25. Natalie's Anger

Dimas sighed after finishing the documents that had previously piled up on his desk. Tired streaks are clearly visible on Dimas' handsome face, which doesn't have a single scratch on his face. Today there are no meetings with business partners or meetings. After all, tomorrow Dimas will go on a business trip. So, Dimas finished all the work in the office first so that he could go on a business trip in peace.

Dimas's back rested on the back of the chair, his head looked up at the ceiling. The image of Natalie's face filled Dimas' head. When Natalie smiled sweetly, Dimas liked that expression. But, to be honest, he preferred it when Natalie was sensual and teasing him.

Uh, is Dimas a pervert if he likes naughty things like that with Natalie?

The glasses that were previously perched on Dimas' nose have been removed. Dimas rubbed his face roughly. He shook his head a few times to get rid of the thought he thought was inappropriate.

Dimas covered his hot face. "She's so cute. How can I not fall for her charms?"

Even just thinking about Natalie, Dimas' heart was beating fast. His face even turned red at the thought of how beautiful Natalie looked when she smiled widely or when she teased him in a slightly intimate manner.

Dimas suddenly remembered Natalie's face, which looked happy, but not with him but with another man. The shy smile that had previously appeared on Dimas's lips slowly faded.

Dimas growled angrily. "Actually, who is he?! Why are they so close?!"

Thinking about it always makes Dimas annoyed. The fire of jealousy burning in his chest made Dimas unable to calm down. That time, after seeing — stalking — Natalie at the mall, Dimas couldn't sleep well. He spent his Sundays in bed thinking about Natalie's relationship with the man Dimas remembers named Dave.

Dimas's eyes flashed as he played back the expression on Natalie's face this morning that looked bad when Dimas ignored her openly in front of everyone. Dimas straightened his gaze and supported his chin.

"Uhm, ... did I go too far this morning?" Dimas bit his lower lip, the anxiety that filled his heart turned into guilt. It seemed that Natalie was surprised to be ignored by Dimas, especially since many employees were paying attention at the time.

Dimas put his cheek on the table. A cold feeling instantly spread across Dimas' skin until it cooled Dimas's head, which was boiling over thinking about Natalie and the company project. "Dimas, Dimas. Looks like you've gone too far. I have to make amends to Nata later."

Well, Dimas will get many opportunities to spend time with Natalie. The business trip that will take place tomorrow will certainly involve Natalie. Only the two of them will go. So, Dimas can use this time to find out about Natalie's relationship with Dave.

Dimas suddenly felt thirsty after making some plans to be made during a business trip later. Dimas straightened his body, the man's hand grabbed the office phone and typed a number.

After the phone was connected to one of the people outside the room, Dimas said his orders. "Hello, Zidan. Bring me coffee and two packets of bread. Let Natalie's secretary carry it to my room."

Dimas immediately hung up the phone after hearing Zidan's reply to the order he gave. It's almost lunchtime. So, Dimas can order Zidan without interrupting his work. Dimas is feeling lazy to get up from his chair, so he prefers to bring coffee and two packs of bread to prop his stomach.

Dimas sighed. "Huh, I wonder what Natalie thinks of me because of my actions this morning?"


Natalie is angry!

To be honest, from the past until now, Natalie didn't like Dimas's cold attitude, like ignoring her. Natalie crumples the paper into a ball and throws it in the trash can that has the same thing in it.

Natalie huffed in annoyance as she stared intently at the computer screen, which became an outlet for anger. "Tsk, damn it! I don't like the attitude of the 'Young Master' from Dimas! It will always be Dimas who is arrogant and cold towards others."

Natalie grumbled quietly, her fingers pressing against the keyboard in a rough motion and making a loud, deafening sound. Wiwit, whose table was not far from Natalie, couldn't take it anymore.

"Natalie! What's wrong with you?! What's the problem with your life that you're taking it out on an innocent keyboard! You're also distracting others with the loud noise you make!" Wiwit rebuked Natalie, who seemed to be in a bad mood. Even though this morning, Natalie was still smiling to herself while looking at her cellphone. Why is she now turning into a person who seems to explode at any moment if disturbed?!

Natalie's fingers stopped, a sigh escaped her mouth. "Sorry, Sis. I didn't mean to distract the others."

Wiwit was actually worried about Natalie, but the work in front of her eyes was even more worrying because it had to be completed and reported to Dimas today after lunch. Wiwit had initially estimated that the work could be completed by lunchtime. However, due to Natalie's distraction, Wiwit's work is delayed a bit. As a result, Wiwit must have had to skip lunch and do her work. Haha, how unlucky she is.

Natalie quietly looked around to see the people on the finance team. In the corner of the room, there was someone Natalie knew. It was Gina, she looked serious, looking at the computer and doing her job well.

Even though Natalie still wonders about Gina's true attitude, she still always admires Gina's ability to get things done. Natalie's eyes rolled around, searching for someone else.

Meet! Natalie's eyes widened when her eyes met Dessy, the team leader, as well as the person who talked about her in the toilet. Natalie wasn't ready to be stared at so suddenly. She was a little confused, unable to avoid her gaze or keep looking at her.

"What should I …" Natalie's thoughts stopped when she saw Dessy smiled sinisterly with a contemptuous look at Natalie and then looked away.

Natalie was surprised to see Dessy's behavior. Oh, what?! So, she wants to openly declare war, huh?! All right, Natalie would definitely serve her then. After all, she needed comfort.


Natalie's head quickly turned to the side and saw Zidan putting down a cup of coffee and two packets of chocolate-flavored bread that everyone generally eats. Zidan smiled cheerfully at being able to rest earlier than the others.

"Sis Nat, please bring this to Mr. Dimas. Mr. Dimas only asked me to bring a cup of coffee and two packs of bread. Then he asked you to take it to his room." Zidan explained about the orders given by Dimas.

Natalie knitted her brows, looking at the objects on her desk. "Mr. Dimas… said that?"

Zidane nodded his head without hesitation. "Yes, that's what Mr. Dimas said over the office phone."

Natalie nodded her head in understanding. "Okay, I'll deliver this to Mr. Dimas. You go and rest!"

Zidane laughed. "Isn't that certain?"

Natalie watched Zidan running towards the elevator to rest downstairs. The other employees who were previously serious about their work, breathed a sigh of relief when lunchtime arrived. Everyone flocked to the elevator to quickly reach the canteen and fill their stomachs.

Natalie once again lowered her head to examine the objects on the table. Natalie's hand reached out to take one of the two loaves of bread. Natalie's eyes scanned the bread wrapper.

"Chocolate flavor…" Natalie mumbled, frowning deeply.

Natalie snorted coldly. "Looks like he didn't say what flavor he liked."

The taste of chocolate is not a taste that Dimas likes. Dimas prefers the strawberry flavor. From his taste alone, Dimas has made Natalie feel that he is an adorable man.

Because Zidan had bought the wrong bread flavor for Dimas, Natalie had to go to the cafeteria to buy another strawberry flavored one. In fact, Natalie didn't want to go to the cafeteria because there would be many tables gossiping about her.

The initial gossip was probably about Natalie not leaving Dimas' room until after office time. Then, the second topic, of course, happened this morning. There would probably be many people laughing at Natalie and talking about her openly.

With unsteady steps, Natalie walked to the elevator and pressed the numbered button where the cafeteria was. Natalie's head leaned against the body of the elevator, her head turned to the side and saw her reflection in the body of the elevator.

Natalie's eyes looked so gloomy looking at herself. "You can still refuse me, Dimas? This time I will make you regret for ignoring me! I am not a person who is patient with someone's cold attitude!"

Natalie smiled coldly imagining what she would do to make Dimas regret his actions that embarrassed Natalie in front of all the employees. Natalie couldn't forget him easily, so she really would avenge what Dimas had done. Well, at least Natalie's revenge still covers her feelings for Dimas.

Natalie chuckled horribly. "Just you wait, Dimas. You won't be able to ignore me anymore!"