24. Trampled Self-Esteem

The sound of running water came from the faucet in the sink in the women's restroom at the Lawrence Company. It was no longer a holiday, so everyone went back to doing their daily routines like work. Likewise, Natalie is currently washing her hands because she had time to eat snacks and make her hands dirty.

"Hey! I heard there was a rumor saying that Mr. Dimas's secretary spent all day in Mr. Dimas's room and didn't come out once! Then, it turned out that they went out together at home time! This is a questionable thing! What were they doing in that room until didn't come out once?"

Natalie strained her ears when she heard the voice of the woman beside her. Hearing that the topic of conversation was about her and Dimas, Natalie became interested in listening.

"I'm curious, what gossip involves me with Dimas?" Natalie smirked secretly and began to listen to the conversation.

"Where did you hear it, Mrs. Dessy?" asked a woman Natalie seemed to know. She was Gina, an employee who had only worked for almost a month. Gina entered the company together with Zidan and Raka. As far as Natalie knows, Gina is quite agile at work. She even did her job well and made very few mistakes.

Gina is on the finance team, so it's no wonder Natalie knows at least her name, appearance, and work. Seeing that Gina was seen in the conversation, made Natalie curious about what Gina's personality really was.

Natalie lowered her head, her hair hanging down to cover part of her face, so she wouldn't be recognized. It would be awkward if they knew the person being the target of the gossip was actually there and listening.

Dessy, that woman, is also on the finance team. Dessy's age ranges from 30 years and above, the same as Wiwit. Natalie also knows the woman because Dessy is the head of the finance team. Well, it can be assumed that Dessy is a senior in the finance team.

Dessy looked at her reflection in the large mirror on the wall. Her hand holds a lipstick and looks serious putting it on her lips. After hearing Gina's question, Dessy stopped what she was doing, then turned her head to the side.

"You don't believe what I say? Aren't you also in the finance team? Why didn't you notice when Natalie didn't come out of Mr. Dimas' room all day?!" Dessy was furious that a new employee like Gina didn't give her face. Dessy's eyes stared cynically at Gina, who was fixing the makeup on her face.

Gina exhaled, glanced to the side while putting on a fake smile. "I believe it, Ma'am. I was in the finance team, the same team as Natalie. But, at that time, I didn't know that Natalie hadn't been out of Mr. Dimas's room all day. Besides… I'm busy with my work, so my eyes even can't get away from the computer."

Dessy snorted, thinking that Gina's words were just an excuse. "Tsk, you're a no-nonsense employee. Even though I brought the latest news and wanted to discuss it with you. But, what is this?! You're even complaining about your job to me!"

Dessy looked away, unwilling to invite Gina to talk about gossip. As for Gina, she lowered her head. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. I'm an unpleasant person."

Dessy cleaned up her cosmetic equipment and then walked away, ignoring Gina's apology. Gina's face that was previously filled with a smile, her face, slowly turned flat.

Gina turned her body to face the mirror and again adjusted her makeup. A lazy chuckle escaped her mouth. "It's really annoying to have to pretend to be nice in front of seniors."

Natalie raised an eyebrow, she thought that Gina was a nice girl or at least an innocent girl who couldn't justify someone's wrong words. However, after hearing the grunts that came out of Gina's mouth, Natalie could conclude that Gina was a two-faced person.

Natalie put her index finger on her chin. "Hm, she's pretty good at putting on a different face at the right time."

Because her curiosity has been fulfilled, Natalie intends to get out of the toilet immediately. Natalie's body turned and walked past Gina. However, when Natalie was right behind Gina, the woman suddenly turned around.

"Hey, wait!" Gina's hand was on Natalie's shoulder, forcing Natalie to stop in her tracks.

Natalie put her palms on her face to cover part of her face, so that Gina wouldn't recognize it. Natalie cleared her throat softly. "I wonder why?"

Gina watched Natalie's appearance from the side. "Why did I just notice your presence? Where were you when I was talking earlier?"

Natalie deliberately changed her voice so that Gina wouldn't recognize it. "I was beside Mrs. Dessy."

Gina blinked, feeling attracted to the person in front of her who actually knew Dessy. No wonder she didn't see the person in front of her because she was standing next to Dessy, so Gina couldn't see her before. "Are you from the finance team?!"

"Yes, I'm from the finance team." Natalie couldn't lie by saying she was from another department because on this floor, there was only a finance team that Dimas directly supervised.

Gina chuckled, pulling her hand on Natalie's shoulder. The new employee folded her arms across her chest with a cynical face. "So you must know Mrs. Dessy. Don't you think she's really annoying?! Even though she's a team leader and a senior, her attitude is really annoying. Just because I'm a new employee, she delegates a lot of work to me and orders me around. It's really disgusting!"

Natalie grimaced. So, Gina doesn't respond to gossip about herself from Dessy because she wants to gossip about Dessy herself?! What the hell! How can there be such a person?!

Natalie just pursed her lips without wanting to respond to Gina's question. Wow! It turns out that dealing with two-faced people is more difficult than people who are outspoken insults.

"Gina, I have to go back because I haven't finished my work yesterday. Excuse me." Natalie ran out of the toilet, ignoring Gina who was screaming for her.

Natalie breathed a sigh of relief when she arrived at her desk. Natalie sat down in a chair and heard her cell phone ring for a moment in the small bag she was carrying. Natalie opened her bag and took out her cell phone. Turns out there was an incoming message from Dave.

- Brother Dave

Nata, I've packed up the things you asked to put in the suitcase. If there are other items you forgot, please contact me immediately.

- Natalie

Thank you, my dear brother. Okay, brother! I'll call you if I suddenly think of forgotten items.

Natalie smiled widely as she typed a reply to Dave's message. This morning, before leaving for the office, Natalie asked Dave for help to tidy up the things that he had not had time to put in the suitcase. It turned out that her brother had finished cleaning up what Natalie had asked for. Dave never disappoints!

- Brother Dave

Work well. Don't think too much about Dimas. Let him once in a while think of you and be the first to look for you.

Natalie snorted in amusement after reading Dave's message that had just come in. Dave was the most worried about Natalie's plans to approach Dimas aggressively. But Dave's message gave Natalie an idea because there's nothing wrong with trying Dave's suggestion.

Made Dimas think of Natalie and be the first person to look for Natalie. It is possible that these two things can happen, especially since Natalie is already one step closer to Dimas because they have called each other's names.

- Natalie

Great idea, brother! I will do it according to your request.

- Brother Dave

Work spirit! Remember, don't push yourself too hard!

- Natalie

Ready, brother!

Natalie chuckled lightly for sending Dave a red heart sticker. Natalie could imagine Dave's smile when he saw the message. This older brother has a handsome face, he even has a soft side that not many people know about, but because Dave's paralysis makes no girl dare to approach him.

Those who saw Dave's shortcomings would surely chuckle in concern. 'Too bad a handsome man like him has to be crippled.' That's what most people say the first time they see Dave. The girls who liked Dave even had to take a step back because they didn't want to be bothered with Dave's paralysis.

Seeing how much discrimination Dave has received, Natalie is determined to get Dave to walk again. However, it seems that the person in question has simply resigned himself to his situation and considers his paralysis as a karma from past mistakes.

"Nat! Natalie! Why is this kid smiling to herself while looking at her cell phone?!" Wiwit called out to Natalie in a muffled voice.

Dimas had arrived, everyone stood up to greet him in the morning. Only Natalie had not stood up and was busy looking at her phone with a big smile. The happiness emanating from that smile made some people speculate.

Natalie immediately put her phone in her bag and stood up. Raised her head to see Dimas who had stopped in front of her desk. Dimas looked right into Natalie's eyes. Dimas' eyes flashed a chill that froze the heart.

Dimas jaw hardened when he saw Natalie, who was busy looking at her previous cellphone with a big smile. Who was the person who texted Natalie to make her look happy?! Could it be the man who was at the mall at that time?!

Dimas growled softly with his hands slowly clenched tightly. "It's that man again! Actually, what's your relationship with him, Nata?! Is he really your lover?! Then, what about me?!"

Dimas wanted to say all the questions that filled his mind. However, he couldn't ask Natalie, who was only Dimas's secretary. Dimas' relationship with Natalie will be awkward later if it turns out that Natalie really already has a lover when Dimas demands about the status of his relationship with Natalie.

On the other hand, Natalie gulped, feeling a little shrunken when Dimas stared at her so coldly. What actually happened? Didn't they become close because Dimas asked to call each other's names? Now, Natalie actually felt that an invisible distance had re-established between them.

Natalie lowered her head. "Good morning, Mr. Dimas."

Dimas glared at Natalie then looked away and walked away without responding to Natalie's greeting. It was clear that Dimas had rejected Natalie's greetings openly.

Natalie bit the inside of her cheek. Her hands under the table were tightly clenched. Natalie gritted her teeth. "What exactly happened to you, Dimas?! Taking one step closer, then taking two steps back to walk away?! How can you take all those steps without hesitation?!"

Natalie sat back down with a flushed face. Many pairs of eyes have watched her before, it is certain that Dimas' refusal is realized by many people. Natalie's face was red with embarrassment, witnessed by many people like this, Natalie certainly felt her pride being trampled on like a worthless rag.

Natalie's hand took the pen with her head bowed deeply. "Dimas Lawrence. Don't think I love you, you can embarrass me as you please! I will make you pay for your mistake immediately!"


The pen that Natalie was holding tightly to was now broken. Shows how emotional she is towards Dimas. Natalie was furious this time.