23. How Dare He!

Moments before, Dimas saw Natalie at the mall.

Dedrick glanced at Dimas who was leaning on the car seat with his arms folded in front of his chest. Dimas was seen staring out the car window with raging thoughts. Dedrick returned his focus to driving, then shook his head.

Dimas looks confused because he can't confirm his feelings for the one he loves. Dedrick is concerned about Dimas's slightly blunt knowledge of romantic relationships. Dedrick even had to turn into a love consultant and give Dimas some advice, so he wouldn't get lost in the future.

"Looks like he still needs refreshing." Dedrick smiled mysteriously, his hand turning the steering wheel not towards the mansion but to another place.

Dimas realized this because the road he saw was different from the one that should lead to the mansion. Dimas's head quickly turned to the side, looking annoyed at his brother.

"Brother Rick! Where are you taking me this time?!"

Dedrick laughed cheerfully. "Wherever you go. After all, on holidays you have to refresh often. Don't you have to worry about doing a mountain of office work that doesn't end?"

Dimas snorted coldly. "Okay. I reiterate, don't take me to strange places like before!"

Dedrick shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I can't be sure."

Dimas growled angrily. Why is Dedrick's attitude getting more and more annoying over time?! "Brother Rick!"

"Okay, okay. I'm just joking, Dimas. You take my jokes too seriously."

Dedrick feels he did the right thing by taking Dimas to crowded places because Dimas is always cooped up in the office to finish his endless work. What would Dimas be like if he didn't spend time outside and only focused on work? Dimas will definitely be a man who is rigid and blind to his feelings for the woman he likes.

Dimas rolled his eyes lazily then grumbled, "How can I not take it seriously if Brother Rick has taken me to a strange place before?!"

Dedrick grimaced in guilt. He didn't mean to make Dimas feel uncomfortable for bringing Dimas to the club'. Dedrick's only intention was to show Dimas the secret he was hiding. However, it turns out that Dimas doesn't like the club atmosphere, which is bustling with deafening music.

Dedrick smiled guiltily. "I'm sorry, Dimas. You know, I just want to show you the work I do in secret."

Dimas sighed. "Okay, Brother. I understand that."

The car driven by Dedrick began to enter the parking area of ​​a mall. Dimas felt the car slowly stop, he got out of the car together with Dedrick. Dimas glanced around the crowded area.

"A mall?" Dimas walked over to Dedrick who was on the other side of the car.

Dedrick nodded his head, stuffed his hands in his trouser pockets. "Yeah, a mall. It's not a strange place, is it?"

Dimas scratched his nape. "Yeah, really. But… why take me to the mall, Brother? Do you want to buy some things?"

Dedrick shook his head, then pulled Dimas' hand to follow him. "We're going to the third floor of the mall. There's food that I like. I want you to try it because it's perfect."

Dimas jogged following Dedrick who seemed enthusiastic in talking about food on the third floor of the mall. Dimas raised an eyebrow and said hesitantly. "What's that delicious?"

"Of course! I've tried it myself. You should taste the delicacy too!" Dedrick answered without hesitation. His eyes showed confidence that he wasn't lying about the deliciousness of the food he was referring to.

Seeing how enthusiastic Dedrick was, Dimas could not refuse his brother's wish. He finally could only nod in resignation. "Okay, Brother."

Dimas was looking forward to what kind of food Dedrick was referring to, which was described as very delicious. However, who would have thought that after they entered the place where the food that Dedrick liked was located, it turned out that Dimas saw a sight that made his heart throb in pain.

"Brother, you said I have to confirm my feelings for that person. Now, it seems that I already know my feelings for her. I will say it with complete confidence. I really like her!"

Dedrick was surprised to hear the sudden confession from Dimas. It appears that Dedrick already knows the trigger for Dimas' statement. Dedrick said doubtfully. "Is that woman you like… your secretary?"

Dimas nodded his head without the slightest hesitation. "Yes! Natalie is my crush!"

Dimas said firmly. Dedrick doesn't doubt the truth of Dimas' words because Dimas looks like he can't lie. Dedrick now realized that the words he said earlier had really angered Dimas.

Dedrick scratched his cheek, feeling awry. "Uhm, Dimas. Don't think about what I said earlier. It could be that the man in the wheelchair isn't Natalie's boyfriend. They may just look close, but they don't have any relationship. Yes, that could be it. Ha-ha-ha."

Dedrick laughed awkwardly, he didn't know what to say to calm Dimas's bad mood. Dedrick is a fun and sociable man. He was even famous among the women who came to Vivi's Club'. However, there is one thing that Dedrick finds difficult to do apart from doing office work. He's not good at entertaining people.

Dimas glanced sharply at Dedrick to make sure that Dedrick said this was not a joke. Dimas raised an eyebrow, doubting his brother's words. "How likely is it that they weren't lovers?"

Dedrick averted his gaze. "Well, maybe 50%. But, isn't it important that you still have a chance?"

Dimas pondered for a moment, then nodded his head. "You're right, Brother. As long as I have the chance, I won't give up so easily!"

Dimas is determined to keep fighting for his feelings for Natalie. After seeing Natalie with someone else, Dimas was even more convinced that he liked Natalie. The doubts that previously filled his heart, have now disappeared when he witnessed for himself how Natalie smiled happily with another man.

Dimas' heart heats up, his heart throbs in pain every time he sees Natalie smiling sweetly while leaning on another man's shoulder comfortably. Dimas still clearly remembers the man sitting in the wheelchair is the same man who three months ago was with Natalie in the hospital when he woke up from his fainting — actually in a coma, but Dimas thought it was just an ordinary faint because he had forgotten everything.

"First, we have to sit near them, so you know what they're talking about!" Dedrick took the initiative to pull Dimas to sit near the table occupied by Natalie. They were only a table away from Natalie, so they could still hear the conversation going on at Natalie's table.

Dedrick waved to call the waiter and order some food. After working at Vivi's Club' even for a few hours, Dedrick felt tired and hungry too. So, he took Dimas to the mall to eat delicious food. However, Dedrick did not expect to make Dimas witness a scene that caused jealousy.

Dimas watched Natalie seriously while covering part of his face with the menu book that was on the table. Dimas listened carefully, so he could hear the conversation from Natalie's table. Dimas's hands were clenched into fists when he saw Natalie, who never pulled away and no longer leaned on the man's shoulder — Dave.

"Dimas, eat first. They also seem to still be eating here. So don't worry, they will leave when you look away even for a moment." Dedrick pushed a plate containing food that Dimas did not know the name of.

This is the first time Dimas has seen the food. However, from its appearance, it looks tempting to make all who see it want to taste the food. Dimas glanced at Natalie for a moment to make sure that Natalie was still there.

Dimas' hand took a spoon to try the delicacy of the food, which made Dedrick look enthusiastic. When he managed to put the food in his mouth, Dimas looked back at Natalie.

Instantly, Dimas's eyes caught sight that made him almost explode. There, Natalie was seen leaning on Dave's shoulder, and Dave patted the top of Natalie's head with a gentle smile.

"What kind of sight is this?! How can he stroke Nata's hair?!" Dimas shouted angrily in his heart.

Dimas's teeth chattered, his hands gripped the spoon so tightly that his hands trembled. "How dare! How dare he touch Nata!"

Dedrick also saw Natalie and saw the same scene that Dimas saw. Dedrick swallowed the food that was in his throat with difficulty. Dedrick took a drink and took a sip of it.

After successfully loosening his throat which felt full, Dedrick's hand reached out to pat Dimas' shoulder, hoping that his younger brother could control himself. "Calm down, Dimas. Don't let Natalie know you're here! She might feel uncomfortable with you, who looks like a stalker."

Dedrick winked, after thinking about what they were doing right now, including stalking Natalie. Dedrick corrected his speech. "Just don't get caught! She won't like it!"

Dimas just looked at Natalie with cold eyes that froze his heart. A cynical smile was etched on Dimas' handsome face, which now looked evil. "I'm sorry I have to tell you this, Brother. But, the food you like tastes bitter to me."

Dedrick felt like shouting at Dimas. "That's because the bitterness in your heart reaches your tongue, so you can't taste the deliciousness."

Dimas did not have the appetite to continue eating, so he put down the spoon he was holding tightly before. Dimas seriously observed every movement of Natalie and Dave.

"Get away from that man, Nata!" Dimas can't wait to see Natalie distance herself from Dave.

It seems that the Almighty is siding with Dimas, Dimas' wish has come true. Natalie lifted her head, so it wasn't leaning back on Dave's shoulder. The food on Natalie's table had arrived, so Natalie had to eat first.

Dimas breathed a sigh of relief because he no longer saw the scene that made him feel the fire of jealousy burning. Dimas knows he is nothing Natalie's boyfriend and only a boss when in the office. However, Dimas still feels angry because Natalie is close to another man. They had kissed, how could Dimas easily accept Natalie being close to another man?!

"I wish she wasn't just playing with me." Thinking of the possibility that Natalie was just playing with his feelings, Dimas felt tightness in his chest. His heart was even beating with a painful beat.

Dimas glared at Natalie. "I don't like seeing you with other men, Nata… Only I can be with you!"

It seems that Dimas has really been entangled in Natalie's evil charm, who is perfect at seducing other people. Just imagining Natalie being in a relationship with Dave already made Dimas angry thinking about it, especially if that were to happen.

"Don't let them have a relationship! It will be very difficult to approach Nata later if she has a lover."

Dimas shoulders drooping weakly with his lips curved downwards. When he looked again at Natalie, Dimas was getting more and more furious to see another sight that made his heart burn even more.

Natalie looked so concerned about the man beside her — Dave. This made Dimas jealous and wanted to be in the position of the man who he thought was lucky.

Dimas controlled his ragged breaths with his chest rumbling with anger. "Hold on, Dimas! You can't be angry!"

Dimas tried to control himself, so he wouldn't make a fuss and attract Natalie's attention so that she noticed his presence. Dimas's hands were tightly clenched and his eyes darkened.

"Until when do I have to witness sweet things that look bitter to me?!"