68. Agreement

Dimas has good intentions by suggesting that his relationship with Natalie should be kept a secret first. Indeed, if you think about it, if Natalie, who had only been working at the Lawrence Company for two weeks, suddenly started dating Dimas, of course, many people would blaspheme Natalie. Dimas doesn't want people to blame Natalie, even though he really wants Natalie to give certainty about their relationship.

"Nata, ... do you want to try it?" Dimas again asked Natalie, who never gave an answer. Dimas felt anxious waiting for Natalie's answer. Did Dimas push Natalie too much?

Dimas felt uncomfortable, he had the impression that he was very evil because he had made Natalie give certainty, but afterward he even asked Natalie to keep their relationship a secret. This must have made Natalie hurt, and Dimas was worried that Natalie would make a rash decision. What's worse, Natalie will break up with them even though they haven't been dating for 24 hours.
