69. Sweet Memories

Dave is currently in a rented house alone. There is an open laptop on the dining table. Rather than the living room, Dave prefers to be in the dining room while typing his script. That's because the dining table fits Dave perfectly, making it easier for him to type scripts on his laptop.

It's possible on a cell phone too, but Dave's hands go numb easily, so he decides to use a laptop instead. The phone is used when he is out or suddenly comes up with a good idea for his story.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps rang in Dave's ears. The fingers that had previously been moving on the keyboard suddenly stopped. Dave even had to catch his breath to sound steady and in tune with the air.

Dave would ignore the usual sound of footsteps because it wasn't just him and Natalie around the rented house. However, because the sound of the footsteps was more than one, Dave became wary.