20. (Not) A Couple

The noise of the hairdryer was heard while Natalie was drying Dave's hair, which was finished dyeing. Natalie is still at Ri Salon, she has also finished with her previous business of changing her hairstyle.

Natalie's shoulder-length straight hair had now turned wavy. Natalie looks even more beautiful with this new hairstyle. Previously, thinking that her hair treatment would take a long time, Natalie finally asked Dave to change his hair too.

Natalie always wanted Dave to be different. Dave's black hair color has changed to brown. At first, Dave refused to dye his hair, but Natalie begged Dave to change his hair color. Then, what happens next? Of course, Dave couldn't refuse Natalie's request, who seemed genuinely eager to see his in a different light.

Dave glanced at Natalie, who seemed enthusiastic about taking care of his hair. Even though there are still Ri Salon workers who handle Dave's hair. However, Natalie insisted on drying Dave's hair himself after washing it.

"So… why am I also making changes?"

Dave could see, Natalie was chuckling amused as she styled Dave's dry hair. Dave's hair is styled in such a way with a side parting. Dave's manly aura was so visible after Dave dyed his hair.

"I've always wanted to dye my hair. But that's not possible because I have to work in the office. When I was still in school, I couldn't because I was going to the Counseling Agency Room. So… I only made my wish come true through Brother Dave." Natalie giggled, feeling funny for her reasons.

Dave could only sigh after hearing Natalie's excuse. Dave's hand held the mirror that reflected his face. Dave saw his reflection in the mirror which looked different from Dave, who had not dyed his hair. Dave admits he looks good with his new hair.

Dave's fingers held a tuft of hair on his forehead. "Why did you choose brown? Didn't you say my face looks like an outsider? I thought you would dye my hair blonde."

Natalie put down the comb used to style Dave's dry hair. Natalie smiled widely. "Because I like chocolate. It's funny to compare Brother Dave's hair color with the chocolate I eat."

The corner of Dave's lips twitched at Natalie's explanation. So, ... the color of his hair is the same as a brown? Not only that, what was even more surprising was how could Natalie come up with these ideas? Tsk, she must be bored to think of unique ideas.

Natalie put her arms around Dave's neck. Then, resting her chin on Dave's shoulder, looked at Dave through the reflection of the mirror Dave was still holding. "Don't be angry, Brother. My reasoning doesn't make sense. But, that's what I wanted."

Dave certainly couldn't get angry over a trivial matter like this. Moreover, this is Natalie's request. "I'm not angry. After all, if you think this is good, and you like it, then so am I."

The corners of Dave's lips lifted into a small smile. Dave's big palm stroked Natalie's head. "Our business at the salon is over. Shall we go home?"

Natalie stared in the mirror for a moment, thinking about what they were going to do next. It was a holiday, so Natalie wanted to have some fun with Dave, who was just at home. Natalie wanted at least Dave to be refreshed and not depressed by his paralyzed condition.

"We're going to the mall! I have to do some shopping too." Natalie distanced herself from Dave and pushed Dave's wheelchair out of the Ri Salon after paying for the treatment they did.

At first, Natalie deliberately came to Ri Salon to do hair treatments and at the same time meet Richard, the person who used to help her free Dimas who was locked up by Doni and tortured in such a way that he fell into a coma. Natalie wants to give news that Dimas has woken up from a coma, she at least wants to share little information about Dimas.

Natalie lost touch with Richard because she was busy pursuing her education while taking care of Dave. So, Natalie unknowingly distanced herself from the people who used to surround her. Then, when Natalie thought of Ri Salon, she looked for Richard's contacts saved on her cell phone. When she was about to call Richard, it turned out that Richard's number was no longer active. Richard seemed to have changed his number. So, Natalie came straight to Ri Salon.

"But he's nowhere to be seen." Natalie could only swallow back her intention to meet Richard because until she was done with her hair treatment, Richard didn't pop the bridge of her nose. Looks like Richard wasn't at Ri Salon and was out looking for some information.

Natalie actually meets Eveline, who gets her day off. It seemed that only Richard was still doing his job. As the owner of Ri Salon, Richard is really a very hardworking person and takes good care of his business.

"Next time I come here to see Richard."

"Nata, why are you silent? Is something bothering you?" Dave looked at Natalie, scrutinizing her slightly gloomy expression.

They were already in front of the Ri Salon, and Natalie had not yet taken out her cell phone to order a taxi online. The location of Ri Salon is a bit remote, so there are no taxis milling about. They have to book through the app if they want to board the vehicle.

Natalie snapped out of her reverie, blinked a few times. She lowered her head to look at Dave, who looked worried. "I'm fine, Brother. Just thinking about old acquaintances who haven't seen each other yet."

"Hmm, really?" Dave squinted, making sure Natalie wasn't lying by hiding her problem.

Natalie smirked. "Right. Why would I lie?"

Natalie pulled out her cell phone to order a taxi. Thereafter, they waited for a while. The taxi Natalie had ordered finally arrived, and she got inside with Dave.

Arriving at the mall, Natalie along with Dave entered the place, which was filled with people passing by. Dave with his brown hair and sitting in a wheelchair stands out because he is different from the others. Plus, Natalie looks beautiful with her new hairstyle.

One is handsome, unfortunately has to sit in a wheelchair. Meanwhile, the other one is beautiful and looks perfect. They look like a pair of lovers who complement each other. People who do not know, of course, think they are suitable for each other.

Moreover, the chemistry between the two is not like brother and young sister, so many mistakenly think that they are lovers. However, if you look closely, Dave shows affection between siblings instead of affection for lovers.

"Nata, where are we going first?"

Natalie thought for a moment. The refrigerator for rent has run out of most of its contents. Some groceries were also unavailable. So, Natalie decided to go shopping for some groceries and snacks to snack on while she was relaxing.

"We're going to buy some groceries."

Rows of shelves filled with various items were exposed in front of Natalie and Dave. Dave pushed the trolley while Natalie pushed the wheelchair. "Brother, you take some snacks. I'll take the groceries there first."

Dave nodded his head without any objections. "Fine. I'll wait here."

Natalie couldn't really calm down if she left Dave alone. Natalie knew Dave had grown up, moreover he was his brother. However, Dave's condition still made Natalie worried if something happened to Dave.

"Is it okay, Brother Dave waiting here?" Natalie said in a hesitant tone.

Seeing Natalie looking confused, Dave snorted in amusement. "Nata, I'm not a child. Even if I'm paralyzed, I'm not a fool who would jump out of a wheelchair and fall on the floor for exerting myself."

Natalie felt guilty for making Dave mention the condition of his leg. Natalie didn't mean to make Dave look stupid in his current state. "Brother, I don't think you're stupid! I just…"

"I see, Natalie. Come on, hurry and get the groceries we need. Then hurry back if you're worried about leaving me here alone." Dave shook his head in disbelief at how worried Natalie was. But Dave knew why Natalie was worried about him.

At that time, Natalie missed and made Dave have to be paralyzed because several small mafia groups ganged up on Dave. Dave was in a battered state when he was found, moreover, he broke his leg and eventually became paralyzed.

Apparently, Natalie was paranoid if she was just a little careless, then Dave would have experienced the same thing. Dave flashed a wide smile until his eyes narrowed. "I'm fine, Natalie. If someone bothers me, I'll scream. So, you don't have to worry."

Natalie exhaled. "Okay, Brother. I'll be right back!"

Natalie ran to the section where the groceries were placed. Dave watched Natalie's back slowly disappear after a turn. Seeing Natalie, who had disappeared, Dave did his part of picking up some snacks.

Dave smiled a little, his heart slowly warmed remembering Natalie who cared about him. "Natalie, thank you for caring about this brother of yours who did so many wrongs in the past."