16. It's My Fault, Brother.

Natalie's Saturday got off to a rough start. Saturday-Sunday is the day off Natalie gets after working from Monday-Friday. Natalie should be happy on a holiday like this. But, considering the conflict that occurred last night, Natalie couldn't calm down.

Natalie got out of bed and styled her messy hair. She hadn't showered and was still wearing her nightgown from last night. Natalie opened the bedroom door with a slow motion. Popped her head out of the room to see if Dave's door was open.

"Still closed. Are you still angry?" Natalie bit her lower lip. Anxiety immediately came over, Natalie couldn't calm down if Dave was angry with her. This is a rare situation. Moreover, in the five years Natalie lived with Dave, her brother always treated Natalie well.

However, one mistake that Natalie made Dave disappointed and angry with his young sister. Natalie's lips curled downwards, she staggered towards the kitchen to cook some food. Usually, Dave always wakes Natalie in the morning, but this day Dave didn't.

Natalie took a deep breath. "Hah, I better apologize to Brother Dave again. Yesterday, he wanted to avoid listening to my apology."

Natalie opened the refrigerator and took some groceries. Natalie languidly chopped carrots for soup. On the one hand, Natalie doesn't want to miss the opportunity to be with Dimas, so she takes care of Dimas wholeheartedly when he has a fever. Natalie even does Dimas's work as best she can.

As it turned out, everything she did unknowingly violated the terms she had agreed with her brother. Natalie didn't mean to disappoint her brother. However, she couldn't just ignore things related to Dimas.

"When a man is angry, it's hard to persuade him." Natalie pursed her lips, lamenting the uneasiness she was feeling.

On the other hand, Dave had just come out of the room. His head turned to the side for a moment to see if Natalie was awake or not. Natalie's bedroom door was wide open, indicating that the owner had left.

Knowing this, Dave moved the wheelchair to the kitchen. Dave's nose could smell the delicious aroma of cooking coming from the kitchen. Of course, Natalie was there cooking their breakfast.

Dave watched from afar the slender figure of Natalie, who was frying eggs. Natalie's body is indeed tall, Dave doesn't even doubt Natalie's ability. His young sister wasn't weak like most of the girls out there. Natalie had lived a hard life, she was even someone who could invent sophisticated weapons to sell at illegal auctions.

Before Natalie got the peace she is now, she always made ends meet by selling all the weapons she made. It was the skill that Doni, their father, had been aiming for.

Dave sighed heavily, to be honest, he was still disappointed that Natalie had violated the terms that had been agreed upon from the start. But, if you think about it, Dave shouldn't have had to rebuke Natalie so harshly and even raise his voice. Natalie must have feared Dave because Dave looked scary at the time.

Dave lowered his head, staring at his feet, which he no longer expected to be able to be used as before. "I didn't mean to scold her. But if I didn't scold her harshly, Natalie would make the same mistake again."

Suddenly, Dave saw a head resting on Dave's lap. Dave's eyes saw that it was Natalie who was now kneeling on the floor.

"Brother, I'm sorry. It is not my intention to violate the terms. However, I'm worried about Dimas and try to do the best for him." Natalie lifted her head to look directly at Dave. Natalie put on a sad face, looking at her brother pitifully so as not to get angry at her again.

Dave was silent for a long time, looking at Natalie's face. Dave's hand reached out for Natalie to close her eyes in fear. Dave's breath hitched at the sight of Natalie, who was afraid of him. Dave put his hand on Natalie's hair and stroked it.

"I'm sorry for being too rude, Nata… It's my fault, maybe I'm demanding too much from you. Unknowingly, I restrained you, Natalie…" Dave smiled sadly, as a brother, he prioritized his young sister. Dave has always wanted to be a good brother to his only young sister, Natalie. Despite being a half-brother, Dave considers Natalie family. Families have to take care of each other, that's what Dave wanted.

However, he had unconsciously restricted Natalie's movements too much. It doesn't seem like a good move eventually.

Seeing Dave's face that looked self-blaming, Natalie's chest tightened. Natalie hugged Dave's waist tightly. "It's not Brother's fault, why are you apologizing? I was the one who was at fault, so don't blame yourself. Brother Dave can demand anything from me, scold me if I'm wrong because I prefer that way than making you sad."

Natalie buried her face in Dave's stomach. Natalie swore she didn't want an ending like this. Even though Natalie has prepared various kinds of apologies if Dave doesn't accept her apology. However, unexpectedly, it turns out that Dave actually blames himself. Natalie felt more and more guilty seeing her brother gloomy.

"Don't blame yourself, Brother. It's my fault."

Dave stroked Natalie's hair gently. A faint smile etched on Dave's handsome face. "Fine. I'll forgive you as long as you promise me one thing."

Natalie lifted her head in a quick motion. Her mouth fell slightly open in disbelief that Dave had forgiven her so easily.

Dave patted the top of Natalie's head, snapping her out of her surprise. "How? Do you want to promise me one thing?"

Natalie winked. After a moment, she nodded her head. "I will promise!"

"Promise me to always take the time to tell me if something suddenly happens. Like Dimas who has a fever, and you take care of him until he's late to go home." Dave stretched his pinky in front of Natalie's face.

Natalie hooked her pinky finger with Dave and nodded her head without any objections. "I promise, Brother! I will give you news about things that happened unexpectedly."

Dave can now breathe a sigh of relief. If so, Dave would believe Natalie's promise. "I'm worried, Nata. Even though you're strong and able to protect yourself. Still, as a brother, I'm worried about my young sister who works out there."

Natalie could feel the love radiating from Dave's eyes, which were staring at her intently. Natalie was touched to feel how much love Dave for her. Why had Natalie not realized that this man in front of her loved her very much and wanted to protect her from their father. Dave even received various kinds of violence from his father to protect his young sister, who was abandoned on the streets.

"Thank you for worrying about me, Brother… I'll definitely take good care of myself, so you don't have to worry." Natalie hugged Dave back with a burst of feelings.

Dave patted Natalie on the back. "Alright. Now, it's time for us to eat. Haven't you finished cooking?"

Natalie widened her eyes when she remembered the finished food. Natalie quickly broke the hug and stood up to push Dave's wheelchair into the dining room. "I forgot, Brother. The food is ready, we just have to eat now."

Natalie smiled cheerfully because she was finally able to make up with her brother. Natalie painstakingly served the food on a plate and then solemnly enjoyed the food she made herself. After eating, Natalie intended to clean up the dirty dishes for her to wash.

Dave grabbed Natalie's hand and picked up the dirty plate, carrying it on his lap. "Leave me alone. You better relax watching TV. It's your day off, make good use of it."

Dave moved the wheelchair towards the sink. Natalie's eyes followed Dave until Dave disappeared into the kitchen. She turned towards the living room where the TV was there. Just as Natalie sat down on the sofa, she stood up again when she remembered something she had forgotten.

"It's terrible! I forgot to tell Dimas about the business trip schedule!" Natalie frantically ran into the room to get her cell phone.

Natalie looked at the file, which was the schedule she had arranged for Dimas long ago. Natalie opened her cellphone, looking for Dimas's contact for him to call.

- Natalie

Sir, this is the schedule that I have arranged for the business trip you are about to take.

Natalie had already arranged Tuesday that Dimas, and she would go on a business trip to the place where the hotel construction project would be built. She sent Dimas schedules for the future through photos. After solving this problem, Natalie also had to get ready so as not to rush the next day.

- Dimas

Okay. Prepare everything so that there are no mistakes later.

- Natalie

Okay sir.

Very stiff. Natalie smiled wryly. In fact, she really wanted to get rid of the barrier she had deliberately put between herself and Dimas. However, this is not easy to do. Even though they had called each other's names, there was still a great distance between them.

"How long do I have to fight alone like this?"