21. Meeting Old Friends

Natalie took some groceries and put them in the basket. The trolley was left to Dave, and Natalie had to get the basket, so she wouldn't be bothered. Natalie frowned several times while choosing. She was a little confused as to what to buy because it was impossible to randomly pick up groceries without thinking about it.

Actually, Natalie could have bought anything. She has a lot of money without having to depend on a salary at Lawrence Company later or Dave's salary, who is a freelancer. Let's not forget the fact that Natalie used to live on the money that came from auctions.

Natalie hasn't made any new models of weapons yet, but she still has the boxes containing the weapons she's made. Natalie just took it to the auction to be auctioned off. The price of one weapon is even fantastic, especially if Natalie has a lot of them.

"There's still a lot of money in the account. It's just that I can't look extravagant in front of Big Brother Dave." Natalie finally decided to take only what she needed.

Natalie has several ATMs with large balances. Natalie's plan is to buy a house, so she doesn't have to rent it anymore. However, it would be awkward if Natalie bought a house for her to live with Dave. Natalie was worried about hurting Dave's pride as a man. Then, as the older brother, of course, Dave will feel guilty and feel that he is useless.

After Dave's mafia group was wiped out, he had nothing, not even a penny. That's because Aditya has taken all of Dave's assets without leaving anything left. Natalie didn't mind that, she was already grateful that Aditya wanted to let Dave go and didn't kill him. So, Dave was Natalie's responsibility.

Natalie didn't tell Dave that she planned to sell the guns she had piled up in the warehouse. So far, they have been living on Natalie's and Dave's money, who tried hard to find a job in between his limitations.

Natalie tucked her hair behind her ear because it was blocking her view when she looked down. "Even though I want Big Brother Dave to just rest at home. However, he insists on working to help me, even though he knows that the money he makes is not as much as my money."

"Who insists?"

Natalie jumped, she almost screamed in surprise at the voice that suddenly replied to her. Natalie's head suddenly turned to the source of the voice. When she saw the owner of the voice, Natalie's pupils widened as she recognized the owner of the voice.

"Dira!" Natalie instantly rushed into Dira's arms. Longing welled up in her chest. It had been a long time since Natalie had seen Dira. Since going to college, they are both busy, so they rarely exchange messages, let alone see each other.

Dira smiled a little and patted Natalie's back. "So, why did you disappear like being swallowed by the earth, huh? Even though, I've been waiting for you to come to Angel Company. I've prepared an important position in the company, but you didn't come too or even just registered when the job vacancy opened."

Natalie's height is the same as the average male height, while Dira is less than 160 cm, and she looks petite. So, Natalie had to lean forward when hugging Dira. "I miss you."

"Hmm, me too."

They hugged for a long time. After the longing they felt was healed a little, Natalie untied her embrace. "Dir, how have you been all this time?"

She raised an eyebrow with a crooked smile. She shrugged her shoulders as she stretched out her arms. "Well, as you can see, I'm fine. How about yourself? There appears to be a lot of trouble?"

Natalie blinked, she studied every inch of Dira's body and did not see the slightest wound. Dira seems to be in good condition. Natalie's eyes accidentally caught the figure standing tall beside Dira.

Dira, who realized that Natalie was staring at the person beside her, immediately gave an explanation without being asked. "Azka and I want to buy food and some snacks. I happened to meet you here, Nat."

Dira nudged Azka's arm to at least say a few words to Natalie, who was once a classmate of hers. Azka lowered his gaze to see that Dira was glaring at him.

Azka turned to look straight at Natalie. He finally paid attention to Natalie's whereabouts. Azka smiled faintly. "Nice to meet you again, Nat. How are you and Dimas? I feel guilty because I haven't had time to visit Dimas who is being treated."

Natalie's eyes twitched after hearing Azka's words. Natalie didn't expect Azka to talk to her. However, when Azka asked about Dimas, Natalie finally remembered that she had not yet had time to tell all of Dimas' friends that Dimas had woken up from a coma. This happened because Natalie was busy preparing to join the Lawrence Company.

Natalie grimaced as she scratched her cheek with her index finger. "Uhm, actually… Dimas has woken up from a coma."

Azka's flat face turned into a surprised one. Azka could no longer control his expression when he found out that Dimas, his best friend, had woken up. "When did he wake up?! Is he okay?! Is he mad that I and the others weren't there when he woke up?!"

Natalie did not expect to be asked various questions about Dimas. She swallowed hard. How to convey about Dimas' condition? Not only was she late in telling others that Dimas had woken up from a coma three months ago, Natalie couldn't bear to say that everyone had been forgotten by Dimas.

Dimas doesn't even remember Natalie, let alone Azka and the others. "Dimas woke up three months ago. But, he…"

This time, Dira was also interested in knowing Dimas' condition. Realizing Natalie's anxiety, Dira has a feeling that Natalie will give a little bad news.

Azka's eyes widened, he was surprised to know the fact that Dimas had woken up from a coma for a long time. How could Azka get such good news so late?!

Azka frowned in displeasure. "Why are you giving good news like this now?! You should have contacted one of us! I also have the right to know about Dimas! Then, what about Dimas?! Say it clearly!"

Natalie had expected that Azka's response would be filled with anger. Well, it's natural for Azka to be angry because he is Dimas's best friend and has the right to know about Dimas. This is purely Natalie's fault for being careless for not telling the others, even though Natalie is not the only one who cares about Dimas's condition.

"Sorry, I was too busy thinking about my condition. Then, regarding Dimas, he had indeed woken up from a coma. But, he forgot everything. His memory only reached when he was a genius."

As if struck by lightning in broad daylight, Azka was stunned to hear Natalie's words. This really surprised him more than the news that Dimas woke up from a coma. Azka swallowed hard. "M-meaning… he…"

"He forgot everyone but his family. He even respected his father without remembering that he dumped him as a child." Natalie looked down with a heavy feeling, recalling the fact that Dimas had forgotten everything, Natalie couldn't help but feel sad. "He even forgot about me and the days we had."

Dira gripped Azka's hand tightly, channeling her feelings to at least strengthen Azka who was shaken. "Azka, calm yourself down."

Dira stroked Azka's arm, hoping that the man would no longer be shaken. Dira turned to observe Natalie, who was in a sad mood. If Azka's reaction is like this, what about Natalie, who witnessed it firsthand and became the first person to know about Dimas' condition? Of course, Natalie was very shaken.

Dira finally understood why Natalie was so late in telling the others this news. Natalie took a long time to reorganize her heart and mind because Dimas had forgotten about her and even their love story.

Being forgotten by someone we love is certainly not an easy thing to accept. It always takes time to act like nothing happened. Natalie felt deep sadness. Dira did not know how heavy the pain that filled Natalie's heart was. Natalie's worst moments, Dira was not by her side. She felt guilty about this.

"Natalie, ... I don't blame you for telling us too late. I know that it's difficult to accept everything because you wouldn't expect something like that to happen to Dimas after waking up from a coma." Dira saw Natalie looking at her with a complicated look. She smiled sadly. "I'm sorry for not being by your side when you needed the support of someone beside you."

Natalie's eyes immediately heated up when she was reminded of the heartache that was not easy to ignore. "Thank you for understanding, Dira."

She smiled a little. "So… do you want to share your problems with me later? We'll talk after we're done with each other. What do you want, Nat?"

Natalie closed her eyes and nodded her head. At this moment, her head was filled with memories of Dimas. "I want, Dir. Besides, I also need friends to share stories with."

Dira tapped Natalie's shoulder several times to strengthen her friend. "I'll be a good listener. So don't hesitate to tell me everything later. Who knows, I can help solve the problem you're facing."

Natalie held Dira's hand, which was on her shoulder. "Of course, Dir."

Natalie lowered her head, her gaze accidentally caught sight of a basket lying on the floor with groceries filling the basket. Natalie's eyes widened as she remembered that she didn't come to the mall alone, but with Dave.

Dave! Natalie remembered she left Dave to pick out food and snacks. It had been quite a while since Natalie had left Dave alone. She had to get back to Dave right away because something bad could happen to Dave. Then, it is possible that there will be people playing pranks on Dave because Dave's condition is paralyzed.

In a panic, Natalie took the basket back. "Dir, where will we meet later? I each have other business, Dir"

Dira frowned, thinking of a suitable place to discuss the gloomy things later. "It's better to eat at a place to eat on the third floor of this mall. After your business is done, come over there!"

Natalie nodded her head in agreement with Dira's words. "Okay, see you later!"

Natalie turned and walked briskly towards the place where she had left Dave alone. When turning, Natalie saw that Dave was contemplating looking at the snacks placed on the trolley.

"Brother, I'm done!" Natalie put on a smile, trying to get rid of the sadness that was clearly visible on her face.

Dave blinked, then looked at Natalie. "Thank goodness you came back safely. Have you bought all the necessary groceries?"

Dave didn't notice the sadness in Natalie's eyes because Natalie had hidden it so well this time. She just wanted Dave not to worry because Dave knew best how Natalie was when she was at her worst.

"That's it, Brother! Are you okay while I'm gone? Have I left Brother Dave alone for too long?" Natalie asked seriously.

Dave shook his head. "Nothing bad happened to me. So don't worry, Natalie."

Natalie nodded her head in understanding. She could finally breathe a sigh of relief over Dave. "I'm glad that Big Brother is okay."

Dave smiled faintly. "I'm also glad that you want to come back."