at Natalie. "Requirements! Remember the conditions I made, Natalie! You are allowed to work at Dimas's place as his secretary as long as you don't work overtime and come home late! You are also not allowed to work too hard beyond your ability! Have you forgotten the requirements?!"

Dave was getting so angry that Natalie knew she had said the wrong thing. Natalie had a hard time in the face of Dave's anger. "I didn't forget, Brother! I was late because… accidentally! Dimas had a fever today and I took care of him. So, I also did some of Dimas's work. I… I just meant to help him. Because I was tired, I fell asleep."

Dave snorted coldly after hearing Natalie's true explanation. Dave had guessed that there must be a lie in Natalie's earlier words. "You violated the second requirement, Natalie! You worked too hard beyond your means because you did Dimas's part! A few days ago, you complained that your job was very difficult. But, you did Dimas's part?! Isn't that too pushy?!"

Natalie looked down even more when she realized the mistake she had made. "I'm sorry, Brother."

Dave took a deep breath. His hand moved the wheelchair to return to the room. "I'm disappointed in you, Natalie. You violated the terms we agreed to at the start."

Natalie closed her eyes when she heard the sound of the door closing loudly. It's messed up. Even though Natalie managed to make Dimas not accept Dave's anger, her brother was still angry with him. Dave was even disappointed in Natalie.

Natalie rubbed her face guiltily. "I'm sorry, Brother."